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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Tidy and combine ggplot
unit.def <- 'inches'
plot.length.def <- 6
legend.length.def <- 1.5
as.unit <- function(n){return(unit(n, unit.def))}
construct_gtable <- function(grob_matrix, widths, heights, name='layout'){
gtable_matrix(name = name, grobs=grob_matrix, widths=widths, heights=heights)
tidy_plot <- function(plot, plot.length, legend.length=0, legend.position='right'){
g0 <- ggplotGrob(plot)
p0 <- list(g0[3:5, 2:4])
w <- plot.length
stopifnot(legend.position=='right') # only works if legend.position='right'
legend <- g0[3:5, 5]
p0 <- append(p0, list(legend))
w <- c(w, legend.length)
return(matrix(list(p0, as.unit(w), as.unit(h <- plot.length)), ncol=1)) # for future compatibility
combine_plots.vertical <- function(plots, plot.length, legend.length){
plot.length <- ifelse(is.null(plot.length), plot.length.def, plot.length)
legend.length <- ifelse(is.null(legend.length), legend.length.def, legend.length)
r <- foreach(p=plots, .combine='cbind') %do% tidy_plot(p, plot.length, legend.length)
grobs <- foreach(l=r[1,], .combine='c') %do% l
w <- foreach(v=r[2,], .combine='unit.c') %do% v
return(construct_gtable(matrix(grobs, nrow=1), widths=w, heights=as.unit(plot.length)))
combine_plots <- function(plots, vertical=T, plot.length=NULL, legend.length=NULL){
stopifnot(vertical=T) # only vertical combining supported
combine_plots.vertical(plots, plot.length, legend.length)
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