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Our overlords don’t want the plebs to know… (Part 2)

Click here to read Part 1 of this document.

Archived, archived.

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  • earlier summary which precipitated the above blog

    If you were to actually dig deep into a holistic analysis, you would come to understand that the totality of the facts makes it absolutely impossible that the alleged commercial airplane hit the Pentagon. I had presented numerous reasons why which you never responded to. For example, where are the holes in the Pentagon wall for the 4 tons (each) of engines on the wings? Or at least why are the windows not even broken where the engines would have impacted? And you have not refuted the fact that it would absolutely impossible to even point the nose below the floor of the 2nd floor (as the hole and non-fire damage was entirely contained to the first floor), because it was physically impossible due to both the engines would have struck the ground and the ground effect aerodynamics at the velocity reported by the government. Those are just some of the many corroborating evidence which you choose to ignore […]

    I think I remember (not 100% sure) that I have links in my blog that show the alleged bits of plane wreckage on the lawn which were identifiable as such were planted on the lawn after the actual explosion. I can not remember the details, but I believe perhaps they were not seen in one photo and the later appeared in another photo. Or something like that. But that is not really important. The entire charade is entirely impossible based on the most important physical evidence




    Also there were eye witnesses who claimed to have viewed the scene of the alleged crash in the field and they say it looked like nothing crashed there. Like a minor thing that had been dug out with a backhoe.

    There are many more details than I can remember off the top of my head. That was some months ago when I did that deep dive again for the first time since the 10th anniversary.

    For example, I just remember[ed] another tidbit datum. There’s photos of the Pentagon cleared of debris before they started the reconstruction and the concrete slab has absolutely no damage whatsoever. Also the alleged plane fit perfectly under the slab of the second floor. There’s many implausibilities in every official story of 9/11. Dig deep and you shall find.


    All troofers use manipulative tactics to get the people they address to think past the sale, as for example, the “no plane wreckage argument”

    There was no recognizable airplane wreckage on the lawn immediately after impact. Just a some fair amount of bits and pieces of the stuff from inside the Pentagon that was blown out by the bomb that was planted inside. The bits of planted plane wreckage magically appeared after they evacuated the area for 1 hour forcefully removing everyone from the area under the pretense that another plane was incoming (which turns out to be the C-130).



    One irrefutable fact that we can prove is there was a plane that flew very fast at the front face of the Pentagon but it approached from over the North side of the Citgo station, not the official physically impossible South side. We know this because of for example testimony from several witnesses (including two police officers on video), because the physical evidence is impossible to align with the South side approach, and because we have the cab driver on video admitting he lied about the entire light pole thing (which is also shown to be hoax with detailed analysis of the physical evidence). There’s more details than I can put in a blog comment. You will need to read my second blog […] which delves in greater detail.

    Bottom line is that we know the plane pulled up and flew over the Pentagon at the last few seconds and we have a lot of evidence supporting this. Including the physical evidence, the witness evidence and the “ground effect” physics. Details on my blog.

    A bomb was planted in the Pentagon [construction was ongoing before 9/11]. The plane was over the building at a split second before fireball. Only one eyewitness actually saw the plane and fireball [simultaneously] and he was more than 1 kilometer away. We even have a witness who walked out of the hole in the front of the Pentagon who confirm this is the only possible explanation.

    There are not holes nor even cracked windows where the 4 ton engines would had impacted the front face. The beams in the hole were blown outwards.

  • Where Is The Plane Debris?

    pentagon-no-debris pentagon-no-debris-2 pentagon-no-debris-3 pentagon-no-debris-4pentagon-no-debris-6pentagon-no-debris-5 pentagon-no-debris-7 pentagon-no-debris-8

    The chaotic evacuation — under the false pretext of another suicide kamikaze plane incoming — (which was repeated three times) could plausibly be how these FBI agents ostensibly may have planted the evidence, had photos taken, and then removed it so that no false, self-incriminating evidence would escape their control. pentagon-no-debris-9 pentagon-no-debris-10pentagon-no-debris-11pentagon-no-debris-12pentagon-no-debris-13 pentagon-no-debris-14


Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers
my blog on October 11, 2018

Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • earlier summary which precipitated the above blog

    Just one question about Flight 77: what happened to the plane and the 64 people on it?

    We don’t know but a reasonable theory is based on the gaps in the nation’s radar coverage that day, which the planes few into. This is covered in the Pilots for 9/11 Truth video I linked to from my blog. It’s posited that the planes were replaced with militarized remote controlled replicas at that point. There’s some eye witnesses who claim to have seen these militarized replica as the plane that flew to the Pentagon at a ground level altitude. [Side note: somewhere in my exposition on my Steemit blogs, I had linked to some videos that show that the planes that kamikaze’ed the twin towers were military planes. A significant problem is that Youtube has been taking down videos in the interventing 4 years since I wrote those blogs, so it behooves readers to track down the scrubbed videos at and/or locate reuploaded replacements. Readers are advised to download all the videos — for safe keeping and/or reuploading especially to alternative video hosting sites such as Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, Banned, IPFS, LBRY, Brighteon, etc — employing either (Firefox at least) Video DownloadHelper plugin or Youtube-dl which works for nearly any video on any website in the cases where the plugin doesn’t.] For example [in the case of the Pentagon], one lady saw it out her bathroom window [for which I had linked to a reenactment video of her verbal history]. My blog links off to sources / videos that explore this in more detail. I highly suggested Citizen Investigation Team [CIT] but do read my other blog In T̶h̶e̶f̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶s̶ᵀʳᵃⁿˢᵖᵃʳᵉⁿᶜʸ We Trust first because I summarize it all. Otherwise you might discount the CIT website on some cherry picked technicality if you do not first know the holistic thesis.

Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions on 9/11
my blog on September 2, 2018

The WTC attacks were perpetrated with kamikaze military planes. But the buildings were not felled with the planes. The twin towers and WTC7 were demolished with thermite/thermate and the evidence for that is beyond any doubt. The passengers in the hijacked planes were flown to a seclusive military base and presumably cremated. They were probably dead from intentional hypoxia before landing. Whereas the other passengers were offboarded to the NASA building at the Cleveland airport and presumably never to be seen again. There were no camel riding hijackers armed with razor blades. The military planes were guided electronically to their targets. We even have video of the military planes hitting the twin towers.

Great Thermate Debate


(9/11 Pre-Collapse[Demolition] Explosions Evidence and NIST’s Intransigence)

if the building had collapsed due to beams that weakened or even deformed due to heat, then the building could not have collapsed at free fall acceleration perfectly into its own footprint. It would have toppled to one side of the other and also it could not have completely collapse […] the WTC towers were constructed with all the structural steel in the center where the elevator shafts are. These beams are more thick than a large oak or redwood tree at the lower storeys and become monotonically less thick at the higher storeys. There are several relevant implications from this.

First, it would entirely impossible for the kinetic force from the collapsing upper floors to completely collapse the lower storeys. The center structural steel would remain standing while everything else would partial collapse, bend, twist, topple around it. The only way to get total collapse of that center structural steel is by controlled demotion. Period! No other way! Period!


Third, it is entirely impossible that such a weakening could lead to free-fall collapse acceleration, due to the inertia of the center structural steel as a resistance.


Here is a photo of one of the structural steel beams[columns] as it is clearly standing on a sunny day in the pile of debris, appears to be angle cut at 45 degrees so that the upper portion of the beam will slide off and collapse:


Rodriguez and a handful of co-workers who were down in the basement at the time of the attack […] The first of these explosions, which occurred about 7-8 seconds before the plane struck the tower was so powerful it literally threw Rodriguez upwards, clean off the floor, as parts of the false ceiling collapsed onto and around him

Note I have seen seismograph data confirming these pre-explosions […]

During his subsequent rescue efforts on the upper floors, Rodriguez claims he heard explosions going off “all over the building.”


Burned beyond recognition, David managed to stagger towards Rodriguez […] skin on his face had almost completely peeled away exposing raw, pink flesh, and the burnt skin of his outstretched arms was hanging horrifically, “like sheets of loose cloth.”

Note there are Youtube videos of Felipe David scarred from these burns who confirms all of this.


How could a plane crashing into the North Tower possibly have caused elevators in the South Tower to explode? […] Worse, and to his utter disbelief, Rodriguez later discovered that his statements were completely omitted from the official [9/11 Commission Report] record.


Besides, he had overheard many exchanges on firemen’s two-way radios that day that confirmed virtually all the jet fuel had burned off, and the few remaining scattered fires looked like they could easily be knocked out.


President George W. Bush’s brother Marvin Bush and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were both principals of [Securacom]. Further, he found this very same company was in charge of security at Dulles airport and United Airlines—both central to the attacks.


He recalled seeing small teams of men in white “HazMat” coveralls busily moving about the building in the weeks preceding the attacks […] they used the stairwells almost exclusively and avoided using the service elevators.


