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Created May 27, 2021 07:39
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Pulls an alarm and its events from AT&T's Alienvault USM Anywhere
# Pulls an alarm and its events from AT&T's Alienvault USM Anywhere
# by Sherwin Daganato, 20210523
# ./ https://<usm-host>
# ./ 5c931059-11cc-489d-b378-83f2d452fdf6
# Requires API Client credentials which can be created by:
# Create a New API Client in USM Anywhere:
# To get your client ID and secret code
# - Click the icon and select Profile Settings.
# - On the Profile page select the API Clients tab.
# Click New Client.
# Enter an alphanumeric name for the client and click Create Client.
# The system generates the secret code.
# =-=-=-=-=-=-
# =-=-=--==-=-
if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Alarm UUID is required!"; exit; fi
access_token="$(curl -s --config - -X POST "https://$" <<< 'user = "'"$credentials"'"' | jq -r .access_token)"
alarm_json="$(curl -s -X GET "https://$${uuid}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token")"
# If json is invalid, assumme "log" value is broken. Fix it by reencoding to json
if ! echo "$alarm_json" | jq -c &>/dev/null
alarm_json=$(echo "$alarm_json" | perl -MJSON::PP=encode_json -p -e 's/("log" ?: ?)"(.*?)",$/$1 . encode_json($2) . ","/e')
#echo "$alarm_json"
echo "ALARM: "
echo "$alarm_json" | jq --argjson keys '["uuid", "priority", "timestamp_occured_iso8601", "timestamp_received_iso8601", "rule_attack_tactic", "rule_attack_technique", "rule_dictionary", "rule_id", "rule_intent", "rule_method", "rule_strategy", "source_name", "source_username", "source_organisation", "source_country", "destination_name"]' '.highlight_fields += $keys | (.highlight_fields | unique) as $fields | with_entries( select( .key as $k | $fields | index($k) ) )'
echo "EVENTS: "
echo "$alarm_json" | jq '.events[] | .highlight_fields += ["uuid", "event_name", "timestamp_occured_iso8601", "timestamp_received_iso8601", "source_name", "destination_name", "suppressed", "source_country", "source_city", "plugin", "received_from", "log"] | (.highlight_fields | unique) as $fields | with_entries( select( .key as $k | $fields | index($k) ) ) | if has("access_key_id") then .access_key_id |= .[0:3] + "..." + .[-3:] else . end | if (.source_name|test("^[.0-9]+$")) then .source_name |= .[0:5] + "..." + .[-5:] else . end'
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