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Forked from meqif/
Created June 7, 2011 22:16
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Save shello/1013301 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Short script for sorting 'du' output correctly. meqif did it in both Ruby and Python as practice; I perfected the python version.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
UNIT_FACTORS = {'B': 0, 'K': 1, 'M': 2, 'G': 3, 'T': 4, 'P': 5}
def bytes_multiplier(unit):
if UNIT_FACTORS.has_key(unit):
return 1024 ** UNIT_FACTORS[unit]
return 1 # Do not alter values with unknown units.
def sort_criterion(line):
weight = line.split()[0]
unit = weight[-1] if weight[-1].isalpha() else ""
size = weight[:-1] if unit != "" else weight
# some locales use commas as decimal separators
size = size.replace(",", ".")
# return the value in bytes
return float(size) * bytes_multiplier(unit)
INPUT_FILE = sys.stdin
input = INPUT_FILE.readlines()
ordered_data = sorted(input, key=sort_criterion)
for line in ordered_data:
print line.rstrip()
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
input = INPUT_FILE.readlines
ordered_data = input.sort_by do |line|
size = line.split.first
# some locales use commas as decimal separators
size.sub!(",", ".")
case size[-1]
when "B"
size = size.to_f
when "K"
size = size.to_f * 1024
when "M"
size = size.to_f * 1024**2
when "G"
size = size.to_f * 1024**3
else # size given in blocks, don't mess with it
size = size.to_f
puts ordered_data
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