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Last active June 21, 2017 09:41
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The high genius Mircea Popescu owns roughly 1 million Bitcoins. That means he has liquid net worth at the moment ≈$3 billion. That is increased from ≈$300 million last year as the BTC price has increased ten-fold. That is increased from ≈$3 million in early 2013, when he owned 1/10th the Bitcoins he has now and Bitcoin was $10.

Remember Prof. Barlett’s point that the greatest failing of the human race is we do not comprehend the exponential function. On the 29th day the Lily pads only cover 50% of the pond, and overnight by the 30th day it is 100% covered. Humans get fooled by the nominal and are oblivious to the compounding change until it is too late.

I think this is the case here for your perspective. You do not seem to yet appreciate that blockchains and cryptocurrency changes everything and is subsuming everything.

The collapse of everything you knew to be the norm in the West is accelerating. It is time to wake up now. ASAP! You’re opportunities to pivot before it is too late are diminishing. Every day that goes by that someone does not own any significant Bitcoin in their net worth, their financial future is becoming more bleak.

Martin Armstrong is not a conspiracy theorist. As I mentioned in my other comment, he has invested a $billion in data so can back test all the cyclical correlations with his machine learning algorithms. He has been successfully predicting the major themes, e.g. Ukraine well before it was on anyone’s radar, predicting BREXIT and the timing for it decades ago, predicting 9/11 to the day (not predicting what the specific event would be but the timing of a major turn in the fate of the USA on that day), etc.. Wikipedia is a gatekeeper and has some lies about him. He was framed for the banks’ losses in their manipulations in Russia. The true story and evidence is in his blogs. If you only knew how corrupt the DEEP STATE which controls the government (from behind the curtain) is.obv

When the masses start to awaken after 2020 and realize the government is failing, that is when the real chaos begins. Of course as always they will lash out and want to blame different sectors. That is what will launch the civil war.

Not to mention this anthropogenic global warming lie, when in fact the non-junk (i.e. not paid off) scientists have recently back tested a new model of the sunspots and have very high confidence that we are heading into a Maunder Minimum little ice age by 2030. And in fact the global temperatures averages have been declining in spite of the NOAA fraud of manipulating the temperature data which was recently on expose.

Please read the “META” section (it’s in small print towards end of linked section) for my explanation about why Warren Buffett is wrong about the problem and thus solution to skills-mismatch and unemployment problem.

You do not understand. Asia is transitioning into the knowledge age with better annealing because they do not have the very high rates of social welfare liabilities and bankrupted retirement plans of the West. China is rapidly replacing all of our Internet business with their own for example.

Seriously Mark you are a very talented engineer, mathematician, researcher, and artist (more so than myself, heck you graduated from CalTech and your accomplishments and connections are so enviable and my utmost respect for it) who is in danger of becoming a dinosaur and wasting the tail end of your career. I do hope you wake up. I respect your abilities, but your myopia right now is severe. Taking an extended trip out of Cupertino could possibly give you new perspectives?

Any way, I think it is nearly impossible to change any person’s opinion. Would you actually expend the time to dig through all the data and come to a rational conclusion of the coming Minsky Moment when the West runs of out of “other people’s money”. I am presume your research work is more interesting for you. I certainly enjoy technical work also.

Commerce abhors a vacuum.

Especially the rigor mortis of the Titanic winner-take-all power vacuum in the West.

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