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Created July 23, 2014 00:32
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Save shervinshaikh/9dc66641be6f91b597c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
device.on("yo", function(nothing) {
local url = "";
local body = "api_token=" + YO_API_TOKEN;
local req =, {}, body);
local res = req.sendsync();
if(res.statuscode != 201) {
server.log(res.statuscode + " error sending message: " + res.body);
} else server.log("Sent YO! to all CITRIXKITCHEN subscribers " + res.statuscode + " OK");
server.log("Turn the LED off by browsing to " + http.agenturl());
http.onrequest(function(request, res) {
server.log("We received an http request");
device.send("request", null);
res.send(200, "Okay! Turning LED off now...");
device.onconnect(function() {server.log("Device connected to agent");});
device.ondisconnect(function() {server.log("Device disconnected from agent");});
Copyright (C) 2013 electric imp, inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Software.
This code represents all the basic functionality of the Hannah rev2 and rev3 reference designs.
The schematics can be found at
Not every function of every device has been coded for but extension of these classes should be easy.
The Hannah class and the application logic are there to tie the individual classes together. They
are not designed to be used as-is in a production environment.
There are two specific areas of further exploration that may be completed at a later date:
- Low power mode and shallow sleep processing (using pin1 for wakeup)
- PWM output functionality in the GPIO class via the IO Expander
------ [ Imp pins ] ------
Pin 1 Digital input Interrupt from GPIO expander
Pin 2 Analog input Potentiometer wiper
Pin 5 Digital output Servo port 1 PWM signal
Pin 7 Digital output Servo port 2 PWM signal
Pin 8 I2C SCL
Pin 9 I2C SDA
------ [ I2C Addresses - rev 2 ] ------
0x38/0x1C LIS331DLTR 3-Axis accelerometer
0xE8/0x74 ADJD-S311-CR999 RGB light sensor
0x98/0x4C SA56004ED Temperature sensor
0x7C/0x3E SX1509BULTRT IO Expander
------ [ I2C Addresses - rev 3 ] ------
0x30/0x18 LIS3DH 3-Axis accelerometer
0xE8/0x74 ADJD-S311-CR999 RGB light sensor
0x92/0x49 TMP112 Temperature sensor
0x7C/0x3E SX1509BULTRT IO Expander
------ [ IO Expander pins ] ------
IO0 Input Button 1
IO1 Input Button 2
IO2 Input Hall switch
IO3 Input Accelerometer interrupt
IO4 Input Temperature sensor alert interrupt
IO5 Output LED Green
IO6 Output LED Blue
IO7 Output LED Red
IO8 Output Potentiometer enable
IO9 Output RGB light sensor sleep
IO10 Output Servo ports 1 and 2 power enable
IO11 GPIO Spare
IO12 GPIO Spare
IO13 GPIO Spare
IO14 GPIO Spare
IO15 GPIO Spare
------ [ Hardware data sheets ] ------
Hannah rev2
SX1509BULTRT - IO Expander
ADJD-S311-CR999 - RGB light sensor
LIS331DLTR - 3-Axis accelerometer
LIS3DH - 3-Axis accelerometer
SA56004ED - Temperature sensor
TMP112 - Temperature sensor
server.log("Connected & running");
const ERR_NO_DEVICE = "The device at I2C address 0x%02x is disabled.";
const ERR_I2C_READ = "I2C Read Failure. Device: 0x%02x Register: 0x%02x";
const ERR_BAD_TIMER = "You have to start %s with an interval and callback";
const ERR_WRONG_DEVICE = "The device at I2C address 0x%02x is not a %s.";
// This class interfaces with the SX1509 IO expander. It sits on the I2C bus and
// data can be directed to the connected devices via its I2C address. Interrupts
// from the devices can be fed back to the imp via the configured imp hardware pin.
class SX1509 {
//Private variables
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_callbacks = null;
_int_pin = null;
// I/O Expander internal registers
static BANK_A = { REGDATA = 0x11,
REGDIR = 0x0F,
REGSNSHI = 0x16,
REGSNSLO = 0x17,
static BANK_B = { REGDATA = 0x10,
REGDIR = 0x0E,
REGSNSHI = 0x14,
REGSNSLO = 0x15,
// Constructor requires the i2c bus, the address on that bus and the hardware pin to use for interrupts
// These should all be configured before use here.
constructor(i2c, address, int_pin){
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = address;
_callbacks = [];
_callbacks.resize(16, null);
_int_pin = int_pin;
// ---- Low level functions ----
// Reads a single byte from a registry
function readReg(register) {
local data =, format("%c", register), 1);
if (data == null) {
server.error(format(ERR_I2C_READ, _addr, register));
return -1;
return data[0];
// Writes a single byte to a registry
function writeReg(register, data) {
_i2c.write(_addr, format("%c%c", register, data));
// server.log(format("Setting device 0x%02X register 0x%02X to 0x%02X", _addr, register, data));
// Changes one bit out of the selected register (byte)
function writeBit(register, bitn, level) {
local value = readReg(register);
value = (level == 0)?(value & ~(1<<bitn)):(value | (1<<bitn));
writeReg(register, value);
// Writes a registry but masks specific bits. Similar to writeBit but for multiple bits.
