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Created December 2, 2014 14:49
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obtain information on traces running
------------------------- obtain information on traces running -------------------------
trace_id = id
,trace_name = reverse(left(reverse(path),
charindex('\', reverse(path),
1) - 1))
,trace_duration =
when stop_time is not null then 'Duration (min): ' + convert(varchar(10), datediff(minute, start_time, stop_time), 120)
else 'No duration limit'
,status =
case status
when 0 then 'Stopped'
when 1 then 'Running'
,stop_trace_command =
when id = 1 then 'Default Trace, No actions to take'
when t.is_rowset = 1 then 'Stop trace in profiler'
else cast('-- Stops the specified trace.
exec sp_trace_setstatus ' + cast(id as nvarchar(10)) + ', 0
-- Closes the specified trace and deletes its definition from the server.
exec sp_trace_setstatus ' + cast(id as nvarchar(10)) + ', 2' as nvarchar(max))
sys.traces as t
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