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sherrytp /
Created January 12, 2024 05:27
More fancy sections on GitHub profile README

More fancy sections on GitHub profile README

After creating an introduction README on GitHub, I have been thinking of adding more fancy sections. If you don't know how to create a simple introduction on your GitHub page, this guide is not for you, and you can direct to this website and so many more beginners' guides.


You first need to create a repo under your GitHub username (e.g. sherrytp). Then, create a file inside the repo. (sherrytp/sherrytp/ Add your information, introduction, links, markdown text, and more content - Badges and GitHub Stats!

Social Network Badge

sherrytp / Mac Pro Bootcamp
Last active January 8, 2024 08:27
Mac Pro Bootcamp Test 评测小记

前几段时间,Windows的游戏本送去修了,但我实在控制不了自己打枪的心,正好手头上又有一款2013年的Mac Pro,所以决定用Bootcamp装个双系统,试着运行一下近期几个(我喜欢玩的>_<) FPS射击游戏。

事先声明一下,这不是一篇装双系统 apple BootCamp的教程,如果你有需求在MacOS上装双系统,请先自行搜索教程,不论是苹果官网还是第三方网站上都非常简单,只需要下载好希望运行的Windows版本,再遵循BootCamp每一步的要求就可以了。我给Windows系统安排了~500GB的存储,因为考虑到要下载很多游戏来测试运行。系统的语言下载时都自动选择了英语,下面的配置我会尽量翻译让大家理解,但真的都很简单能查到。

另一点是我当然知道这是一款很老很老的Mac,最适合游戏人群的永远是买台PC,19年左右的MBP装双系统可能也不错,那时候Intel的芯片能很容易地装双系统搭载Windows,也是整个苹果笔电系列最高端的AMD显卡,但可惜我都没有呀! T^T所以这篇文章只是我个人的记录,不过大家肯定更感兴趣最新电脑的适配,所以我最后也会分享下自己查到的Mac M1芯片能玩的游戏。

2013 Mac Pro 配置 Valorant 是我测试的这些游戏中唯一能成功稳定运行的,并且从两个系统间切换后也没什么影响,甚至可以同时挂discord和微信,只是最好先开riot client - valorant,等确保稳定了再开dc。下面分享如何下载和配置,整篇文章的重中之重,因为Vanguard反外挂检测和AMD配置真的难倒我好一会儿。 现在国服版本上线,由腾讯代理 国区译名:无畏契约

sherrytp /
Last active December 23, 2024 16:14
AWS Cloud Practitioner Collected Questions
  1. The ability to horizontally scale Amazon EC2 instances based on demand is an example of which concept? A. Economy of Scale B. Elasticity C. High availability D. Agility

  2. A company requires a dashboard for reporting when using a business intelligence solution. Which AWS service can a Cloud Practitioner use? A. Amazon Redshift B. Amazon Kinesis C. Amazon Athena

Writing programming interview questions hasn't made me rich yet ... so I might give up and start trading Apple stocks all day instead.
First, I wanna know how much money I could have made yesterday if I'd been trading Apple stocks all day.
So I grabbed Apple's stock prices from yesterday and put them in a list called stock_prices, where:
The indices are the time (in minutes) past trade opening time, which was 9:30am local time.
The values are the price (in US dollars) of one share of Apple stock at that time.
So if the stock cost $500 at 10:30am, that means stock_prices[60] = 500.
sherrytp /
Last active July 29, 2023 20:48
AI diffusion Imaging Prompts - For Personal and Learning Proposes

A Few Working and Useful Prompts I tried on Runway and MidJourney

comic style avatar of ST, cute and beautiful, Overwatch character, without glasses

Gives out an American or European comic avatar, which is really similar to what's tagged with #overwatch on twitter. With or without glasses didn't make much difference, probably because ST myself is an Asian...

cartoon, pop mart, IP character, figure, Disney style, Hyper Realistic, gradient background, exquisite three-dimensioal rendering, 3D, 4K, blender, C4D, octane rendering --ar 1:1

  1. Gives out a cartoon avatar.
  2. Fine to interchangablity use Disney or Pixar style, since I cannot really recognize the difference.

Social Network Badge

On clicking the social network badge, it will redirect to the respective social network sites (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc).


So to put on your GitHub README:

sherrytp /
Created December 6, 2022 03:47
Python Spyder Scrapping Codes of Spy X Family on
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep 10 19:36:24 2018
@author: hzp0625
from datetime import datetime
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
SELECT [ hints ] [ ALL | DISTINCT ] { named_expression | star_clause } [, ...]
  FROM from_item [, ...]
  [ LATERAL VIEW clause ]
  [ PIVOT clause ]
  [ WHERE clause ]
  [ GROUP BY clause ]
  [ HAVING clause]
  [ QUALIFY clause ]
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
class NeuralNet(torch.nn.Module):
Artificial Neural Network
____Version 1.0____
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
class NeuralNet(torch.nn.Module):
Artificial Neural Network
____Version 1.0____