Walter famously offered a $1 million cash reward to any engineer or scientist in the world who could prove, in an academic technical paper, that the three towers could have collapsed the way they did without explosives […] Walter and Rodriguez even made private presentations to former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.


Workers from the A.C.E. Elevator Company in the WTC elevator shafts from 1994 until 9/11/2001 were not even mentioned in the final reports. Neither was LVI Services, working on the asbestos removal project. Nor were the fireproofing workers.

ACE elevator WTC


In fact, the WTC twin towers were undergoing $1 billion (in 2001 dollars) of work to replace the asbestos on the steel (which is one way the perpetrators were able to place the thermate on the beams undetected).


Susan Lindauer reports that trucks were entering the WTC garages in the very early hours, in the weeks prior to 9/11 […] The WTC security cameras, locks and electricity were turned off on the weekend before 9/11.


American Airlines Flight 11 hit […] the north tower (WTC 1) between floors 94 and 99 […] these floors bracket those that had been upgraded for fireproofing shortly before 9/11. This [stunning] coincidence was amplified by the fact that one tenant occupied all of those floors – Marsh & McLennan (Marsh) […numerous Deep State connections…] Add to this L. Paul Bremer, and the possible Marsh ties to demolition technology become clearer. One month after 9/11, Bremer would become the CEO for a new division called Marsh Crisis […] Bremer was on the international advisory board for […] Komatsu had been involved in a joint venture agreement with Dresser Industries, the oil-services/intelligence front in which Prescott Bush Sr. and George H. W. Bush […] In July 1996, it patented a thermite demolition device […] Residues of thermite […] have been confirmed in samples of the WTC dust, and […] also revealed by environmental data. Dresser Industries merged with Dick Cheney's Halliburton in 1998. [Note Halliburton is also in the illegal, organized crime racket involving privatization of U.S. prisons…] Bremer was called away from Marsh in 2003, to be the Iraq Occupation Governor.


I explained it to my gf just now by dropping my empty can of tuna to the floor. Then I dropped it such that it struck the edge of the table during its fall before continuing to topple to the ground. The interference of the table caused the can of tuna to spend extra time bouncing and sideways before proceeding to the ground. Thus not having [uninterrupted] free-fall acceleration timing. Imagine many such interference collisions going on inside of the WTC if not all of the beams had been cut with explosives.


Also there are many reports of hearing and experiencing explosions inside the buildings ongoing from (and even before!) the time of plane impact until the collapse so the structure was significantly pre-demolished before the final major explosions causing the collapse[implosion].


The lynchpin of your ENTIRE theory is the free fall…

Incorrect. The lynchpin is non-localized collapse and impossibility of total collapse due to fires. Never has happened and never will. Only controlled demotion can give cause complete collapse of a steel skyscraper […] The examples you cite did not TOTALLY collapse. And they also had non-symmetrical collapse of the PORTION that did collapse […] And you’re also comparing buildings that did not have massive redwood tree thick structural beams[columns] concentrated in the center of the structure […] I have photos of the Windsor Tower collapse[fire aftermath] showing that it was no where near to total collapse. We can clearly see the Plasco building collapse was not anywhere near to total collapse.




We are talking about a steel building here, not a Muslim castle constructed out of sand being poured out of the eye of a camel in some Alibaba mirage. Photos of the collapse of other steel buildings such as the Plasco building and the Windsor Tower fire [and building in Madrid, Spain above], exemplify that when buildings collapse due to fire then they end up in an entangled bent (not cut) mess that can’t completely collapse due to the resistance of the entangled mass. Buildings don’t spontaneously destruct into entire collapse comprised of appropriately cut sections onto their original footprint without controlled demolition.



Nobody [who is sane] is arguing that steel buildings never collapse due to fires. There are recent examples of them falling.

What we’re arguing is that no steel building that has collapsed due to fire, collapsed entirely into its footprint.

Go look at the photos of the few instances of steel buildings which have been destroyed by raging fires and you will noticed that they are a partially collapsed, entangled mess of bent steel.

In no case can the 47 center columns of the WTC towers being entirely chopped up [as opposed to bent and tangled] into neatly sized lengths and entirely collapsed [into a pile of rubble a fraction of its original height] without controlled demolition.

Any engineer here who continues to think otherwise after reading my technical explanation, is literally insane.

And I am not going to waste any more time on insane men who are determined to self-immolate.


The bending and buckling and breaking of the stuctural steel and the joints took little energy in comparison to the kinetic energy of the falling material

You have huge blindspot in that [thoroughly debunked pancake hypothesis] inkblot. Specially that there’s no way to concentrate that [distributed] kinetic energy onto the vertical structural beams at the center of the structure [so as to cause that independent, imperviously rigid core structure to collapse entirely straight down and at free-free acceleration — as we’re excluding tipping over which wasn’t observed]. The horizontal floor support would bend and/or break off but that does not concentrate the kinetic energy [in a way to entirely collapse the center core into essentially only its footprint].

Also I suggest you read Daniel DeHaanan’s comment below from which I have excerpted the following quote:

As for the twin towers… who ever taught all these engineers and physicists that you can add significant resting mass to mass at velocity and maintain constant acceleration for both… ought to be bitch slapped and stripped of their credentials.

You again are speaking out of your ass. Even NIST couldn’t develop a model that supported the official lie.

You are perpetuating a crime against humanity. And that is very sad. Have you no conscience?


Although the mass of steel might be equivalent in the outer shell and inner core, mass isn’t directly correlated to certain measures of structural strength. Note how much more load a truss can carry with the same mass of steel as compared to a solid tube. Or how much more difficult it is to bend a hollow pipe of the same mass as a solid one. That’s not a flaw in the above technical rebuttal. Rather I want to point out that the core was the significantly more indestructible structural load bearing component of the twin towers, not the outer shell/fascia. The outer shell mainly supported the concrete floors and added torsional strength.

As a separate argument from the aforementioned chaos argument, this structural asymmetry is another critical reason that any story of fire induced total collapse of the center core is entirely bullshit. There’s no mechanical, entropic plausibility that the kinetic force of the collapsing floors could be significantly enough transferred to the center core’s massive 47 vertical beams to totally collapse the center core. The much weaker horizontal beams (and hinges/bolts/welds at the joins) supporting the floor would shear stress break away (most especially nearer to the bottom where the strength of the core was impregnably strong with steel beams thicker than redwood trees). Thus couldn’t transfer to those vertical beams but a small fraction of the kinetic energy/forces of the toppling mass. Thus even with collapse, it’s entropically and mechanically implausible that some of the center core isn’t still intact either standing or more monolithically toppled instead of cut neatly into small lengths. AFAIK, NIST never addressed—and no one else ever made—this technical argument. Total disintegration of the center core into capped sized cut beams is only plausible by controlled demolition.

Combining my chaos theory and asymmetry arguments, the official story is totally absurd, implausible. The cited technical rebuttal delves a bit towards my point, and is why nobody could ever produce an entropic [and scientifically credible] finite-element simulation of the twin tower collapses


This is analogous (as a categorical dual) to the excuses of Eric S. Raymond who [ostensibly] has a vested interest to cling to the official story because he hates Islam ostensibly because it enslaves females. Whereas, Jim is envious of Islam and thinks Mueller (as FBI head then) allowed 9/11 to happen because the left hates white males. Both of these men are duped by their confirmation biases which cause them to be unwilling to actually review the detailed evidence trail holistically.


I shouldn’t [unreasonably] expect those who claim to have a ~152+ IQ to always be coherent. High IQ doesn’t precisely correlate with interest in specialized knowledge. Smart people can thus still be utter fools. For example given Eric’s historical confirmation biases involving prior death threats—which I’ve read he suspected originating from Islamic extremists—are ostensibly blocking his pre-frontal cortex from fully functioning. I doubt in Eric’s case it’s a fight-or-flight chemical obstruction. Ostensibly his life philosophy (dopamine-linked raison d’être) would confront an existential and/or ego crisis if fully engaging his pre-frontal cortex—a speculation his confirmation bias may be a self-preservation mechanism that blocks his brain’s logic centers—on this issue. He’s experienced a related genre of autonomous protection mechanisms.


Y’all are lazy and just assumed you were correct. Analogus to the [misanthropic 🚷 anthropogenic-global-warming] AGW freakazoids’ presumptious arrogance. I have pondered how could just high IQ individuals such as Eric fall into this trap? Confirmation bias! He hates Islam because it is backward tribalism and allegedly “enslaves” females.


The reason 9/11 was done the way it was done is ostensibly to leverage the hate and fear of Islam because that turns off the pre-frontal cortex, as is quite evidence by the high IQ failure here to keep the eyes on the ball! 9/11 is a psyop false-flag.


Our fore fathers didn’t approve of getting entangled in such foreign alliances/conflicts because inevitably these are not about they seem to be about— just as moral panics (i.e. holiness [war] spirals) are not usually about morality, c.f. also. It’s about about power struggles and employing deception to confuse the delusional Westerners into supporting their own self-immolation via derivative (dominoes) effects.