function writeMasked(register, data, mask) {
local value = readReg(register);
value = (value & ~mask) | (data & mask);
writeReg(register, value);
// set or clear a selected GPIO pin, 0-16
function setPin(gpio, level) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGDATA, gpio % 8, level ? 1 : 0);
// configure specified GPIO pin as input(0) or output(1)
function setDir(gpio, output) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGDIR, gpio % 8, output ? 0 : 1);
// enable or disable input buffers
function setInputBuffer(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGINPDIS, gpio % 8, enable ? 0 : 1);
// enable or disable open drain
function setOpenDrain(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGOPENDRN, gpio % 8, enable ? 1 : 0);
// enable or disable internal pull up resistor for specified GPIO
function setPullUp(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGPULLUP, gpio % 8, enable ? 1 : 0);
// enable or disable internal pull down resistor for specified GPIO
function setPullDn(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGPULLDN, gpio % 8, enable ? 1 : 0);
// configure whether specified GPIO will trigger an interrupt
function setIrqMask(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGINTMASK, gpio % 8, enable ? 0 : 1);
// clear interrupt on specified GPIO
function clearIrq(gpio) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGINTMASK, gpio % 8, 1);
// get state of specified GPIO
function getPin(gpio) {
return ((readReg(bank(gpio).REGDATA) & (1<<(gpio%8))) ? 1 : 0);
// resets the device with a software reset
function reboot() {
writeReg(bank(0).REGRESET, 0x12);
writeReg(bank(0).REGRESET, 0x34);
// configure which callback should be called for each pin transition
function setCallback(gpio, _callback) {
_callbacks[gpio] = _callback;
// Initialize the interrupt Pin
hardware.pin1.configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, fire_callback.bindenv(this));
// finds and executes the callback after the irq pin (pin 1) fires
function fire_callback() {
local irq = getIrq();
for (local i = 0; i < 16; i++){
if ( (irq & (1 << i)) && (typeof _callbacks[i] == "function")){
// ---- High level functions ----
// Write registers to default values
function reset(){
writeReg(BANK_A.REGDIR, 0xFF);
writeReg(BANK_A.REGDATA, 0xFF);
writeReg(BANK_A.REGPULLUP, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_A.REGPULLDN, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_A.REGSNSHI, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_A.REGSNSLO, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGDIR, 0xFF);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGDATA, 0xFF);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGPULLUP, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGPULLDN, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGSNSHI, 0x00);
writeReg(BANK_B.REGSNSLO, 0x00);
// Returns the register numbers for the bank that the given gpio is on
function bank(gpio){
return (gpio > 7) ? BANK_B : BANK_A;
// configure whether edges trigger an interrupt for specified GPIO
function setIrqEdges( gpio, rising, falling) {
local bank = bank(gpio);
gpio = gpio % 8;
local mask = 0x03 << ((gpio & 3) << 1);
local data = (2*falling + rising) << ((gpio & 3) << 1);
writeMasked(gpio >= 4 ? bank.REGSNSHI : bank.REGSNSLO, data, mask);
// Resets all the IRQs
function clearAllIrqs() {
// Read all the IRQs as a single 16-bit bitmap
function getIrq(){
return ((readReg(BANK_B.REGINTSRC) & 0xFF) << 8) | (readReg(BANK_A.REGINTSRC) & 0xFF);
// sets the clock
function setClock(gpio, enable) {
writeReg(bank(gpio).REGCLOCK, enable ? 0x50 : 0x00); // 2mhz internal oscillator
// enable or disable the LED drivers
function setLEDDriver(gpio, enable) {
writeBit(bank(gpio).REGLEDDRV, gpio & 7, enable ? 1 : 0);
writeReg(bank(gpio).REGMISC, 0x70); // Set clock to 2mhz / (2 ^ (1-1)) = 2mhz, use linear fading
// sets the Time On value for the LED register
function setTimeOn(gpio, value) {
writeReg(gpio<4 ? 0x29+gpio*3 : 0x35+(gpio-4)*5, value)
// sets the On Intensity level LED register
function setIntensityOn(gpio, value) {
writeReg(gpio<4 ? 0x2A+gpio*3 : 0x36+(gpio-4)*5, value)
// sets the Time Off value for the LED register
function setOff(gpio, value) {
writeReg(gpio<4 ? 0x2B+gpio*3 : 0x37+(gpio-4)*5, value)
// sets the Rise Time value for the LED register
function setRiseTime(gpio, value) {
if (gpio % 8 < 4) return; // Can't do all pins
writeReg(gpio<12 ? 0x38+(gpio-4)*5 : 0x58+(gpio-12)*5, value)
// sets the Fall Time value for the LED register
function setFallTime(gpio, value) {
if (gpio % 8 < 4) return; // Can't do all pins
writeReg(gpio<12 ? 0x39+(gpio-4)*5 : 0x59+(gpio-12)*5, value)
// This is a convenience class that simplifies the configuration of a IO Expander GPIO port.
