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Created March 24, 2024 02:36
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import { passwordGenerator } from "";
const usage = `
Issue onetime password
deno run --allow-net main.ts <user> <token>
// TODO Get token from user name automatically
async function issueOneTimePassword(
token: string,
user: string,
password: string,
): Promise<string> {
const payload = JSON.stringify({
"password": password,
return await fetch(
"method": "PUT",
"credentials": "include",
"headers": {
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0",
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Language": "ja,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "cross-site",
"Sec-GPC": "1",
"Authorization": `bearer ${token}`,
"referrer": "",
"body": payload,
"mode": "cors",
).then((resp) => {
if (resp.ok) {
return password;
} else {
throw new Error(`HTTP error: ${Array.from(resp.headers)}`);
//async function readLine(prompt: string): Promise<string> {
// console.log(prompt);
// const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
// const n = await;
// return new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n)).trim();
async function setRetry<T>(
operation: () => Promise<T>,
maxRetries: number,
delay: number,
): Promise<T> {
try {
return await operation();
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);
if (maxRetries > 0) {
console.log(`Retrying after ${delay}msec...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
return setRetry(operation, maxRetries - 1, delay);
} else {
throw new Error("Max retries exceeded. Operation failed.");
if (Deno.args.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments: (${Deno.args})\n${usage}`);
const user = Deno.args[0];
const token = Deno.args[1];
const issuedPassword = await setRetry(
() => {
const password = passwordGenerator(
/* pattern: */ "Aa0",
/* length: */ 10,
console.log(`Generated password: ${password}`);
return issueOneTimePassword(token, user, password);
console.log(`Password issued: ${issuedPassword}`);
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