These overconfident fools on Eric’s blog plan to take out the power and food supply of major cities. Understanding the truth of 9/11 is key to understanding what happens next after that.

If we understand the global elite are determined to exterminate these overconfident “patriots”, and we know the smartest action is to push an object in the direction of its extant motion and inertia, then clearly the U.S. military assets will be turned against the USA as a false-flag. It’s much easier to get a man to destroy himself by fighting for what he believes in when he’s entirely duped by a false-flag. Imagine America’s ICBMs being launched against the USA itself and blamed on Russian hacking. The duped U.S. military will attack Russia with passion and rage in retaliation. In return, Russia will nuke the [dissident] patriots. What is coming is utter chaos, psyops, and mega-death.

So called “patriots” are outnumbered by ideological Frankenstein “can’t do” Millennials and will kill each other because frankly many men don’t trust intellectuals such as the witless, pointless Eric and his duped sycophants […] A 100 IQ man with a gun can take out his frustrations on a genius (or even to steal food because he’s hungry) when that “genius” isn’t looking. As Dmitry Orlov related in excruciating detail from the Serbian experience, it’s impossible to be permanently vigilant in a civil war.


Jim I must admit the official story is becoming more plausible now that I’ve seen the [photo] evidence of the camel-riding hijackers:



Although NIST did not analyze the overall process of dynamic progressive collapse below the fire zone

That means NIST never offered a complete collapse model. No one can produce such a coherent collapse model because it is absolutely impossible for the collapse to have been caused from carbon-based office materials and jet fuel fires.


How the fuck did the huge pit of rubble under the site of the WTC collapse remain at—which the USGS officially reported satellite imagery and aerial flyover spectrometry analysis estimates of— temperatures exceeding (archived and archived) 1020° Kelvin (1360° F) for 5 days after 9/11! WTF?! Can’t be plausible with only carbon-based office and jet fueled fires as the cause of the collapse (which is the basis of the above quoted research paper). Even NIST admits the fires were not that hot (and certainly not sustained, even they admit the jet fuel burned off after “a few” minutes at most)— evidenced also by the dark color of the smoke. Besides there would be no oxygen deep in the pit for the fires to continue to burn that hot. Fires can’t burn without oxygen and certainly there was nothing in the pit from the towers that could burn that hot for days (was there a coal factory in the WTC?). Such temperatures are only plausible in the pit if there’s molten metal. Period.


The white smoke in the image tells us the temperature is in excess of 1,000°F.

Do [you] choose to ignore what the construction crew wrote:

Some beams pulled from the wreckage are still red hot more than 7 weeks after the attack, and it is suspected that temperatures beneath the debris pile are well in excess of 1,000°F.


Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered, even with water. Use of sulfur in conjunction with the thermite, for example in thermate, will accelerate the destructive effect on steel, and sulfidation of structural steel was indeed observed in some of the few recovered members from the WTC rubble, as reported in Appendix C of the FEMA report. (FEMA, 2002)


The official FEMA 9-11 report admits a striking anomaly regarding the North Tower collapse:

Review of videotape recordings of the collapse taken from various angles indicates that the transmission tower on top of the structure began to move downward and laterally slightly before movement was evident at the exterior wall. This suggests that collapse began with one or more failures in the central core area of the building. (FEMA, 2002, chapter 2; emphasis added.)

Yes, we can see for ourselves that the antenna drops first from videos of the North Tower collapse.


On what happens to steel in a sufficiently-hot fire:

About 30 years ago in Los Angeles, a warehouse full of baled cardboard caught fire. (I knew what was in it, because I picked up boxes there when I worked downtown.) This warehouse was half a city block in size, full-width open truss construction. Basically, big steel beams and a steel shell, and nothing much inside but baled new cardboard.

The fire (which was televised from first smoke to the end; it was a slow news day) burned so hot that half an hour later, the entire building had been vaporized down to the ground — literally nothing left of it, not even significant scrap.

Raising strawman arguments is a disinformation tactic. [He attempts to compare a warehouse with more flammable mass than steel, to WTC twin towers which has orders-of-magnitude more structural steel and non-flammable concrete mass than flammable mass.]

Here are some photos of a recent fire in a mall in Mindanao built out of steel and it burned for the entire day and night and you can see the result. I personally viewed that building every week until they finally demolished it. I can tell you that it was no where near totally collapsed.

We [know] damn well that the fires in the WTC were not hot enough to melt steel. We know that from the dark grey color of the smoke. NIST also confirmed the temperatures. Even NIST admits the jet fuel burned off in the first few minutes. So then all you had was some carpet and office furniture. And importantly none of this flammable stuff was inside the elevator shafts where the 47 highly structural steel [columns] were positioned more in the center of the building.



The conclusions from 2.25 seconds of free fall by building 7…


I guess the dupes want to ignore your excellent cited resource.

Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • Incontrovertible - New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

  • Episode 045 - PTech and the 9/11 Software

    IMF was also involved with the $7 billion loan-bribe of Boris Yeltsin entrapment, c.f. also Trillionaire Fund Manager Martin Armstrong Was Framed By Our Corrupt Government.

  • University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11

  • Analysis: Dominant Hypothesis Among Reporters on 9/11 Was that Explosions Brought Down Twin Towers

  • Forensic Engineering World Trade Center 7 | ft. Dr. Leroy Hulsey


    In 2021 NIST officially refused to acknowledge the new formal analysis that proves WTC7 was demolished. The following are in chronological order:

    • NIST Issues Update on Pending Request for Correction to Building 7 Report on June 15, 2020

    • Experts and 9/11 Families Appeal NIST Decision on Building 7 Report on September 29, 2020

      Among other things, the appeal takes aim at NIST’s refusal to study a melted piece of steel from Building 7 on the flimsy grounds that the steel cannot be confirmed as coming from Building 7 — an excuse the appeal calls “brazenly unscientific.”

      The appeal also targets NIST’s refusal to perform new computer simulations that would include a structural feature NIST now admits was excluded from the modeling. AE911Truth argues that including this structural feature would have prevented the failure that NIST claims initiated the collapse.


      They are refusing to conduct new analyses that they know they should, and their justifications are beyond absurd,” said Richard Gage, AIA, architect and founder of AE911Truth.

    • Exposing NIST’s Latest Fraud: AE911Truth Appeals NIST Building 7 Decision on October 3, 2020

      eight areas in particular where NIST has committed information quality violations under the Data Quality Act, which means that they've failed to comply with their information quality standards, which require the information that they disseminate to be objective, unbiased, completely fully stated and so on.

    • 9/11 Families and Experts Submit New Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in Building 7 on December 7, 2020

      In addition to the eyewitness accounts of the four reporters, the new filing includes the oral history of Lieutenant Brian Becker of the New York Fire Department.

      Becker’s oral history is intended to bolster the claim made in the original request that two men who were attempting to evacuate Building 7 earlier in the day — Michael Hess, the New York City corporation counsel, and Barry Jennings, deputy director of the Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority — witnessed an explosion that trapped them in the building.

      Hess and Jennings each appeared on television later that day describing what they had witnessed as an explosion, and [Barry] Jennings continued to maintain — until his [very suspicious] death in 2008 — that he witnessed multiple explosions while attempting to evacuate Building 7, including the initial one that caused the 6th floor landing he was standing on to give way.

      NIST’s explanation that the event Hess and Jennings witnessed was not an explosion, but was damage caused by debris from the collapse[controlled demolition] of the North Tower, relies on the agency’s untenable claim that it took the two men from 9:59 AM until 10:28 AM to make it from the 23rd floor to the 6th floor — which would mean an average of one minute and 42 seconds to descend a single floor. The request argues that since Hess and Jennings must have reached the 6th floor much earlier than 10:28 AM, the event they witnessed could not have been caused by the collapse of the North Tower at 10:28 AM.

      NIST: “As [Hess and Jennings] went to get into an elevator to go downstairs, the lights inside WTC 7 flickered as WTC 2 collapsed [at 9:59 AM]. At that point, the elevator they were attempting to catch no longer worked, so they started down the staircase. When they got to the 6th floor, WTC 1 collapsed [at 10:28 AM…] and the staircase filled with smoke and debris.” 🤥💩🙄

      The oral history of FDNY Lieutenant Brian Becker demonstrates that he and his team were easily able to descend 30 floors in the North Tower after the collapse[controlled demolition] of the South Tower at 9:59 AM, even while “checking floors intermittently on the way down.” Becker’s account thus proves beyond any doubt the implausibility of NIST’s claim that it took Hess and Jennings 29 minutes go from the 23rd floor to the 6th floor of Building 7.

      • Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

        […] Barry Jennings indeed passed away [on August 19, 2008…] after several days in the hospital […] It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial — 9/11 witness would die only [two] days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby.