// You can use it in a similar manner to with two main differences:
// 1. There is a new pin type: LED_OUT, for controlling LED brightness (basically PWM_OUT with "breathing")
// 2. The pin events will include the pin state as the one parameter to the callback
class ExpGPIO {
_expander = null; //Instance of an Expander class
_gpio = null; //Pin number of this GPIO pin
_mode = null; //The mode configured for this pin
// This definition augments the pin configuration constants as defined in:
static LED_OUT = 1000001;
// Constructor requires the IO Expander class and the pin number to aquire
constructor(expander, gpio) {
_expander = expander;
_gpio = gpio;
//Optional initial state (defaults to 0 just like the imp)
function configure(mode, param = null) {
_mode = mode;
if (mode == DIGITAL_OUT) {
// Digital out - Param is the initial value of the pin
// Set the direction, turn off the pull up and enable the pin
if(param != null) {
_expander.setPin(_gpio, param);
} else {
_expander.setPin(_gpio, 0);
return this;
} else if (mode == ExpGPIO.LED_OUT) {
// LED out - Param is the initial intensity
// Set the direction, turn off the pull up and enable the pin
// Configure a bunch of other LED specific timers and settings
_expander.setPullUp(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setInputBuffer(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setOpenDrain(_gpio, 1);
_expander.setDir(_gpio, 1);
_expander.setClock(_gpio, 1);
_expander.setLEDDriver(_gpio, 1);
_expander.setTimeOn(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setOff(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setRiseTime(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setFallTime(_gpio, 0);
_expander.setIntensityOn(_gpio, param > 0 ? param : 0);
_expander.setPin(_gpio, param > 0 ? 0 : 1);
return this;
} else if (mode == DIGITAL_IN) {
// Digital in - Param is the callback function
// Set the direction and disable to pullup
// Fall through to the callback setup
} else if (mode == DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP) {
// Param is the callback function
// Set the direction and turn on the pullup
// Fall through to the callback setup
if (typeof param == "function") {
// If we have a callback, configure it against a rising IRQ edge
_expander.setCallback(_gpio, param);
} else {
// Disable the callback for this pin
return this;
// Reads the stats of the configured pin
function read() {
return _expander.getPin(_gpio);
// Sets the state of the configured pin
function write(state) {
// Set the intensity of an LED OUT pin. Don't use for other pin types.
function setIntensity(intensity) {
// Set the blink rate of an LED OUT pin. Don't use for other pin types.
function blink(rampup, rampdown, intensityon, intensityoff = 0, fade=true) {
rampup = (rampup > 0x1F ? 0x1F : rampup);
rampdown = (rampdown > 0x1F ? 0x1F : rampdown);
intensityon = intensityon & 0xFF;
intensityoff = (intensityoff > 0x07 ? 0x07 : intensityoff);
_expander.setTimeOn(_gpio, rampup);
_expander.setOff(_gpio, rampdown << 3 | intensityoff);
_expander.setRiseTime(_gpio, fade?5:0);
_expander.setFallTime(_gpio, fade?5:0);
_expander.setIntensityOn(_gpio, intensityon);
_expander.setPin(_gpio, intensityon>0 ? 0 : 1)
// Enable or disable fading (breathing)
function fade(on, risetime = 5, falltime = 5) {
_expander.setRiseTime(_gpio, on ? risetime : 0);
_expander.setFallTime(_gpio, on ? falltime : 0);
// This class combined three LED pins into a single RGB LED class. It attempts to synchronise
// the changes to the LEDs so the colour change appears uniform. This works for static colours
// and for blinking but not for breathing (blinking with fading). The clocks for the different
// LED pins go out of sync in the hardware when fading in and out.
class RGBLED {
_expander = null;
ledR = null;
ledG = null;
ledB = null;
// Constructor requires the IO Expander object but the three pin numbers for R, G and B
constructor(expander, gpioRed, gpioGreen, gpioBlue) {
_expander = expander;
ledR = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioRed).configure(ExpGPIO.LED_OUT);
ledG = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioGreen).configure(ExpGPIO.LED_OUT);
ledB = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioBlue).configure(ExpGPIO.LED_OUT);
// Returns a table with the last/current values of the R, G and B intensities
function read() {
return {r = (256 - * 256).tointeger(),
g = (256 - * 256).tointeger(),
b = (256 - * 256).tointeger()};
// Set the colour intensities (0-255) and an optional fade (boolean)
function set(r, g, b, fade=false) {
ledR.blink(0, 0, r.tointeger(), 0, fade);
ledG.blink(0, 0, g.tointeger(), 0, fade);
ledB.blink(0, 0, b.tointeger(), 0, fade);
// Blink the LEDs at the given intensity, and time with optional fading (breathing)
function blink(r, g, b, fade=true, timeon=1, timeoff=1) {
// Turn them off and let them sync on their way on
ledR.write(1); ledG.write(1); ledB.write(1);
ledR.blink(timeon.tointeger(), timeoff.tointeger(), r.tointeger(), 0, fade);
ledG.blink(timeon.tointeger(), timeoff.tointeger(), g.tointeger(), 0, fade);
ledB.blink(timeon.tointeger(), timeoff.tointeger(), b.tointeger(), 0, fade);
// This class controls the ADJD-S311-CR999 RGB light sensor. You can configure all capacitors and
// integration slots to one number or you can pass in an array for each into the initialise() method.
