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Last active August 27, 2019 17:06
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Sample test of StringFormatDetector against equivalent Java and Kotlin classes
class StringFormatDetectorTest : LintDetectorTest() {
override fun getDetector(): Detector = StringFormatDetector()
override fun getIssues(): MutableList<Issue> = mutableListOf(
companion object {
val STUB_R: TestFile = java(
package test.pkg;
public final class R {
public static final class string {
public static final int hello = 1;
public static final int hello2 = 2;
public static final int score = 3;
public static final int score2 = 5;
public static final class layout {
public static final int main = 4;
val STUB_FORMAT_STRINGS_ES: TestFile = xml(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="hello">Hello %1${'$'}s</string>
<string name="hello2">Hello %1${'$'}s, %2${'$'}s?</string>
<string name="missing">Hello %3${'$'}s World</string>
<string name="score">Score: %1${'$'}d</string>
<string name="score2">Score: %1${'$'}b</string>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="hello">%1${'$'}d</string>
<string name="hello2">%3${'$'}d: %1${'$'}s, %2${'$'}s?</string>
fun test_java_Basic() {
package test.pkg;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class StringFormatActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String target = "World";
String hello = getResources().getString(R.string.hello);
String output1 = String.format(hello, target);
String hello2 = getResources().getString(R.string.hello2);
String output2 = String.format(hello2, target, "How are you");
String score = getResources().getString(R.string.score);
int points = 50;
boolean won = true;
String output3 = String.format(score, points);
String output4 = String.format(score, true); // wrong
String output = String.format(score, won); // wrong
String output5 = String.format(score, 75);
String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.hello2), target, "How are you");
//getResources().getString(R.string.hello, target, "How are you");
getResources().getString(R.string.hello2, target, "How are you");
// Test constructor handling (issue 35588)
public StringFormatActivity() {
String target = "World";
String hello = getResources().getString(R.string.hello);
String output1 = String.format(hello, target);
public void testPrimitiveWrappers() {
Boolean won = true;
Integer value = 1;
String score = getResources().getString(R.string.score);
String score2 = getResources().getString(R.string.score2);
String output1 = String.format(score, won); // wrong
String output2 = String.format(score, value); // ok
String output3 = String.format(score2, won); // ok
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in hello: conversion is 'd', received String (argument #2 in method call) [StringFormatMatches]
String output1 = String.format(hello, target);
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
String output2 = String.format(hello2, target, "How are you");
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
String output4 = String.format(score, true); // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
String output = String.format(score, won); // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.hello2), target, "How are you");
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
getResources().getString(R.string.hello2, target, "How are you");
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in hello: conversion is 'd', received String (argument #2 in method call) [StringFormatMatches]
String output1 = String.format(hello, target);
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/ Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received Boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
String output1 = String.format(score, won); // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Error: Inconsistent formatting types for argument #1 in format string hello ('%1${'$'}d'): Found both 's' and 'd' (in values/format_strings.xml) [StringFormatMatches]
<string name="hello">%1${'$'}d</string>
res/values/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument type here
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: Warning: Inconsistent number of arguments in formatting string hello2; found both 2 and 3 [StringFormatCount]
<string name="hello2">%3${'$'}d: %1${'$'}s, %2${'$'}s?</string>
res/values/format_strings.xml:4: Conflicting number of arguments here
res/values/format_strings.xml:5: Warning: Formatting string 'missing' is not referencing numbered arguments [1, 2] [StringFormatCount]
<string name="missing">Hello %3${'$'}s World</string>
9 errors, 2 warnings
fun test_kotlin_Basic() {
package test.pkg;
import android.os.Bundle;
class StringFormatActivity : Activity() {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val target = "World"
val hello = resources.getString(R.string.hello)
val output1 = String.format(hello, target)
val hello2 = resources.getString(R.string.hello2)
val output2 = String.format(hello2, target, "How are you")
val score = resources.getString(R.string.score)
val points = 50
val won = true
val output3 = String.format(score, points)
val output4 = String.format(score, true) // wrong
val output = String.format(score, won) // wrong
val output5 = String.format(score, 75)
String.format(resources.getString(R.string.hello2), target, "How are you")
//getResources().getString(R.string.hello, target, "How are you");
resources.getString(R.string.hello2, target, "How are you")
// Test constructor handling (issue 35588)
init {
val target = "World"
val hello = resources.getString(R.string.hello)
val output1 = String.format(hello, target)
fun testPrimitiveWrappers() {
val won = true
val value = 1
val score = resources.getString(R.string.score)
val score2 = resources.getString(R.string.score2)
val output1 = String.format(score, won) // wrong
val output2 = String.format(score, value) // ok
val output3 = String.format(score2, won) // ok
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:9: Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in hello: conversion is 'd', received String (argument #2 in method call) [StringFormatMatches]
val output1 = String.format(hello, target)
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:11: Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
val output2 = String.format(hello2, target, "How are you")
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:17: Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
val output4 = String.format(score, true) // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:18: Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
val output = String.format(score, won) // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:25: Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
resources.getString(R.string.hello2, target, "How are you")
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:22: Error: Wrong argument count, format string hello2 requires 3 but format call supplies 2 [StringFormatMatches]
getResources().getString(R.string.hello2, target, "How are you")
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: This definition requires 3 arguments
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:29: Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in hello: conversion is 'd', received String (argument #2 in method call) [StringFormatMatches]
val output1 = String.format(hello, target)
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument declaration here
src/test/pkg/StringFormatActivity.kt:37: Error: Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#1' in score: conversion is 'd', received Boolean (argument #2 in method call) (Did you mean formatting character b?) [StringFormatMatches]
val output1 = String.format(score, won) // wrong
res/values/format_strings.xml:6: Conflicting argument declaration here
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:3: Error: Inconsistent formatting types for argument #1 in format string hello ('%1${'$'}d'): Found both 's' and 'd' (in values/format_strings.xml) [StringFormatMatches]
<string name="hello">%1${'$'}d</string>
res/values/format_strings.xml:3: Conflicting argument type here
res/values-es/format_strings.xml:4: Warning: Inconsistent number of arguments in formatting string hello2; found both 2 and 3 [StringFormatCount]
<string name="hello2">%3${'$'}d: %1${'$'}s, %2${'$'}s?</string>
res/values/format_strings.xml:4: Conflicting number of arguments here
res/values/format_strings.xml:5: Warning: Formatting string 'missing' is not referencing numbered arguments [1, 2] [StringFormatCount]
<string name="missing">Hello %3${'$'}s World</string>
9 errors, 2 warnings
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