        The BBC aired The Third Tower [c.f. also] in July in attempt to debunk Barry Jennings’ account — which is both contradictory and damaging to the official 9/11 story — by making issue over whether or not he said he “saw” dead bodies in the lobby [c.f also].


        Barry Jennings reiterated in the exclusive interview his confusion over the explanation for WTC7’s collapse — given that he clearly heard explosions inside the building:

        “I’m just confused about one thing, and one thing only — why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place. I’m very confused about that. I know what I heard — I heard explosions. The explanation I got was it was the fuel-oil tank. I’m an old boiler guy — if it was a fuel-oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.”

        That interview was not released until June 2008 at the request of Mr. Jennings, who had received numerous threats to his job [pension and family] and asked that [complete interview1] be left out of Loose Change: Final Cut because of those threats.


        News of Jennings’ death comes on the heels of losing another 9/11 hero and eyewitness — Kenny Johannemann, who reportedly “committed suicide” 12 days before the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Johannemann is credited with saving at least one man’s life on 9/11 and was also a witness to explosions in the towers.

        NIST’s report, as well as that of the 9/11 Commission (which did not even mention WTC7), completely ignored statements from the building leaseholder Larry Silverstein as well as numerous police, fire fighters and other eyewitnesses who have testified that they were warned about the building’s collapse and told to get back. One rescue worker even heard a countdown for the building’s implosion [‘over the emergency radio’].

        (MSNBC clip at the 5:55 time mark in 9/11 - Television)

      More on Kenny Johannemann’s alleged suicide in the video Mysterious Deaths of 911 Witnesses. (Beverly Eckert denied the stifling 9-11 Compensation fund and was threatening lawsuits to compel evidence and testimony under oath. The commuter plane Eckert died on was ostensibly chartered for her by the government. Dr. Alison Des Forges of Human Rights Watch, the prosecution’s expert witness on Rwanda, was also barbecued in the fiery crash site after she had testified that there was no Rwandan gendarmerie conspiracy to commit genocide. Remember the Deep State’s modus operandi is to cover up with sham investigations, both domestic and including but not limited to those of the corrupt International Criminal Court. It’s dubious that both the pilot and first officer were derelict enough to pull back on the stick shaker three times when the correct reaction to a stall is to push the nose down. Was the deicing sabotaged even though it was logged as being turned on? Did the plane malfunction, a reprogrammed autopilot engaged in way not logged by the flight recorder or other form of remote control of airplanes such as was deployed on 9/11? Contrary to the ‘light snow and fog’ excuse provided what was the real reason the flight was delayed two hours? And who manually switched the reference speed switch into the increase setting? In spite of the aircraft's three de-icing systems and the fact that neither the aircraft ahead of, nor the aircraft behind, the aircraft which crashed experienced icing, the mainstream media is programming viewers that ice on the wings led to the crash.)

      In the video Barry Jennings Mystery Dylan Avery (whose competency the dyspeptic Alex Jones seems to call into question) claimed that Jennings’ family had moved and that one top private investigator hired to look into the case had trepidatiously and abruptly refunded their money stating it was a police matter and another private investigator stated that Jennings’ death certificate had not been filled out properly.

      @‍DriftingByTheStorm commmented:

      One month later, the cause of death for Mr. Jennings has not been released. In fact, nothing has been released. Mr. Jennings’ testimony pokes holes in key portions of the “official” story. He was in WTC 7 by the time of the second plane hitting the towers, and everyone was already gone [including evacuation of the city’s Emergency Operations Center and ‘mayor Giuliani from it, with a terrorist attack simulation the night before]. Why? He was told to evacuate, and was blown back up stairs by a large explosion … again, inside WTC 7 folks. He reports stepping over dead bodies. Government said no one died in WTC 7.🤥💩🙄rolleyes Then he turns up dead on the same week that the “final” NIST report gets released.😲 Hmm.🧐🤨🤯🤮👊🤬


      Im suprised his family was “closed lip.” I guess they think he is a nut job as well as I’m sure they would have helped him with how Barry died.

      @‍B‍risk: actually it is pretty common for the loved ones of those presumuably murdered by corrupt government to keep their mouths shut […]

      @‍‍DriftingByTheStorm If the authorities step in and make it a matter of national security, don't people aka the relatives have to sign scary looking papers and stuff?

      His family may have been threatened. National Security Letters (c.f. also EFF’s NSLs Faq) usually also include up to a lifetime gag order, which was the case in our abhorrently and unspeakably corrupt government’s unconstitutional, illegal kidnapping and locking up of former $trillionaire hedge fund manager Martin Armstrong in a maximum security dungeon for a decade. C.f. also The Failed Fix to NSL Gag Orders: How the Majority of National Security Letter Recipients Remain Gagged After USA FREEDOM.

      @‍‍RolandTD20Kdrummer commented:

      Ne was walking over [and stepping on ‘you can feel when you’re stepping over’] dead bodies (without looking down) versus whether he actually saw dead people … very easy mistake to make, it could have just been a muffin someone left on floor.🙄🤨rolleyes

    • Newly discovered eyewitness account puts NIST in a corner on WTC 7 explosions

      A recently discovered eyewitness account of an “incredibly loud explosion” during the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001, has put the National Institute of Standards and Technology in a very uncomfortable position.

      NIST claimed in its 2008 report on Building 7 that there were “no witness reports” of an explosion when the 47-story skyscraper fell symmetrically into its own footprint. The account of correspondent Gigi Stone Woods, who was reporting that day for local cable news channel NY1, categorically contradicts NIST’s claim.


      In the request for correction, AE911Truth pointed out that it is false to assume that RDX is the only material that could have been used. (NIST’s assumption ignores the possibility of noise abatement in the form of thermite-based devices, for example.) Furthermore, AE911Truth argued that it is categorically false to assert that no one heard a sound loud enough to be an explosion.


      Also, in an exchange between [MSNBC’s Ashleigh] Banfield and anchor Brian Williams about 20 seconds before the loud sound, she describes thinking she had heard “another explosion.”


      Lol, ‘car bombs or car exploding from the heat.’🤪🤦‍♂️ Ashleigh there’s literally no record, evidence, motive nor time window in which car bombs would have been planted or relevant. And cars that burst into flames don’t make explosions that register of seismographs the way that pre-collapse (i.e. controlled demolition) explosions on 9/11 did.


      In its denial of the request for correction, NIST avoided addressing any of these specifically, instead simply stating that it had studied many accounts and reviewed numerous video clips and that it “disagreed” 🤣🤦‍♂️🙉🙈


      The accounts of Barry Jennings, the New York City Housing Authority’s deputy director of the emergency services department, and Michael Hess, the New York City corporation counsel, are also a major aspect of this section of the request for correction. The two described going into Building 7 and up to the 23rd floor, which is where the Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center was located. Jennings and Hess found the EOC abandoned


      But this scenario is seriously problematic. First, it ignores clear statements from both men that they witnessed an explosion in the stairwell that destroyed the 6th floor landing. (Later, Hess changed his account to align with NIST’s [after Barry Jennings died, and note Hess ‘heads up’ Giuliani Partners], but Jennings maintained his version.) […]

    • NIST issues blatantly unresponsive — and unlawful — decision on WTC 7 request on July 2, 2021

      While it is true that if one party uses a scientifically incompetent, factually false, and/or dishonest approach and another party uses a scientifically competent, factually correct, and honest approach, that “different” results are to be expected, this does not mean that both parties’ analyses and results are accurate, honest, legal,or equally valid […] NIST’s WTC 7 collapse sequence cannot even be fairly described as just improbable; it has been demonstrated to be literally impossible by the Requestors. Only an analysis and model that includes the simultaneous removal/failure of multiple building columns […] can predict the WTC 7 collapse[controlled demolition] behavior actually observed and filmed […] NIST’s analysis and computer modelling of the WTC 7 building collapse remains a “black box.” The [internal] contents of NIST’s model remain secret, notwithstanding having been repeatedly requested […] here can be no independent replication of NIST’s analysis and findings based on a black box (i.e., no reproducibility) […] NIST also failed to evaluate WTC 7 collapse[controlled demolition] scenarios involving use of nanothermite/thermate to achieve such a simultaneous removal of multiple columns (without the level of noise NIST asserts conventional explosives would cause) […] and arbitrarily excluded other scenarios involving use of high-tech incendiaries and explosives that would predict—and do match—the actual behavior of WTC 7 as it collapse[imploded] on 9/11. Although NIST asserts that it carefully considered the seismogram data, the Requestors […] show that the seismogram data is simply incompatible with NIST’s conclusions […] NIST’s decision amounts to a whitewash and coverup of critical evidence regarding one of the most horrible and despicable bombing crimes in history

    • Exposing NIST's fraud in court: Mick Harrison and Ted Walter on 9/11 Free Fall on July 10, 2021

      their models completely failed to replicate the actual collapse[controlled demolition], and anyone out there whose seen the NIST model of the collapse will immediately recognize that it looks nothing like the actual collapse[controlled demolition] that we saw 9/11 because the collapse[implosion] we saw on 9/11 was totally symmetrical and straight down and actually had very, very little deformation to the outside of the structure.