// From there you can either read values or poll the sensor. If you want to know the general brightness
// look at the fourth sensor reading (clear).
class RGBSensor {
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_expander = null;
_sleep = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_timer = null;
// Capacitors - Lower number = more sensitivity
static MIN_CAP_COUNT = 0x0; // Min capacitor count
static MAX_CAP_COUNT = 0xF; // Max capacitor count
static REG_CAPS = [0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09];
// Integration slots - Higher number = more sensitivity
static MIN_INTEGRATION_SLOTS = 0x000; // Min integration slots
static MAX_INTEGRATION_SLOTS = 0xFFF; // Max integration slots
static REG_INT_SLOTS = [0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x10];
// RGB reading
static REG_CTRL = 0x00
static REG_READ_COLOUR = 0x01;
static REG_LOW = [0x40, 0x42, 0x44, 0x46];
static REG_HI = [0x41, 0x43, 0x45, 0x47];
// Constructor requires the I2C and IO Expander objects, the I2C address and the pin to use for sleeping the sensor
constructor(i2c, address, expander, gpioSleep) {
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = address;
_expander = expander;
_sleep = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioSleep).configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 0);
// Wake up the sensor by pulling up the sleep pin
function wake() {
// Put the sensor to sleep by pulling down the sleep pin
function sleep() {
// Initialise the sensor with the provided cap and timeslot settings
function initialise(caps = 0x0F, timeslots = 0xFF) {
local result1 = _i2c.write(_addr, format("%c%c", REG_CTRL, 0));
local result2 = _setRGBCapacitorCounts(caps);
local result3 = _setRGBIntegrationTimeSlots(timeslots);
return (result1 == 0) && result2 && result3;
// Internal functions to configure the capacitor counts and integration time slots
function _setRGBCapacitorCounts(count)
for (local capIndex = CAP_COLOUR.RED; capIndex <= CAP_COLOUR.CLEAR; ++capIndex) {
local thecount = (typeof count == "array") ? count[capIndex] : count;
if (!_setCapacitorCount(REG_CAPS[capIndex], thecount)) {
return false;
return true;
function _setCapacitorCount(address, count) {
if (count < MIN_CAP_COUNT) {
count = MIN_CAP_COUNT;
} else if (count > MAX_CAP_COUNT) {
count = MAX_CAP_COUNT;
return _i2c.write(_addr, format("%c%c", address, count)) == 0;
function _setRGBIntegrationTimeSlots(value) {
for (local intIndex = CAP_COLOUR.RED; intIndex <= CAP_COLOUR.CLEAR; ++intIndex) {
local thevalue = (typeof value == "array") ? value[intIndex] : value;
if (!_setIntegrationTimeSlot(REG_INT_SLOTS[intIndex], thevalue & 0xff)) {
return false;
if (!_setIntegrationTimeSlot(REG_INT_SLOTS[intIndex] + 1, thevalue >> 8)) {
return false;
return true;
function _setIntegrationTimeSlot(address, value) {
} else if (value > MAX_INTEGRATION_SLOTS) {
return _i2c.write(_addr, format("%c%c", address, value)) == 0;
// Returns the current RGB and C values from the sensor
function read() {
local rgbc = [0, 0, 0 ,0];
if (_i2c.write(_addr, format("%c%c", REG_CTRL, REG_READ_COLOUR)) == 0) {
// Wait for reading to complete
local count = 0;
while (, format("%c", REG_CTRL), 1)[0] != 0) {
for (local colIndex = CAP_COLOUR.RED; colIndex <= CAP_COLOUR.CLEAR; ++colIndex) {
rgbc[colIndex] =, format("%c", REG_LOW[colIndex]), 1)[0];
for (local colIndex = CAP_COLOUR.RED; colIndex <= CAP_COLOUR.CLEAR; ++colIndex) {
rgbc[colIndex] +=, format("%c", REG_HI[colIndex]), 1)[0] << 8;
} else {
server.error("RGBSensor:REG_READ_COLOUR reading failed.")
return { r = rgbc[0], g = rgbc[1], b = rgbc[2], c = rgbc[3] };
// Regularly read the sensor values and return them in a callback
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (interval != null && callback != null) {
_poll_callback = callback;
_poll_interval = interval;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
} else if (_poll_interval == null || _poll_callback == null) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, RGBSensor::poll()))
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this));
// Stops the poller
function stop() {
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
// This class controls the SA56004ED temperature sensor in the Hannah rev2 design. If it is not
// detected, it will throw an error and you can fire up the alternate TempSensor_rev3 class instead.
// The methods are the same although the SA56004ED emulates the temperature alerts in firmware (by
// polling) that the TMP112 can do in hardware. The temperature readings are not very accurate so
// some calibration in the application layer might be required.
class TempSensor_rev2 {
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_expander = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_timer = null;
_alert_lo = null;
_alert_hi = null;
_running = false;
_disabled = false;
_last_temp = null;
_last_alert = null;
static REG_LTHB = "\x00"; // Local temp high
static REG_LTLB = "\x22";
static REG_SR = "\x02";
static REG_CONR = "\x03";
static REG_CONW = "\x09";
static REG_CRR = "\x04";
static REG_CRW = "\x0A";
static REG_LHSR = "\x05";
static REG_LHSW = "\x0B";
static REG_LLSR = "\x06";
static REG_LLSW = "\x0C";
static REG_SHOT = "\x0F";
static REG_LCS = "\x20";
static REG_AM = "\xBF";
static REG_RMID = "\xFE";
static REG_RDR = "\xFF";
// Constructor requires the I2C and IO Expander objects and the I2C address and pin number
// to use for alerts. The alert pin isn't used in this class, so can actually be ignored.
constructor(i2c, address, expander, gpioAlert) {
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = address;
_expander = expander;
// Check we have the right sensor on this address
local id =, REG_RMID, 1);
if (!id || id[0] != 0xA1) {
server.error(format(ERR_WRONG_DEVICE, _addr, "SA5004X temperature sensor"))
_disabled = true;
} else {
// Clear the config and the status register
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONW + "\xD5");
// Regularly poll the temperature and return the results to the callback
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (interval && callback) {
_poll_interval = interval;
_poll_callback = callback;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
} else if (!_poll_interval || !_poll_callback) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, "TempSensor_rev2::poll()"))
return false;
local temp = read();
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this))
if (temp != _last_temp) {
if (_alert_lo == null || _alert_hi == null || ((temp <= _alert_lo && _last_alert != -1) || (temp >= _alert_hi && _last_alert != 1))) {
_last_alert = (_alert_lo == null) ? null : ((temp <= _alert_lo) ? -1 : 1);
_last_temp = temp;
// Configure the callback to be called when the temperature is outside the provided range (inclusive).
