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Last active February 17, 2024 14:05
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ghq で管理しているリポジトリに Ctrl-g で cd する on zsh
# ghq-fzf.zsh
# `cd` to `ghq` repositories directory on `zsh`
# You can launch this function with `Ctrl-g`
# Requires `zsh` and `fzf`
# Download this file then, append `source path/to/fzf-ghq.zsh` to your `~/.zshrc`
# or copy & paste to your `~/.zshrc`
function _fzf_cd_ghq() {
FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS} --reverse --height=50%"
local root="$(ghq root)"
local repo="$(ghq list | fzf --preview="ls -AF --color=always ${root}/{1}")"
local dir="${root}/${repo}"
[ -n "${dir}" ] && cd "${dir}"
zle accept-line
zle reset-prompt
zle -N _fzf_cd_ghq
bindkey "^g" _fzf_cd_ghq
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