      That’s what you see in the videos, whereas in the NIST model, the structure is completely warped and distorting. There's lots of deformation happening, which is what you might expect in a more natural collapse where different members of the building are failing and pulling on each other, and you're getting a lot of internal stresses on the building. In this case, the building comes straight down with very little deformation on the outside.

      The last three items that we targeted were essentially NIST’s ignoring of evidence of explosives and incendiaries, and that includes the seismogram data, which was recorded north of the city at a seismogram station as well as eye witness reports and audio evidence of explosions, and finally, severely eroded steel that was recovered from Building 7 that the erosion in the steel, the sulfidation and intergranular melting could not have been caused by fires. And there's a very, very plausible hypothesis that is totally consistent with the evidence that erosion was caused by thermate, which would have been used to bring the building down.

      And so, as Mick, I think, will attest to, the request for correction was extremely meticulous, well documented, very precise in the information it was putting into it, and, in any sane, reasonable scenario would have shown the agency that the report was false.


      They take nine months trying to hope that they’ll wait us out or an asteroid will crash into the Earth or something, and they won’t have to deal with us, and they finally issued the shoddy decision and responding back to you. And I love when they say about different methods, that you followed different methods than they did. It’s almost like somebody who says that not using punctuation is a writing style.


      they tried to convince the public who would read their five-page decisions that they were transparent, which is one of the Information Quality Act legal criteria, transparent in their decision and decision process, but they also have not denied that they, to this day, refused to release the computer modeling on which they rely for drawing their conclusions that fire has caused the collapse of Building 7 […] So NIST clearly didn't satisfy the law on transparency and reproducibility, also objectivity and integrity when they’re basically making factual assumptions that are contrary to the known facts

Archived, archived. Archived, [archived](*/

Related links:

  • truthers[“Troofers”], c.f. also

  • Israel’s Mossad Perpetrated 9/11?

  • The Monsters Under Our Beds:

    911 was a deliberate, preplanned atrocity, executed, filmed in Technicolor from every possible angle and delivered to us with our breakfast coffee. It was the biggest Hollywood open air performance ever---- and again, thousands of innocent Americans and people from around the world suffered and died at the hands of the Monsters Under Our Bed


    I know that this video is making the rounds and that many Americans are in shock as they realize how badly the Bundys and others have been treated by their public employees, yet it is a fitting follow-up to the video I shared with everyone last night that chronicles the history of the Native Americans


    It shows you in no uncertain terms the kind of brutality and ignorance that has become commonplace among federal government employees, and especially within the subcontracting organizations known as agencies: BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, NSA, DHS, IRS, and the list goes on. Never forget when viewing this video that even worse things ultimately happened as a result of this "stand off". LaVoy Finicum, an innocent Rancher on his way to a public assembly, was deliberately ambushed by paramilitary mercenary goons acting under color of law -- and murdered in cold blood.His family escaped only by the hand and grace of God. The Bundys themselves have been repeatedly, unjustifiably railroaded into foreign courts and tried under foreign law under the false presumption provided by deliberately falsified public records misidentifying them as “US citizens”.


    Hello? Houston, we've got a problem here.... a criminal element has taken over what is supposed to be our government but which is in fact just two criminally inclined commercial corporations running rampant on our shores.

Delusionary Malthusian, Misanthropic, Self-flagellation, Self-immolation Religion

Club of Rome is a depopulation pogrom:

  • The First Global Revolution September 3, 1991 (pdf)

    The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man

    In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

  • 2019 Planetary emergency plan

  • The Club of Rome is a platform of diverse thought leaders who identify holistic solutions to complex global issues and promote policy initiatives and action to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies.


Excerpt from Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions on 9/11:

Our fore fathers didn’t approve of getting entangled in such foreign alliances/conflicts because inevitably these are not about they seem to be about— just as moral panics (i.e. holiness [war] spirals) are not usually about morality, c.f. also. It’s about about power struggles and employing deception to confuse the delusional Westerners into supporting their own self-immolation via derivative (dominoes) effects.


Y’all are lazy and just assumed you were correct. Analogus to the [misanthropic 🚷 anthropogenic-global-warming] AGW freakazoids’ presumptious arrogance.

Related links:


(1984 Story and Analysis in 9 min (with Subtitle) by Daniel Zhai)

The reality of the lizard people by Eric S. Raymond

That was the moment at which I realized that, barring one unimportant detail, lizard-people theory is actually true.

The unimportant detail is the part about the lizard people being actual extraterrestrials. But let’s look at the rest of it. The believer says: Our elites behave as though they are heavily infiltrated by beings hostile to the interests of ordinary humans. They hide behind a mask of humanity but they have alien minds. They are predators and exploiters, cunning at hiding their nature – but sometimes the mask slips.


“Lizard” is actually a rather clever code, if you happen to know your evolutionary neuroanatomy. Oversimplifying a little, humans have an exceptionally elaborate neocortex wrapped around a monkey brain wrapped around a lizard [reptilian] brain. The neocortex does what we are pleased to consider higher cognitive functions, the monkey brain does emotions and social behavior, and the lizard brain does territoriality/aggression/dominance.


There’s a close relative of lizard-people theory in which which many of our elites are held to be members of an ancient Satanic conspiracy and have become demon-ridden; this is different language carrying the same freight.

Satanic symbolism at the vatican


Compare the to the Great Cathedral in Russia:


Austrian bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent

Bishop hangs nude trans banner

I wrote in 2015:

I just noticed something quite peculiar on the final Denver mural. It appears the Russian flag and the USA flag are merged! […] Then you have someone like Armstrong who argues they control NYC but not Russia nor China. 🙄🤦🏻 […] Whereas with the Georgia Guidestones (which was part of my original post on this topic) were clearly not created by some unfunded artist. The person who commissioned them is well described to be a white haired man [e.g. eugenicist Ted Turner] in an expensive suit who sent money from numerous banks around the country. And only two men ever met him in that context and one of those men is dead.

I had replied to @tabnloz:

If there is some vast conspiracy to eliminate the masses etc, it does not sound logical that it would be telegraphed at all. Loose lips etc sink ships. Why risk a revolution before your plan can be hatched just so you can show your power?

The banksters are saying, “you dumb shit cows are getting what you deserve because you can’t organize yourself individually and you need us to organize the united nations because tribalism failed.”

I had replied to @bigtimespaghetti:

Most people don’t need to be explicitly controlled, they are heavily inculcated into collectivism from the moment they enter the “education” system. Most people I meet don’t realize that many things they advocate are ultimately anti-human and rest upon a corrupted moral core. The most vociferous and virulent activists, feminists and SJW are perfect examples of this.

Very well summarized. I concur. Not only schools, but of course include media, the way culture spreads out, social acceptance, economic opportunity, etc..

It is very true that the activists genuinely believe what they are doing is correct, just, righteous, etc.. They haven’t consciously made a pact with the devil. Even politicians lie[rationalize] to themselves and say they are doing a job that necessary for the organization of civilization and that the dirty money is necessary otherwise the next guy will take it and beat you in the election (and they are correct!).

As far as I can fathom, any fundamental change comes from a change in paradigms, which as far as I can see only is instigated from natural events (e.g. Black Death) or technological innovation. I don’t think there is ever any purely enlightenment or informational induced change in human civilization.

Since 1984 I’ve been ridiculed for “promulgating hyperbolic, doomsday Chicken Little ‘sky is falling’, Parade of horribles fairy tales not more meaningful than the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Dumbo The Flying Elephant or UFOs by presuming unsubstantiated ‘random gibberish’ had any relevance to reality.”

Yet now we see the dystopian plan for the New World Order (NWO) ‘coming into view’, nearly exactly in the manner and form as had been predicted by all the signs we had been given.


Was it not enough to read the book Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell published in June 1949. Or listen to the warning in 34th POTUS Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell address.


@‍darby_m commented:

If everyone could let it soak in that we had a coup d’etat in November of 1963 where the CIA under Bush Sr. captured the White House.

He and It (CIA) have controlled the White House since then and have been steadily using the banks and military and other public institutions to loot and demoralize not only this country but the rest of the world.

[…] Bush Sr.’s comment, “‘If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us’ – H.W. Bush June 1992 to Sarah McClendon (White House Press Corps)” can be more clearly understood in this context.


How many governments have the CIA overthrown to date?

Our entire system makes perfect sense if one understands that a literal gang of professional thugs is in charge and are calling all the shots. If enough people can get their head around this, we might just know where to point all of this frustration and that would be to let our neighbors know what we are really dealing with. They only get away with it because they keep us too busy fighting and struggling to notice that gangsters have steadily taken over.