// This works like a thermometer in that it only triggers when moving above the hi or
// below the low level.
function alert(lo, hi, callback = null) {
// Alert is an alias for poll
_alert_lo = lo;
_alert_hi = hi;
_last_alert = null;
if (!callback) callback = _poll_callback;
poll(1, callback);
// Stops the poller and alert monitoring. Also puts the sensor to sleep.
function stop() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_alert_lo = null;
_alert_hi = null;
// Power the sensor down
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONW + "\xD5");
_running = false;
// Gets the current temperature
function read() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (!_running) {
// Configure a single shot reading
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONW + "\xD5");
// Set conversion rate to 1hz
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CRW + "\x04");
// Ask the sensor to perform a one-shot reading
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_SHOT + "\x00");
// Wait for the sensor to finish the reading
while ((, REG_SR, 1)[0] & 0x80) == 0x80);
// Get 11-bit signed temperature value in 0.125C steps
local hi =, REG_LTHB, 1)[0];
local lo =, REG_LTLB, 1)[0];
local temp = (hi << 8) | (lo & 0xFF);
return int2deg(temp, 0.125, 11);
// This class controls the TMP112 temperature sensor in the Hannah rev3 design. If it is not
// detected, it will throw an error and you can fire up the alternate TempSensor_rev2 class instead.
class TempSensor_rev3 {
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_expander = null;
_alert = null;
_alert_callback = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_timer = null;
_last_temp = null;
_running = false;
_disabled = false;
static REG_TEMP = "\x00";
static REG_CONF = "\x01";
static REG_T_LOW = "\x02";
static REG_T_HIGH = "\x03";
// Constructor requires the I2C and IO Expander objects and the pin number to send alerts to
constructor(i2c, address, expander, gpioAlert) {
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = address;
_expander = expander;
// Check we have the right sensor on this address
local id =, REG_TEMP, 1);
if (id == null) {
server.error(format(ERR_WRONG_DEVICE, _addr, "TMP112 temperature sensor"))
_disabled = true;
} else {
// Setup the alert pin
_alert = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioAlert).configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, _interruptHandler.bindenv(this));
// Shutdown the sensor for now
local conf =, REG_CONF, 2);
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONF + format("%c%c", conf[0] | 0x01, conf[1]));
// Handles rising edges on the alert pin and triggers the callback
function _interruptHandler(state) {
if (_alert_callback && state == 0) _alert_callback(read());
// Regularly report the temperature to the callback function, but only if its changed
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (interval && callback) {
_poll_interval = interval;
_poll_callback = callback;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
} else if (!_poll_interval || !_poll_callback) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, "TempSensor_rev2::poll()"))
return false;
local temp = read();
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this))
if (temp != _last_temp) {
_last_temp = temp;
// Setup an alert for when the temperature crosses below the lo or above the hi value.
function alert(lo, hi, callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
callback = callback ? callback : _poll_callback;
_alert_callback = callback;
local tlo = deg2int(lo, 0.0625, 12);
local thi = deg2int(hi, 0.0625, 12);
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_T_LOW + format("%c%c", (tlo >> 8) & 0xFF, (tlo & 0xFF)));
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_T_HIGH + format("%c%c", (thi >> 8) & 0xFF, (thi & 0xFF)));
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONF + "\x62\x80"); // Run continuously
// Keep track of the fact that we are running continuously
_running = true;
// Stopps the poller and alert and powers the sensor down
function stop() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_alert_callback = null;
_running = false;
// Power the sensor down
local conf =, REG_CONF, 2);
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONF + format("%c%c", conf[0] | 0x01, conf[1]));
// Returns the current temperature
function read() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (!_running) {
local conf =, REG_CONF, 2);
_i2c.write(_addr, REG_CONF + format("%c%c", conf[0] | 0x80, conf[1]));
// Wait for conversion to be finished
while ((, REG_CONF, 1)[0] & 0x80) == 0x80);
// Get 12-bit signed temperature value in 0.0625C steps
local result =, REG_TEMP, 2);
local temp = (result[0] << 8) + result[1];
return int2deg(temp, 0.0625, 12);
// THis class reads and normalises data from the potentiometer (dial) on the Hannah. By default
// it will return data in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 but it can be reconfigured to any range as
// floats or integers. It will only report events when the value changes.
