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Created August 13, 2014 09:22
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# 出入金レコード
b <- read.csv('bank statement.csv', fileEncoding='cp932')
b$date <- paste0(b$取扱日付.年,'/',b$取扱日付.月,'/',b$取扱日付.日)
b$amount <- ifelse(b$取引名 == '入金', b$金額, -b$金額)
b$detail <- ifelse(str_detect(b$摘要, 'VISA'), str_sub(b$摘要, 11, 16), as.character(b$摘要))
b$payee <- ifelse(str_detect(b$摘要, 'VISA'), '', as.character(b$摘要))
# b[,22:25]
# VISAレコード
v <- read.csv('visa statement.csv', fileEncoding='cp932')[,c(14,20)]
names(v) <- c('payee', 'detail')
# 結合
c <- merge(b[,22:25], v, by='detail', all=T)[-1,-1]
c$payee <- paste0(c$payee.x, c$payee.y)
# 出力
write.csv(c[,c(-3, -4)], 'combined statement.csv')
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