Or read about secret societies manipulating the world in Carroll Quigley’s factual 1966 book Tragedy and Hope that was sourced from the files of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

I posited the ten year cycle for Bitcoin with the fake cerveza sickness premeditated in 2019 to wreck the global economy to force war and the devolution of the dollar, SWIFT and extant financial system so Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix can rise from the ashes as the only functioning financial asset that isn’t abused by the corrupt nation-states in the forthcoming WW3. Don’t forget Bill Gates’ Event 201 pLandemic exercise in October 2019, the WHO’s $0.5 Billion Pandemic Derivatives, the CDC taking $1.8 billion in funding from Bloomberg, CDC taking funding from Bill Gates, the COVIDGate Conspiracy, Fauci mingling with the global elite, eugenist Bill Gates been controlling the WHO, former POTUS Trump’s signing of $billions of funding for new corona vaccines in 2019 and Gates’ (also Trump’s) involvement with Epstein’s “Club” circle:

…it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it… — George Carlin in The American Dream


Eminem said it best in Mosh (Dirty Version) by Eminemjust say ‘No!’ to war!

All of the children of the world bring in the weapons from their country, handing them to a German boy. The gas mask man from the previous scene is now dead, two doves perched on his body. All of the children appear to be relieved. The deeper metaphor is the return to peace, a rebirth; there will be no more need for weapons in the new world. The final mural is oddly reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, the world now lives in peace after the horrific events that have taken place. All the murals, when viewed in sequence, depict a massive genocide followed by the formation of a now less-populated, harmonious new world. Finally, let’s return to those bunkers. The photo above is a blueprint of 5 buildings that were mysteriously buried during the early days of construction on the Denver Airport. These five large buildings were fully constructed and subsequently deemed to have been ‘positioned incorrectly.’

Rather than being demolished, the buildings were ordered to be buried, yes buried. The ‘underground bases’, as they are referred, are currently being used as “storage” according to airport authorities. This fact is not debated. We already know there is an underground structure beneath the airport. The real question is how deep the worm hole goes. We may never know…

UPDATE BY LEO: President Obama was in Denver Sept 27th last year when Comet Elenin passed by the earth, “barely missing” us by 22 [million] miles. Some say, that if the comet would have struck earth, it’s back to the stone-age for us. Nonetheless, their was a chance that it could have hit and President Obama was conveniently ushered to Denver… which, in my opinion, adds more to the existence of not only a military bunker, but also the largest, most advanced bunker in the US -because the President wouldn’t go to some half-ass bunker if there was a threat of complete world destruction. Just sayin.

  • INTERVIEW: Leo Tanguma

    points to pencil drafts for “Children of the World Dream of Peace.” […] This is a lesson from the prophet Isaiah and Micah, that some day the nations of the world will stop war and so on and will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning forks […] Then here I have children sleeping amid the debris of war and this warmonger is killing the dove of peace, but the kids are dreaming of something better in the future […] See how the little dream becomes something really beautiful, that someday the nations of the world will abandon war and come together.

  • Dallas Masons Airport. Strange airport in denver. Secret base of the Nazis

    The airport is equipped with fiber optic communications with a total length of 5300 miles. It is longer than the Nile River and approximately equal to the straight line distance from New York to Buenos Aires! The airport also has a communications network of 11,365 miles of copper cable. No other airport in the United States, and most likely in the rest of the world, even more lively than the DIA, has anything similar […] Despite the fact that Denver is one of the flattest cities in the United States, during the construction of the airport, an amount of land equal to one third of the land removed during the construction of the Panama Canal was removed. Which makes some think that there are huge unused rooms under the airport. In addition, from somewhere there is information that at first some strange five buildings were built, which were then considered to be built erroneously and instead of being demolished they were covered with earth. Separate contractors were hired to build each part of the complex, with all of them having to terminate the contract immediately after they had done their job. Many skeptics claim that this was done in order to hide the second and main purpose of the project […] There is reason to believe that the underground base NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and CMOC (Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center) on Mount Cheyenne Cheyenne in Colorado, 120 miles from the airport, is connected to it by an underground tunnel. Denver was probably chosen because of its central location, and the fact that it is connected by hundreds of miles of underground tunnels that probably lead to a giant underground city for the elite and government officials. […] Pale Horse of the Apocalypse

    What is the pale horse of the Apocalypse, whose name is death or the Trojan horse of the New World Order? […] He continued to work on this colossal statue until 2006, until he was killed … fallen on him by the torso of his devil horse […] However, the most interesting thing about this in everything is the shocking murals, mysterious signs and inscriptions in known and unknown languages, on walls, floors, as well as strange artifacts located inside and out […] prophetic symbolism of a dark cult, which tells us about the approach of the New World Order (in which the entire population of the Earth will be united under the leadership of a single world government), literally permeates the whole complex. Jesse [Ventura]: what is the largest bunker in the usa you know? Brian: I can’t say to the camera. But I can say that over the past 10 years, the US government has been actively building underground shelters. Jesse: how big is the biggest bunker? I do not ask where he is. Brian: the largest, as I know, is about 100,000 sq.m. It was built by the government in the Midwest (this is Colorado. - Ed.), It is designed specifically for 2012, and is located under government buildings. Jesse: but if you are building, it cannot be hidden. After all, there will be a lot of all kinds of equipment that cannot go unnoticed. Brian: Not if you are building under existing buildings that span 4-5 square miles. If you are building a very large airport, it will be very easy to build a shelter under it. Jesse: it's a hint? Brian: Yes.

  • Evil Murals? (Denver International Airport)

    Now this makes me wonder if the folks at DIA just like the attention … Another monolithic sculpture has just been installed — this one is of the Egyptian God of The Dead…

  • Revelation 6:8

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

  • Behold a Pale Horse by William ‘Bill’ Cooper [listen to the Audible sample]

  • The Conspiracist Manual That Influenced a Generation of Rappers

    “William Cooper wrote what everyone kind of knew,” Prodigy said. For many in the black community, it was common knowledge that the CIA was bringing dope into the ghetto to further enslave the people.

  • How William Cooper and his book ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ planted seeds of QAnon conspiracy theory

    In June 2001, Cooper would make a prediction that would earn him the legacy as the man who predicted the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

  • Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics

    The ”paranoia pioneer” Bill Cooper (aka William Cooper) made many correct predictions, including predicting his murder by police 24 days after 9/11. He predicted 9/11 on June 28, 2001, which was my birthday. Cooper advocated armed resistance to the creeping tyranny and awareness of the existence of the Zionist, Illuminati Luciferian cabal. Cooper had clarified that he’s not a drunk and threat of alien invasion is/was a psyops hoax (although there’s another video of him claiming to have personally witnessed UFOs yet he notes he could have been intentionally deceived somehow but he maintains that the UFOs are creations of the government). Cooper’s interview with Alex Jones is very interesting in hindsight. Interesting the falling out between two and Alex Jones’ lying ad hominem

  • DIA, Death, & A Demon Horse: A Conspiracy of Luis Jimenez and His Most Infamous Sculpture

    Considering context, it seems apparent that Blucifer was never cursed. I believe he is meant to represent the powerful and wild spirit of the American West and the freedom that came with it. The neon red LEDs used for his eyes were a nod to Jimenez’s father and his own childhood in that shop. It’s also said that Jimenez knew of a Colorado legend particular to the San Juan Valley and the early nomads who roamed the land seasonally. A massive blue mustang with red eyes that ran in the air and led his herd to water in food in the harsh winters.

  • Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories and the Surrounding Facts: §Airport Layout and Other Buildings

    Not only is DIA the second largest airport in the world regarding land mass, but there are an untold number of extra buildings and hangars on the property that seem unneeded for a typical airport […] Beyond that, looking at a bird’s eye view of DIA, all the runways and terminal’s together can be construed in the shape of a swastika […] Furthermore, all the fences at DIA also have barbed wire curiously facing inward. Some theories around DIA suspect that it will be used as a prison or concentration camp in the future, so this wire is thought to be there to keep people in, not out. There is known to be as many as as 6 underground levels below the ground floor of DIA and possibly more that are not even known about. Beyond that, there are theories that tunnels exist all the way from the Colorado Springs Air Force Base to DIA and from the Air Force Base on to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in the Rocky Mountains outside of Colorado Springs.