class Potentiometer {
_expander = null;
_gpioEnable = null;
_pinRead = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_poll_interval = 0.2;
_poll_timer = null;
_last_pot_value = -0.1;
_min = 0.0;
_max = 1.0;
_integer_only = false;
constructor(expander, gpioEnable, pinRead) {
_expander = expander;
_pinRead = pinRead;
_gpioEnable = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioEnable).configure(DIGITAL_OUT);
// Regularly reads the pot value and returns it to the callback when the value changes
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (interval && callback) {
_poll_interval = interval;
_poll_callback = callback;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
} else if (!_poll_interval || !_poll_callback) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, "TempSensor_rev2::poll()"))
return false;
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this))
local new_pot_value = read();
// Shervin changed the line below
if (math.abs(_last_pot_value*100 - new_pot_value*100) >= 10) {
//if (_last_pot_value != new_pot_value) {
_last_pot_value = new_pot_value;
// Stops the poller
function stop() {
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
// Enable or disable the potentiometer
function setenabled(enable = true) {
_gpioEnable.write(enable ? 0 : 1);
if (_checkpot_timer) {
if (enable && _callback) {
_checkpot_timer = imp.wakeup(0, checkpot.bindenv(this));
// Get the enabled status
function enabled() {
return == 0;
// Sets the minimum and maximum of the output scale. Optionally limit the values to integers.
function scale(min, max, integer_only = false) {
_min = min;
_max = max;
_integer_only = integer_only;
// Gets the current value, rounded to an integer or three decimal places
function read() {
local f = 0.0 + _min + ( * (_max - _min) / 65535.0);
if (_integer_only) return f.tointeger();
else return format("%0.03f", f).tofloat();
// This class controls the PWM servos on the imp. There are further GPIO pins on the IO expander
// that can be used for PWM control but this class and the ExpGPIO class would need to be extended
// to support this configuration.
class Servo {
_expander = null;
_gpioEnable = null;
_pinWrite = null;
_last_write = 0.0;
_min = 0.0;
_max = 1.0;
// Constructor requires the IO expander class, the pin number for the enable line,
// and the hardware pin for PWM output. The period and duty cycle are both optional.
constructor(expander, gpioEnable, pinWrite, period=0.02, dutycycle=0.5) {
_expander = expander;
_pinWrite = pinWrite;
_pinWrite.configure(PWM_OUT, period, dutycycle);
_last_write = dutycycle;
if (gpioEnable != null) {
_gpioEnable = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioEnable).configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);
// Enable or disable the potentiometer
function setenabled(enable = true) {
if (_gpioEnable) _gpioEnable.write(enable ? 1 : 0);
// Get the enabled status
function enabled() {
return _gpioEnable ? ( == 1) : false;
// Sets the minimum and maximum of the output scale. Both should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
function scale(min, max) {
_min = min;
_max = max;
// Write the duty cycle to the PWM pin. For PWM the rage is 0.0 to 1.0 but for servos its usually a much
// smaller range and over powering the servo may damage it. Use the scale() function to automatically
// map the range.
function read() {
return format("%0.03f", _last_write).tofloat();
function write(val) {
if (val <= 0.0) val = 0.0;
else if (val >= 1.0) val = 1.0;
_last_write = val.tofloat();
local f = 0.0 + _min + (_last_write.tofloat() * (_max - _min));
return _pinWrite.write(f);
// This class controls the LIS331DL accelerometer on the Hannah rev2. The alert functionality
// of this device is limited to "click" detection, so we emulate it with a simple call to poll.
// If you want movement detection, use the Hannah rev3 accelerometer instead. The values returned
// are floats between -1.0 and +1.0 and represent a range of 2g. This can be adjusted but this function is
// not provided. This devices measures acceleration only. So in a static state (not moving) the only
// acceleration it can measure is gravity (so you can tell which way is up).
class Accelerometer_rev2 {
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_expander = null;
_gpioInterrupt = null;
_alert_callback = null;
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_disabled = false;
static CTRL_REG1 = "\x20";
static CTRL_REG2 = "\x21";
static CTRL_REG3 = "\x22";
static DATA_X = "\x29";
static DATA_Y = "\x2B";
static DATA_Z = "\x2D";
static DATA_ALL = "\xA8";
static WHO_AM_I = "\x0F";
// This constructor requires the I2C and IO Expander objects, the address of the device
// and the expander pin number for the interrupt line.
constructor(i2c, addr, expander, gpioInterrupt)
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = addr;
_expander = expander;
local id =, WHO_AM_I, 1);
if (!id || id[0] != 0x3B) {
server.error(format(ERR_WRONG_DEVICE, _addr, "LIS331DL accelerometer"))
_disabled = true;
} else {
_gpioInterrupt = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioInterrupt).configure(DIGITAL_IN, _interruptHandler.bindenv(this));
// This internal callback handler is unused in this implementation.
function _interruptHandler(state) {
if (state == 1 && _alert_callback) {
// Returns the acceleration measured by the chip. Read the comments on the class
// to understand what these values mean.
function read() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
local data =, DATA_ALL, 6);
local x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
if (data != null) {
x = data[1];
if (x & 0x80) x = -((~x & 0x7F) + 1);
x = x / 128.0;
y = data[3];
if (y & 0x80) y = -((~y & 0x7F) + 1);
y = y / 128.0;
z = data[5];
if (z & 0x80) z = -((~z & 0x7F) + 1);
z = z / 128.0;
return {x = x, y = y, z = z};
// Regularly read the acceleration data from the chip and returns it to the callback at a table.
