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Created April 28, 2019 15:02
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Nofap daemon in Haskell prototype
module App where
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time
import qualified System.Directory as SD
data Event = ChangeUserData User | Masturbated ZonedTime | WatchedPorn ZonedTime | ExportAppData | None deriving (Show, Read)
exportFile :: String
exportFile = "app.csv"
data Sex = Male | Female deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data User = User{
birthday :: Maybe Day,
sex :: Maybe Sex
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data App = App {
user :: User,
masturbations :: [ZonedTime],
pornviews :: [ZonedTime],
isImported :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
updateApp :: App -> Event -> App
updateApp app None = app
updateApp app (ChangeUserData u) = app {user = u}
updateApp app (Masturbated t) = app {masturbations = t:(masturbations app)}
updateApp app (WatchedPorn t) = app {pornviews = t:(pornviews app)}
updateApp app (ExportAppData) = app
updateUI :: App -> IO [Event]
updateUI app = do
putStrLn "\nPrint 'v' to show data, 'e' - edit user data, 'p' if you just watched porn, 'm' if you just masturbated and 'pm' if you just watched porn and masturbated"
l <- getLine
case l of
"export" -> exportAppData app >> return [ExportAppData]
"v" ->
case masturbations app of
[] -> putStr "Nothing found" >> return [None]
_ -> putStrLn "Masturbations:" >> mapM putStr (map (\x -> "\n-"++show x ) $ masturbations app) >> putStrLn "\n\nPornviews:" >> mapM putStr (map (\x -> "\n-"++show x ) $ pornviews app) >> return [None]
"p" -> getZonedTime >>= \t -> return [WatchedPorn t]
"m" -> getZonedTime >>= \t -> return [Masturbated t]
"pm" -> getZonedTime >>= \t -> return [WatchedPorn t, Masturbated t]
"s" -> exportAppData app >> return [ExportAppData]
_ -> putStrLn "Input can't be interpreted" >> return [None]
prepareToCSVExport :: [String] -> [String] -> String
prepareToCSVExport xs ys
| length xs < length ys = prepareToCSVExport ("":xs) ys
| length xs > length ys = prepareToCSVExport xs ("":ys)
| otherwise = unlines $ map (\(x, y) -> x ++ "," ++ y) $ zip xs ys
exportAppData :: App -> IO ()
exportAppData app = writeFile exportFile $ prepareToCSVExport (map show $ masturbations app) (map show $ pornviews app)
importAppData :: IO App
importAppData = do
existence <- SD.doesFileExist exportFile
if existence == True
then do
contents <- readFile exportFile
return $ importData contents
else return $ App {user = User Nothing Nothing, masturbations = [], pornviews = [], isImported = False}
run :: App -> [Event] -> IO ()
run app [] = do
events <- updateUI app
run app events
run app (e:events) = do
run (updateApp app e) events
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- importAppData
run x []
changeUserSex :: User -> IO User
changeUserSex u = do
putStrLn "Enter your sex (Male | Female)" >> getLine >>= \s ->
case reads s of
[(Male, s)] -> return u {sex = Just Male}
[(Female, s)] -> return u {sex = Just Female}
_ -> putStrLn "Sex didn't recognized" >> return (u {sex = Nothing})
changeUserBirthday :: User -> IO User
changeUserBirthday u = do
putStrLn "Enter your birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" >> getLine >>= \s ->
case reads s :: [(Day, String)] of
[(d, s)] -> return u {birthday = Just d}
_ -> putStrLn "Date didin't recognized" >> return (u {birthday = Nothing})
importData :: String -> App
importData text =
App {user = (User {birthday = Nothing, sex = Nothing}), masturbations = ms, pornviews = pvs, isImported = True}
d = map (splitOn ",") $ lines text
ms = catMaybes $ map parseExportableTimeStamp $ map head d
pvs = catMaybes $ map parseExportableTimeStamp $ map (head . tail) d
parseExportableTimeStamp :: String -> Maybe ZonedTime
parseExportableTimeStamp t =
let parsed = reads t :: [(ZonedTime, String)]
case parsed of
[(a, b)] -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
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