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Created May 11, 2020 03:47
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package chapter15
fun main() {
package chapter15
import java.lang.Exception
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
object Game {
private var running = true
private val player = Player("Madrigal")
private var currentRoom: Room = TownSquare()
private var worldMap = listOf(
listOf(currentRoom, Room("Tavern"), Room("Back Room")),
listOf(Room("Long Corridor"), Room("Generic Room"))
init {
println("Welcome, adventurer.")
fun play() {
while (running) {
print("> Enter you command: ")
private fun move(directionInput: String) =
try {
val direction = Direction.valueOf(directionInput.toUpperCase())
val newPosition = direction.updateCoordinate(player.currentPosition)
if (!newPosition.isInBounds) {
throw IllegalStateException("$direction is out of bounds.")
val newRoom = worldMap[newPosition.y][newPosition.x]
player.currentPosition = newPosition
currentRoom = newRoom
"OK, you move $direction to the ${}.\n${newRoom.load()}"
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Invalid direction: $directionInput."
private fun map(): String {
var output = ""
for (row in worldMap) {
for (column in row) {
output += if ( == {
} else {
output += "\n"
return output
private fun ring(): String {
return currentRoom.ringBell()
private fun quit(): String {
running = false
return "Bye, adventurer"
private fun printPlayerStatus(player: Player) {
println("(Aura: ${player.auraColor()}) " +
"(Blessed: ${if (player.isBlessed) "YES" else "NO"}")
println("${} ${player.formatHealthStatus()}")
private class GameInput(arg: String?) {
private val input = arg ?: ""
val command = input.split(" ")[0]
val argument = input.split(" ").getOrElse(1, { "" })
fun processCommand() = when(command.toLowerCase()) {
"move" -> move(argument)
"map" -> map()
"ring" -> ring()
"quit" -> quit()
else -> commandNotFound()
private fun commandNotFound() = "I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do!"
package chapter15
enum class Direction(private val coordinate: Coordinate) {
NORTH(Coordinate(0, -1)),
EAST(Coordinate(1, 0)),
SOUTH(Coordinate(0, 1)),
WEST(Coordinate(-1, 0));
fun updateCoordinate(playerCoordinate: Coordinate) =
Coordinate(playerCoordinate.x + coordinate.x, playerCoordinate.y + coordinate.y)
data class Coordinate(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
val isInBounds = x >= 0 && y >= 0
operator fun plus(other: Coordinate) = Coordinate(x + other.x, y + other.y)
package chapter15
class Player(_name: String,
var healthPoints: Int = 100,
val isBlessed: Boolean,
private val isImmortal: Boolean) {
var name = _name
get() = "${field.capitalize()} of $hometown"
private set(value) {
field = value.trim()
val hometown by lazy { selectHometown() }
var currentPosition = Coordinate(0, 0)
init {
require(healthPoints > 0, { "healthPoints must be greater than zero." })
require(name.isNotBlank(), { "Player must have a namel" })
constructor(name: String): this(name, isBlessed = true, isImmortal = false) {
if (name.toLowerCase() == "kar") healthPoints = 40
private fun selectHometown(): String {
return listOf(
fun castFireball(numFirballs: Int = 2) {
//println("A glass of Fireball springs into existence. (x$numFirballs)")
fun formatHealthStatus(): String {
return "Health Status: ..."
fun auraColor(): String {
return "Aura Color: ..."
package chapter15
open class Room(val name: String) {
protected open val dangerLevel = 5
protected open val bellSound = "DING"
fun description() = "Room: $name\nDanger level: $dangerLevel"
open fun load() = "Nothing much to see here..."
open fun ringBell() = "$bellSound from $name"
package chapter15
open class TownSquare : Room("Town Square") {
override val dangerLevel = super.dangerLevel - 3
override val bellSound = "GWONG"
override fun load() = "The villagers rally and cheer as you enter!\n${ringBell()}"
override fun ringBell() = "The bell tower announce your arrival. $bellSound"
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