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (interval && callback) {
_poll_interval = interval;
_poll_callback = callback;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\xC7"); // Turn on the sensor, enable X, Y, and Z, ODR = 100 Hz
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG2 + "\x00"); // High-pass filter disabled
} else if (!_poll_interval || !_poll_callback) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, "Accelerometer_rev2::poll()"))
return false;
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this))
// The alert functionality on this chip is crap, so we just poll instead
function alert(callback) {
// Alert is an alias for poll in this accelerometer
poll(1, callback);
// Stop the poller
function stop() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\x00"); // Turn off the sensor
// This class controls the LIS3DH accelerometer on the Hannah rev3. The default functionality of
// the "alert" method is movement detection. Other hardware detection techniques are available (such
// as free-fall and click detection) are available but not provided. The methods and results are the
// same as the accelerometer on the Hannah rev2.
class Accelerometer_rev3 {
_i2c = null;
_addr = null;
_expander = null;
_gpioInterrupt = null;
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_alert_callback = null;
_disabled = false;
_running = false;
static CTRL_REG1 = "\x20";
static CTRL_REG2 = "\x21";
static CTRL_REG3 = "\x22";
static CTRL_REG4 = "\x23";
static CTRL_REG5 = "\x24";
static CTRL_REG6 = "\x25";
static DATA_X_L = "\x28";
static DATA_X_H = "\x29";
static DATA_Y_L = "\x2A";
static DATA_Y_H = "\x2B";
static DATA_Z_L = "\x2C";
static DATA_Z_H = "\x2D";
static DATA_ALL = "\xA8";
static INT1_CFG = "\x30";
static INT1_SRC = "\x31";
static INT1_THS = "\x32";
static INT1_DURATION = "\x33";
static TAP_CFG = "\x38";
static TAP_SRC = "\x39";
static TAP_THS = "\x3A";
static TIME_LIMIT = "\x3B";
static TIME_LATENCY = "\x3C";
static TIME_WINDOW = "\x3D";
static WHO_AM_I = "\x0F";
// This constructor requires the I2C and IO Expander objects, the address of the device
// and the expander pin number for the interrupt line.
constructor(i2c, addr, expander, gpioInterrupt)
_i2c = i2c;
_addr = addr;
_expander = expander;
local id =, WHO_AM_I, 1);
if (!id || id[0] != 0x33) {
server.error(format(ERR_WRONG_DEVICE, _addr, "LIS3DH accelerometer"))
_disabled = true;
} else {
_gpioInterrupt = ExpGPIO(_expander, gpioInterrupt).configure(DIGITAL_IN, _interruptHandler.bindenv(this));
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\x00"); // Turn off the sensor
// Handles the edge changes on the alert pin and calls the callback
function _interruptHandler(state) {
if (state == 1 && _alert_callback) {
// Configures the chip to toggle the alert pin when the device moves in any direction.
function alert(callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
_alert_callback = callback;
_running = true;
// Setup the accelerometer for sleep-polling
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\xA7"); // Turn on the sensor, enable X, Y, and Z, ODR = 100 Hz
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG2 + "\x00"); // High-pass filter disabled
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG3 + "\x40"); // Interrupt driven to INT1 pad
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG4 + "\x00"); // FS = 2g
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG5 + "\x00"); // Interrupt latched
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG6 + "\x00"); // Interrupt Active High
_i2c.write(_addr, INT1_THS + "\x10"); // Set movement threshold = ? mg
_i2c.write(_addr, INT1_DURATION + "\x00"); // Duration not relevant
_i2c.write(_addr, INT1_CFG + "\x6A"); // Configure intertia detection axis/axes - all three. Plus 6D., INT1_SRC, 1); // Clear any interrupts
// Regularly read the acceleration data and send it to the callback
function poll(interval = null, callback = null) {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (interval && callback) {
_poll_interval = interval;
_poll_callback = callback;
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
} else if (!_poll_interval || !_poll_callback) {
server.error(format(ERR_BAD_TIMER, "Accelerometer_rev3::poll()"))
return false;
_poll_timer = imp.wakeup(_poll_interval, poll.bindenv(this))
// Stop the poller and the alert functionality
function stop() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
if (_poll_timer) imp.cancelwakeup(_poll_timer);
_poll_timer = null;
_poll_interval = null;
_poll_callback = null;
_alert_callback = null;
_running = false;
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\x00"); // Turn off the sensor
// Read the accelerometer data and return it as a table
function read() {
if (_disabled) return server.error(format(ERR_NO_DEVICE, _addr));
// Configure settings of the accelerometer
if (!_running) {
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG1 + "\x47"); // Turn on the sensor, enable X, Y, and Z, ODR = 50 Hz
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG2 + "\x00"); // High-pass filter disabled
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG3 + "\x40"); // Interrupt driven to INT1 pad
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG4 + "\x00"); // FS = 2g
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG5 + "\x00"); // Interrupt Not latched
_i2c.write(_addr, CTRL_REG6 + "\x00"); // Interrupt Active High (not actually used), INT1_SRC, 1); // Clear any interrupts
local data =, DATA_ALL, 6);
local x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
if (data != null) {
x = (data[1] << 8 | data[0]);
if (x & 0x8000) x = -((~x & 0x7FFF) + 1);
x = x / 32767.0;
y = (data[3] << 8 | data[2]);
if (y & 0x8000) y = -((~y & 0x7FFF) + 1);
y = y / 32767.0;
z = (data[5] << 8 | data[4]);
if (z & 0x8000) z = -((~z & 0x7FFF) + 1);
z = z / 32767.0;
return {x = x, y = y, z = z};
// This class maps all the classes above into a representation of the Hannah collection of devices.