  • DIA Conspiracies Take Off

    One of the women asked Tanguma if the airport had told him what to paint. He remembers that, because he remembers how she said it. He told her no, that he was given no instructions on content […] On the other end of the conspiracy spectrum is anti-vaccination activist Dr. Len Horowitz, who believes that global viruses such as AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, tuberculosis and SARS are actually population-control plots engineered by the government. The former dentist from Florida does not speak about 2012 or reptiles — in fact, he sees Icke's Jewish alien lizards as a Masonic plot to divert observers from the true earthly enemies: remnants of the Third Reich […] “The Nazi alien symbolizes the Nazi-fascist links between contemporary population controllers and the military-medical-petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel largely accountable for Hitler's rise to power,” Horowitz explained in a 2003 interview with BookWire […] In a 2003 newsletter, biblical research group Cephas Ministry included photos of the murals, along with the caution that they referred to bio-warfare, 9/11 and paganism […] “The idea that [DIA] is a temple or monument to the New World Order, it almost in some bizarre way makes sense,” he says […] Although the DIA conspiracies have branched off into wild ideological directions, they’re all rooted in a 1996 radio interview with Alex Christopher […] she met people who she claims took her into DIA's underground tunnels. The first time, she went with a man who worked there. “It was really spooky,” she remembers. Then she returned with fellow conspiracy theorist Phil Schneider, and they went down four levels […] She went with a few family members to visit Tanguma at his studio, where he was working on the second mural. “And I asked him, ‘Where on earth are you coming up with this material from?’ And he said, ‘Well, it's just a collection, a collage.’ And he had a lot of books in his studio that had strange pictures,” she remembers […] “I understand that he didn't have free rein on those things,” Christopher continues. “He was given an outline of what was supposed to be in the murals. And I tried to talk to him about what I thought, and he wasn't buying it at all. Evidently he was bought and paid for, because there was no talking to him. And his mind was totally shut down to what he was depicting.” […] But then Phil Schneider turned up dead — officials determined it was a suicide, but conspiracy theorists recognized it as an assassination, and he has since become a martyr for underground-base believers. Christopher became fearful for her life and her children's safety. “And so for them, I shut up and disappeared and decided to see if somebody would take the material and let it take on a life of its own so that their focus would be somewhere else,” she says.

    And Christopher has tried to stay hidden, which has led to even more conspiracies. “Everybody thinks I'm dead or they think I'm a man,” she says. “My daughter and I have a real good chuckle over it.” […] No one has bothered to call Charles Ansbacher, now the conductor of the Boston Landmarks Orchestra, which gives free classical concerts at public landmarks around the Boston area. But as the co-chair of the now-defunct New World Airport Commission, which orchestrated DIA's opening festivities, Ansbacher would be a prime candidate for the conspiracists' Illuminati puppet master. Back in 1990, the longtime arts advocate was living in Denver and working as an aesthetic design-policy advisor for DIA when he decided to start a not-for-profit organization that would help promote the new airport to the people of Denver, and enlisted big-name corporate and civic names to serve on the board. […] Ansbacher can't quite remember how he came up with the name for the organization, but he guesses it might have come from Dvorák's New World Symphony. The New World Airport Commission name emphasized that DIA was the newest airport in the world, and the first new airport built in this country since Dallas/Fort Worth in 1973, he says; it did not symbolize that DIA was a monument to the New World Order. "The idea that there is anything secretive about this is totally preposterous," Ansbacher says. […] Weidner does. He visited DIA while working on his documentary and checked out the Tanguma murals. “I don't know where he is,” Weidner says of the artist. “Last I heard, he was in Chicago; that's all I could find out. I know he was commissioned to do the murals, and I know he was told pretty much what to paint. And that's all I know. He's pretty much just gone away.” […] In 1993, Tanguma got a $100,000 commission for DIA. Initially, it was for one mural — but as he started painting, he decided to do more. "I wanted it to live up to how I felt about Denver, for the opportunity," he says. He insists that he was given no guidelines for what to paint, and it took him three years to finish the work.

  • Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

HAARP and 5G

The Holocaust Didn’t Exist

Syrian Equals Sirian

After all, if we believe the ancient texts and hieroglyphics discovered in places like Gobekli Tepe, the angels were using advanced technology and engaging in interstellar travel thousands of years ago. We would be stupid to ignore the possibilty that they left valuable information behind—information that could lead to advances in science, technology, and—of course, warfare.

It was this that prompted the Nazis to begin their worldwide search for ancient archeological sites, and after they found them and extracted anything valuable, it is also what prompted the Nazis to destroy and/or bury so many archeological sites—especially in North Africa.

It would stun many people worldwide to learn that more Nazi bombs were dropped on uninhabited archeological sites in North Africa than any bombing campaign addressed against then- current military targets. Rommel was engaged in a desperate race to uncover, photograph, and then either bury or destroy archeological sites.

The V-2 self-guided (drone) bomb and the Mercury propulsion engine the Nazis were working on at the end of the Second World War were both inspired by ancient archeological findings—the technology of the angels. Much of Nikola Tesla’s work was similarly inspired.

And now, we come to today and the vicious war that has been conducted in Syria and against "Syrians" for the same purposes of discovery and self-interested destruction by modern con artists and war-mongers.


We should all be appalled on a worldwide basis and we should all condemn the destruction of Syria and of Syria’s archeological sites by both NATO and Russia. This history and the technological discoveries resulting from it belong to all mankind, for better or worse.

Why should we when applying Occam’s razor assume that ancients had knowledge of advanced technology or that military technological and electromagnetic science advance were dependent on archaelogical artifacts? It’s a hyperbolic claim absent some sources. More likely any Nazi destruction of archaeological sites was driven by a myth-making, priestly motivation to hide any evidence that the soi-disant Arayan race was not the “master race” and the original source of human civilization. Let’s not forget that empires and civilizations are ruled and lead by priests, not by warriors nor truthers. Michael Dirda wrote in It turns out ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ wasn’t so far off about the Nazis says:

In particular, he documents the intense interest in parapsychology, New Age fantasies and so-called “border science.” Some Nazi leaders firmly believed that the Aryan race descended from the aliens who established Atlantis, that Satan was really a good guy and that werewolves actually protected clean-living Teutons against the ravages and sexual depredations of Slavic vampires.

Kurlander groups all these — as well as the Nazi obsession with the Holy Grail, witchcraft, Luciferianism, World Ice Theory, anti-gravity machines, astrology and pagan religions — under the rubric “the supernatural imaginary.” He begins his study with Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, champion of Ariosophy, “an esoteric doctrine that prophesied the resurgence of a lost Aryan civilization peopled by Nordic ‘God Men.’ ”

The Nazi leaders drank their own religious/ideological Koolaid and probably did achieve and intend good for the people contrary to the debunked propaganda drivel about megadeath in concentration camps. Let’s not forget the theory of power and that all human action at-scale (i.e. empire) is driven by harvesting available energy—what more effective than the power of ideas and their priests.

Moreover this wanton destruction of religious and cultural identity smacks of the globalist creed ‘NWO with a unified church and monetary system. Utter destruction of all national identity and national pride. Destruction of religion, except theirs.’

Anna wrote:

Satan’s followers, the Apollyon Acolytes, perverts devoted to endless war, who feed on the suffering of others, cannibals who worship the moon, infested the Nazi AND the British leadership during the First and Second World Wars.

Anna wrote:

There was a plan to kill the Priority Creditors of the con artists, just as they did in Nazi Germany. We blew that to smithereens in 2014. There was a plan to declare our Republics ”dead,” no longer having “international representation” and no longer having a sufficient currency in international circulation. We blew that sky-high in 2015. At every turn, as the con artists have tried to undermine us, tried to deny our claims, tried to gain the legal edge—they have been defeated.

And not just defeated. Squashed flat. Exposed. Like roaches.

There was an attempt by HRM Elizabeth II to claim that she was the Head of State of the United States of America. Wrong. The actual Head of State stepped forward. There was an attempt by FRANCE, that is, Jacob Rothschild, to establish a contract by assumption and succession. We said, thanks, but no thanks. In public. Repeatedly.

As usual most of Anna’s writings are entirely unsourced (← note I don’t agree with all the conclusions of the linked) and I even debunked her claim of no nuclear bombs dropped on Japan. How are we supposed to verify her oft-outlandish, brash claims? Am I too paranoid if I entertain even one iota of doubt that Anna might be unwittingly exhibiting the alleged-stereotype, female shit-testing, disruptive behavior that I’m graciously presuming she’s not? Human nature (even our own) is complex. Provided sources and/or proofs derived from accepted truths remove the need to appeal (i.e. trust) to (her) authority. I really do not have enough free time to dig for all the sources.

James A. Donald (alias Jim) commented:

Interest rates indicate people not bracing for inflation, normality bias. Bitcoin indicates people bracing for inflation. Land and property prices indicate people bracing for inflation.


If you want to know about reality, you don’t look at indicators of what people are thinking about reality. Investments indicate what people are thinking about reality, so are always a lagging indicator. You look at what is happening to people who have to deal with actual reality. That is shortages, spot prices and scalper prices. Which indicate about twenty percent inflation since Biden was elected by the official media, by the priesthood, and installed by the deep state.


Because the seignorage tax is a hidden tax, the government can get away with taxing beyond the Laffer limit for longer than with most taxes. Failure to adapt winds up hurting a lot of normies, the last people to adapt, which is why so many normies voted for the Nazis in Weimar Germany. Notice how many normies have been badly burned by the debasement of academic degrees.


The Soros shilling is a preparation for a possible replay of Weimar. This time they intend to make sure that the next Hitler does what they intended the previous Hitler to do, play out the standard play act in the expulsion of the Jews.

