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Created June 13, 2019 00:25
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Dota 2, GameEvents (Core)
//=========== (C) Copyright Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// No spaces in event names, max length 32
// All strings are case sensitive
// total game event byte length must be < 1024
// valid data key types are:
// none : value is not networked
// string : a zero terminated string
// bool : unsigned int, 1 bit
// byte : unsigned int, 8 bit
// short : signed int, 16 bit
// long : signed int, 32 bit
// float : float, 32 bit
// local : any data, dont network this field
// following keys names are reserved:
// local : if set to 1, event is not networked to clients
// reliable : if set to 0, event is networked unreliable
"core game events"
// Server events
"server_spawn" // send once a server starts
"hostname" "string" // public host name
"address" "string" // hostame, IP or DNS name
"port" "short" // server port
"game" "string" // game dir
"mapname" "string" // map name
"addonname" "string" // addon name
"maxplayers" "long" // max players
"os" "string" // WIN32, LINUX
"dedicated" "bool" // true if dedicated server
"password" "bool" // true if password protected
"server_pre_shutdown" // server is about to be shut down
"reason" "string" // reason why server is about to be shut down
"server_shutdown" // server shut down
"reason" "string" // reason why server was shut down
"server_message" // a generic server message
"text" "string" // the message text
"server_cvar" // a server console var has changed
"cvarname" "string" // cvar name, eg "mp_roundtime"
"cvarvalue" "string" // new cvar value
"name" "string" // player name
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"duration" "string" // length of the ban
"by" "string" // banned by...
"kicked" "bool" // whether the player was also kicked
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"by" "string" // removed by...
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"player_connect_full" // player has sent final message in the connection sequence
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"PlayerID" "short"
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"text" "string" // the say text
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"count" "short" // Number of this full update
"player_connect" // a new client connected
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"address" "string" // ip:port
"bot" "bool"
"player_disconnect" // a client was disconnected
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"reason" "short" // see networkdisconnect enum protobuf
"name" "string" // player name
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"PlayerID" "short"
"player_info" // a player changed his name
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "bool" // true if player is a AI bot
"player_spawn" // player spawned in game
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
// HLTV specific events
"hltv_cameraman" // a spectator/player is a cameraman
"index" "short" // camera man entity index
"hltv_chase" // shot of a single entity
"target1" "short" // primary traget index
"target2" "short" // secondary traget index or 0
"distance" "short" // camera distance
"theta" "short" // view angle horizontal
"phi" "short" // view angle vertical
"inertia" "byte" // camera inertia
"ineye" "byte" // diretcor suggests to show ineye
"hltv_rank_camera" // a camera ranking
"index" "byte" // fixed camera index
"rank" "float" // ranking, how interesting is this camera view
"target" "short" // best/closest target entity
"hltv_rank_entity" // an entity ranking
"index" "short" // entity index
"rank" "float" // ranking, how interesting is this entity to view
"target" "short" // best/closest target entity
"hltv_fixed" // show from fixed view
"posx" "long" // camera position in world
"posy" "long"
"posz" "long"
"theta" "short" // camera angles
"phi" "short"
"offset" "short"
"fov" "float"
"target" "short" // follow this entity or 0
"hltv_message" // a HLTV message send by moderators
"text" "string"
"hltv_status" // general HLTV status
"clients" "long" // number of HLTV spectators
"slots" "long" // number of HLTV slots
"proxies" "short" // number of HLTV proxies
"master" "string" // disptach master IP:port
"text" "string"
"hltv_chat" // a HLTV chat msg sent by spectators
"text" "string"
"version" "byte"
"local" "1"
"dota_combatlog_list" "local" // CSVCMsgList_GameEvents that are combat log events
"dota_hero_chase_list" "local" // CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
"dota_pick_hero_list" "local" // CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
"local" "1"
"playback_tick" "long" // current playback tick
"skipto_tick" "long" // tick we're going to
"user_message_list" "local" // CSVCMsgList_UserMessages
"dota_hero_chase_list" "local" // CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
"hostname" "string"
"newDifficulty" "short"
"oldDifficulty" "short"
"strDifficulty" "string" // new difficulty as string
// Instructor / Hint Events
"hint_name" "string" // Name of the lesson to start. Must match instructor_lesson.txt
"hint_target" "long" // entity id that the hint should display at. Leave empty if controller target
"hint_name" "string" // Name of the lesson to start. Must match instructor_lesson.txt
"instructor_server_hint_create" //create a hint using data supplied entirely by the server/map. Intended for hints to smooth playtests before content is ready to make the hint unneccessary. NOT INTENDED AS A SHIPPABLE CRUTCH
"userid" "short" // user ID of the player that triggered the hint
"hint_entindex" "long" // entity id of the env_instructor_hint that fired the event
"hint_name" "string" // what to name the hint. For referencing it again later (e.g. a kill command for the hint instead of a timeout)
"hint_replace_key" "string" // type name so that messages of the same type will replace each other
"hint_target" "long" // entity id that the hint should display at
"hint_activator_userid" "short" // userid id of the activator
"hint_timeout" "short" // how long in seconds until the hint automatically times out, 0 = never
"hint_icon_onscreen" "string" // the hint icon to use when the hint is onscreen. e.g. "icon_alert_red"
"hint_icon_offscreen" "string" // the hint icon to use when the hint is offscreen. e.g. "icon_alert"
"hint_caption" "string" // the hint caption. e.g. "#ThisIsDangerous"
"hint_activator_caption" "string" // the hint caption that only the activator sees e.g. "#YouPushedItGood"
"hint_color" "string" // the hint color in "r,g,b" format where each component is 0-255
"hint_icon_offset" "float" // how far on the z axis to offset the hint from entity origin
"hint_range" "float" // range before the hint is culled
"hint_flags" "long" // hint flags
"hint_binding" "string" // bindings to use when use_binding is the onscreen icon
"hint_allow_nodraw_target" "bool" // if false, the hint will dissappear if the target entity is invisible
"hint_nooffscreen" "bool" // if true, the hint will not show when outside the player view
"hint_forcecaption" "bool" // if true, the hint caption will show even if the hint is occluded
"hint_local_player_only" "bool" // if true, only the local player will see the hint
"hint_start_sound" "string" // Game sound to play
"hint_layoutfile" "string" // Path for Panorama layout file
"hint_vr_panel_type" "short" // Attachment type for the Panorama panel
"hint_vr_height_offset" "float" // Height offset for attached panels
"hint_vr_offset_x" "float" // offset for attached panels
"hint_vr_offset_y" "float" // offset for attached panels
"hint_vr_offset_z" "float" // offset for attached panels
"instructor_server_hint_stop" //destroys a server/map created hint
"hint_name" "string" // The hint to stop. Will stop ALL hints with this name
"hint_entindex" "long" // entity id of the env_instructor_hint that fired the event
"group" "string"
"enabled" "short"
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