// It is presented to demonstrate how you can put everything together but it is not really providing
// any value. Feel free to replace it in your own projects.
class Hannah {
i2c = null;
ioexp = null;
pot = null;
btn1 = null;
btn2 = null;
hall = null;
srv1 = null;
srv2 = null;
acc = null;
led = null;
light = null;
temp = null;
on_pot_changed = null;
on_btn1_changed = null;
on_btn2_changed = null;
on_hall_changed = null;
on_acc_changed = null;
on_light_changed = null;
on_temp_changed = null;
constructor() {
// Initialize the I2C bus
i2c = hardware.i2c89;
// Initialize IO expander
ioexp = SX1509(i2c, 0x7C, hardware.pin1);
// Potentiometer on pin 2 and enabled on IO pin 8
pot = Potentiometer(ioexp, 8, hardware.pin2);
pot.poll(0.1, call_callback("on_pot_changed"));
// Button 1 on IO pin 0
btn1 = ExpGPIO(ioexp, 0).configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, call_callback("on_btn1_changed"));
// Button 2 on IO pin 1
btn2 = ExpGPIO(ioexp, 1).configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, call_callback("on_btn2_changed"));
// Hall switch on IO pin 2
hall = ExpGPIO(ioexp, 2).configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, call_callback("on_hall_changed"));
// RGB Light Sensor on i2c port 0xE8 with the sleep pin on IO pin 9
light = RGBSensor(i2c, 0xE8, ioexp, 9);
light.poll(1, call_callback("on_light_changed"));
// Accelerometer on i2c port 0x38 or 0x30 with alert in pin on IO pin 3
acc = Accelerometer_rev2(i2c, 0x38, ioexp, 3);
if (acc._disabled) acc = Accelerometer_rev3(i2c, 0x30, ioexp, 3);
// Temperature Sensor on i2c port 0x98 or 0x92 with the alert pin on IO pin 4
temp = TempSensor_rev2(i2c, 0x98, ioexp, 4);
if (temp._disabled) temp = TempSensor_rev3(i2c, 0x92, ioexp, 4);
temp.poll(1, call_callback("on_temp_changed"));
// Servo1 on pin5
srv1 = Servo(ioexp, 10, hardware.pin5);
// Servo2 on pin7
srv2 = Servo(ioexp, 10, hardware.pin7);
// RGB LED on IO pins 7 (red), 5 (green) and 6 (blue)
led = RGBLED(ioexp, 7, 5, 6);
function call_callback(callback_name) {
return function(a=null, b=null, c=null) {
if ((callback_name in this) && (typeof this[callback_name] == "function")) {
if (a == null) {
} else if (b == null) {
} else if (c == null) {
this[callback_name](a, b);
} else {
this[callback_name](a, b, c);
// deg2int and int2deg convert floating point values of temperature into the integer representation
// (and vice versa) used by the two temperature sensors above.
function deg2int(temp, stepsize = 0.125, left_align_bits = 11) {
temp = (temp / stepsize.tofloat()).tointeger();
local mask1 = (0xFFFF << (16 - left_align_bits)) & 0xFFFF;
local mask2 = mask1 >> (16 - left_align_bits + 1);
if (temp < 0) temp = -((~temp & mask2) + 1);
return (temp << (16 - left_align_bits)) & mask1;
function int2deg(temp, stepsize = 0.125, left_align_bits = 11) {
temp = temp >> (16 - left_align_bits);
local mask1 = (1 << (left_align_bits - 1));
local mask2 = 0xFFFF >> (16 - left_align_bits + 1);
if (temp & mask1) temp = -((~temp & mask2) + 1);
return temp.tofloat() * stepsize.tofloat();
// Everything below here is sample application code.
// Mostly this logs values and status changes to server.log() but some changes are displayed as
// LED colours. Some of the functions are muted as they are very noisy.
hannah <- Hannah();
hannah.led.blink(0, 20, 0, true);
hannah.light.initialise([7, 7, 7, 5], 0x30);
hannah.pot.scale(0.0, 1.0, false);
hannah.temp.alert(29, 31);
hannah.srv1.scale(0.04, 0.11); // This is a good range for the SM-S4303R
hannah.srv2.scale(0.026, 0.103); // This is a good range for the A0090 Micro Servo
hannah.on_temp_changed = function(state) {
server.log(format("Temperature has changed to: %0.02f", state))
if (state <= 29) hannah.led.set(0, 0, 20)
else if (state >= 31) hannah.led.set(20, 0, 0)
else hannah.led.set(0, 20, 0, true)
hannah.on_pot_changed = function(state) {
server.log("Pot has changed to: " + state)
// Shervin changed this function
hannah.on_btn1_changed = function(state) {
server.log("Button 1 is triggered: " + (state ? "up" : "down"));
if (state){
hannah.led.blink(20, 0, 0, false);
agent.send("yo", null);
hannah.on_btn2_changed = function(state) {
server.log("Button 2 is triggered: " + (state ? "up" : "down"));
if (state){
hannah.led.blink(0, 0, 20, true);
hannah.on_hall_changed = function(state) {
server.log("Hall sensor is triggered: " + (state ? "inactive" : "active"));
if (state) hannah.led.blink(0, 20, 0, true);
hannah.on_light_changed = function(state) {
server.log(format("Light: [%d,%d,%d,%d]", state.r, state.g, state.b, state.c ))
hannah.on_acc_changed = function(acc) {
server.log(format("Movement: x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f, z = %0.2f", acc.x, acc.y, acc.z));
// Shervin added the code below
agent.on("request", function(v) {
server.log("turning off LED");
hannah.led.set(0, 0, 0, false);
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