The Jewish Conspiracy

A lot of people believe that the Jews act as one, that they secretively and conspiratorially pursue Jewish interests at other people’s expense.

The coordination problem is hard. No one successfully acts as one [and instead for their participation actors are incentivized and directed by the Smith’s invisible hand adapted to theory of power].


The Old Bolsheviks were mostly Jewish, and proceeded to purge each other until the party was damn near Judenrein. The Trotskyists were overwhelmingly Jewish, and, lacking the power to send each other to the gulag, still are overwhelmingly Jewish, (hence the saying two trots, three factions) and they hate Jews more than anyone.


I suspect, however, that when the elite finds itself in serious trouble for its misconduct, Jews will find themselves performing their usual function.


Yes, Jews have higher average IQs that boost their representation in many cognitively demanding and particularly verbal-oriented fields, but Jews are greatly over-represented in Left Wing movements and groups above and beyond their representation levels in other fields that attract Jewish participation, and this latter observation can’t be chalked up solely to IQ.

Wildly disproportionate Jewish attraction to Left Wing causes and Leftist groups is a consequence both of their IQ and of their distinct personality traits — call it the Tikkun Olam Triad, a suite of personality factors that predisposes Jewish temperament toward preachiness/radicalism, feelings of superiority, and neuroticism. These traits, coincidentally, are characteristics that are typical of Left Wingers, Jew and non-Jew alike.

If Jewish IQ was all that mattered (and not Jewish psychology), as Lamb of the Blogosphere asserts, then we would see Jews punching as far above their weight in Right Wing movements and groups as they do in Left Wing movements and groups.

Do we? The evidence I will present here says no.


Jim reacted in a blog:

His data and conclusions are consistent with mine: My conclusions being that Jews are priests by nature, and we suffer from a crisis of an ever escalating excess of priests, and an ever escalating dangerously great theocratic power, ever escalating persecution of ever more minor deviations from an ever more extreme official state theology and theocracy of equalism, covetousness, and envy, and it is this crisis that causes the over representation of Jews among bad people doing bad things, not the other way around. If we get priests under control, then Jews are under control. If we expel Jews without getting priests under control, we are still screwed [because the theory of power is driving the outcome, not the existence of natural priests, because power vacuums are always filled by the most ruthless and Coase’s theorem insures legal barriers are subverted by opportunity cost externalities].

On Judaism

Judaism [i.e. the Pharisees which Jesus defied] was a theocratic national religion, state religion, and ethnic religion, a nation state religion [as a result of Moses’ commandments being corrupted by holier-than-thou, ritualistic oral tradition leading to King Solomom converted to materialism and the Pharisees’ corrupt, holier-than-thou Babylonism in defiance of 1 Samuel 8 as further explicated by Jesus in Matthew 6 and Matthew 10:9-20]. Just what the doctor ordered, just the kind of thing reactionaries like, just the kind of thing that makes a people strong.[The insoluble and inviolable theory of power obviates Jim’s prescription for powerful, centralized paradigms being salvation.]

Upon the Jews being exiled, the Sadducees lost their power base and Rabbis remade Judaism to be an exile ethnic religion, inherently hostile to, and subversive of, the host nation and host society.

This has become a paradoxical and psychologically unhealthy religion, since the Jews are no longer in exile, but [corrupt Pharisees] Judaism is still in exile, [and the corrupted Rabbinical and written Talmud variant] still subversive of the host nation even when the host nation is Israel, and still subversive of the host society even when the host society is Jewish.

Orthodox Jews are still in psychological exile. The [theologically evil] Rabbis won and the [Moses-following, decentralized followers of God before corruption by the lust for Babylon] Sadducees lost, but to come home[back to Babylonian self-enslavement], to once again be a [corrupt, Pharisees] religion of nation and state, Judaism has to change once again, has to cease to be a religion of exile and become less Rabbinical and more Sadducee, something that even the most reactionary Rabbis do not much like, preferring to concentrate on ever more extreme expansions of Deuteronomy 14:21.

I first heard this Holocaust denier claim circa ~2013 from an older Swiss acquaintance who resides in the Philippines. I was initially in denial because of the indoctrination all of us (at least in the West) have been subjected to regarding the alleged Nazi Holocaust and because the Internet resources that Peter had provided were lacking sufficient depth for my evidence driven truth threshold. Most of the following information was provided to me by members of my private Telegram group.

It’s a non-sequitur to accuse Holocaust truthers (aka Holocaust revisionism deniers or skeptics) of being anti-Semites because: a) Arabs are also Semites, duh; and b) because seeking the truth doesn’t express hate for anyone other than perhaps those who intentionally deploy propaganda for their evil ambitions and perhaps also (at least disgust and repulsion towards) those mindless/lazy memebot sheeppl regurgitating and subscribing to it. How could one be an anti-Semite even if they rejected Zionism which was essentially the British overpowering the resident Arabs to force the creation of Israel in Palestine. Sheeppl and memebots don’t even bother to comprehend the root meaning and etymology of the words they idiotically regurgitate with an intended meaning that’s a contradiction of itself.

As for the recent past, the truism “the victor writes the history of the war” still holds; and [the] victor is hardly ever objective […] The Holocaust is — or should — be a historical event and not a matter of religion. As such it is subject to the same kind of research and scrutiny as other past events, and so our conceptions of the Holocaust must be subjected to critical investigation […yet] In fact, the present German government prosecutes such approaches legally […] One reason for this is the massive political and financial interests of those religious groupings so meticulously described by the US professor of political science N. G. Finkelstein in his book The Holocaust Industry […] For instance, if we look into the war propaganda put forth by the U.S. […] Milosevic and Hussein were even accused of committing (or having committed) similar crimes of genocide – against the Kosovo Albanians here or the Kurds there. These claims, among others, were used to justify the wars. And there is no better justification for a war than to prevent a new [Nazi] — or a new threat to exterminate the Jewish people […] We know today that the claims about weapons of mass destruction raised against Hussein were false […] It has come to the point where summoning the evil spirits of [Nazis] and “[their]” über-genocide — the holocaust — is the [boogeyman] trump card needed to start just about any war the Powers That Be want to wage. […]

What is the holocaust religion there to conceal? As long as we fail to ask questions, we will be subjected to Zionists and their Neocon agents’ plots. We will continue killing in the name of Jewish suffering. We will maintain our complicity in Western imperialist crimes against humanity. […] The holocaust became the new Western religion. Unfortunately, it is the most sinister religion known to man. It is a license to kill, to flatten, to nuke, to wipe [out], to rape, to loot and to ethnically cleanse. It made vengeance and revenge into a Western value

The real holocaust were the millions that Stalin starved in Ukraine in the Holodomor where the people had to resort to cannabilism to survive. Or the ~100+ million humans that Communism has slaughtered and/or starved to death, c.f. also. Starvation is the usual means for genocide and that appears to repeating again this decade. If we don’t expose the truth about history then as ignorant, we’re destined to repeat the same horrific outcomes.

The Ukrainian Famine That Killed Millions

The actual estimates of genocide vary. Someone wrote in my small, private Telegram group:

In the 20th century alone, […] over 200 million Gentile deaths as a result of countless genocides (the 3 Holodomors, the Armenian Genocide, the Bosnian Genocide, Bolshevik revolution to name a few)

I’m trying to locate the video I had viewed of elderly Ukrainians relating their experience during the Holodomor and one of them spoke of seeing a young child walking outside and then later they only saw her bones as she had been a victim of cannibalism, c.f. also, also.

“You are starving? This is not famine yet! When your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving” — Bolshevik Jew Leon Trotsky in response to pleas from starving peoples of the Ukraine 1921.

Isaiah 9:2

They will attack their neighbor on the right but will still be hungry. They will devour their neighbor on the left but will not be satisfied. In the end they will even eat their own children.

2 Kings 6

There was a great famine in the city; the siege lasted so long that a donkey’s head sold for eighty shekels of silver, and a quarter of a cab of seed pods for five shekels […] She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we’ll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him

The present-day excuses and grievances (including the contemporaneous Stephan Bandera ‘fascists’, c.f. also) being offered for Putin’s aggression are the fricken, analogous, contemporaneous issues (← very disturbing video) that existed during the era of Bolshevik Lenin and Stalin when the Russians deliberately created the punitive, genocidal, Holodomor famine in Ukraine after they couldn’t force or incentivize Ukrainains to yield their struggle for sovereignty.

Putin is attempting to be more tolerant of language diversity, but perhaps Ukrainians don’t want to be in Putin’s failed state security buffer zone. Although Russia might capture Ukraine and had no other alternative, Putin’s unrealistic ambitions are causing him to walk into Rothschild’s NWO trap analogous to how Hitler’s unrealistic ambitions played right into the Zionist propaganda trap laid out for him. A History of Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Russia Crisis explains Ukraine has always been a contested region which Russia wishes to control.

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