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WordPress :: Add Settings Page with All Fields
// Specify Hooks/Filters
//register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'add_defaults_fn' ); // adds nothing to the DB using this
add_action( 'admin_init', 'add_defaults_fn' ); // works in place of the above line - temporary fix
add_action( 'admin_init', 'sampleoptions_init_fn' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'sampleoptions_add_page_fn' );
// Define the plugin prefix for easy changing throughout this file
define( 'PLUGIN_PREFIX', 'plugin_' ); // for prefixes with underscores
define( 'PLUGIN_PREFIX_DASH', 'plugin-' ); // for prefixes with dashes
// Define the plugin title - for samereasons as above
define( 'PLUGIN_TITLE', 'BigBang ' ); // don't forget to leave the space at the end!
// Define default option settings
function add_defaults_fn() {
$tmp = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
if( !$tmp ) {
$arr = array( 'text_string' => 'Some sample text',
'text_pass' => '123456',
'text_area' => 'Space to put a lot of information here!',
'chk1' => null,
'option_set1' => 'Triangle',
'textarea_one' => 'textarea one stuff',
'textarea_two' => 'textarea two content',
'dropdown1' => 'Orange',
'chk2' => 'on'
update_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options', $arr );
// Register our settings. Add the settings section, and settings fields
function sampleoptions_init_fn() {
// the 3rd item in register_setting has been turned into an array after version 4.7 (I believe)
// so using the 3rd item as the sanitize callback is outdated.
register_setting( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options', // setting group name, corresponds to option key name
PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options', // name of option/option key to sanitize and save
array( //'type' => 'string', // do not need this line if show_in_rest is false.
'description' => '', // description of data attachedto this setting
'sanitize_callback' => 'plugin_options_validate', // callback function that sanitizes the data
'show_in_rest' => false, // include in REST API?
'default' => null // default value when calling get_option
add_settings_section( 'main_section', // slug to identify the section, used in ID attribute of tags
'Main Settings', // displayed title/heading of section
'section_text_fn', // callback function of what this section displays
__FILE__ ); // url of page this section shows up on
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_string', // slug to identify the field, used in ID attribute of tags
'Text Input', // field title. Shows as labels for inputs.
'setting_string_fn', // callback function of what this section displays
__FILE__, // url of page this section shows up on
'main_section' // slug name of section this shows up in
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_pass',
'Password Text Input',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_area',
'Large Textbox!',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'chk1',
'A Checkbox',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'option_set1',
'Select Shape',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'textarea_one',
'Home Page Boxes',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'drop_down1',
'Select Color',
add_settings_field( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'chk2',
'Restore Defaults Upon Reactivation?',
// Add sub page to the Settings Menu
function sampleoptions_add_page_fn() {
// add optiont to main settings panel
add_options_page( PLUGIN_TITLE . 'Extra Settings', // text for title tags
PLUGIN_TITLE . 'Settings', // text for menu item
'manage_options', // capability
plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ), // slug for the page - this will use the main plugin folder name
'options_page_fn', // callback function to output the page content
null // position the menu item will appear. MUST be an integer. Use NULL if you want it at the bottom of the list, 0 for the top.
// ************************************************************************************************************
// Callback functions
// Init plugin options to white list our options
// Section HTML, displayed before the first option
function section_text_fn() {
echo '<p>Below are some examples of different option controls.</p>';
// TEXT FIELD - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[text_string]
function setting_string_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
echo '<input id="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_string" name=' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[text_string]" size="40" type="text" value="' . $options['text_string'] . '" />';
// PASSWORD-TEXTBOX - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[text_pass]
function setting_pass_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
echo '<input id="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_pass" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[text_pass]" size="40" type="password" value="' . $options['text_pass'] . '" />';
// TEXTAREA - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[text_area]
function setting_textarea_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
echo '<textarea id="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'text_area" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[text_area]" rows="7" cols="50" type="textarea">' . $options['text_area'] . '</textarea>';
// CHECKBOX - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[chk1]
function setting_chk1_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
if( isset( $options['chk1'] ) ? $checked = ' checked="checked" ' : $checked = '' );
echo '<input ' . $checked . ' id="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'chk1" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[chk1]" type="checkbox" />';
// RADIO-BUTTON - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[option_set1]
function setting_radio_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
$items = array( 'Square', 'Triangle', 'Circle');
foreach( $items as $item ) {
$checked = ( $options['option_set1'] == $item ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
echo '<label><input' . $checked . ' value="' . $item . '" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[option_set1]" type="radio" />' . $item . '</label><br />';
// WYSIWYG Visual Editor - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[textarea_one]
function setting_visual_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
$args = array( 'textarea_name' => PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[textarea_one]');
wp_editor( $options['textarea_one'], 'textarea_one', $args );
// Add another text box - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[textarea_two]
$args = array( 'textarea_name' => PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[textarea_two]');
wp_editor( $options['textarea_two'], 'textarea_two', $args );
// DROP-DOWN-BOX - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[dropdown1]
function setting_dropdown_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
$items = array( 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Orange', 'White', 'Violet', 'Yellow' );
echo '<select id="drop_down1" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[dropdown1]">';
foreach( $items as $item ) {
$selected = ( $options['dropdown1'] == $item ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
echo '<option value="' . $item . '"' . $selected . '>' . $item . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
// CHECKBOX - Name: PLUGIN_PREFIX.options[chk2]
function setting_chk2_fn() {
$options = get_option( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
if( isset( $options['chk2'] ) ? $checked = ' checked="checked"' : $checked = '' );
echo '<input' . $checked . ' id="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'chk2" name="' . PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options[chk2]" type="checkbox" />';
// Display the admin options page
function options_page_fn() {
<div class="wrap">
<h2>My Example Options Page</h2>
Some optional text here explaining the overall purpose of the options and what they relate to etc.
<form action="options.php" method="post">
if ( function_exists( 'wp_nonce_field' ) )
wp_nonce_field( -1, PLUGIN_PREFIX_DASH . 'name-nonciness' );
settings_fields( PLUGIN_PREFIX . 'options' );
do_settings_sections( __FILE__ ); ?>
<p class="submit">
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save Changes' ); ?>" />
// Validate user data for some/all of your input fields. Accepts an array, return a sanitized array.
function plugin_options_validate( $input ) {
// Check our fields contain no HTML tags - if so strip them out
$input['text_string'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['text_string'] );
$input['textarea_one'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input['textarea_one'] );
$input['textarea_two'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input['textarea_two'] );
return $input; // return validated input
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