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Last active January 9, 2018 15:18
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Save shesek/5835695 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decode Bitcoin raw transactions to bitcoinjs-lib's Transaction object with CoffeeScript
decode_raw_tx = do ->
{ Transaction, TransactionIn, TransactionOut } = Bitcoin
{ bytesToBase64 } = Crypto.util
# Parse an bytearray of length `size` as an integer
# Works for numbers up to 32-bit only
parse_int = (size) -> (bytes) ->
n = 0
n += (bytes.shift() & 0xff) << (8 * i) for i in [0...size]
u8 = (bytes) -> bytes.shift()
u16 = parse_int 2
u32 = parse_int 4
# 64 bit numbers are kept as bytes
# (bitcoinjs-lib expects them that way)
u64 = (bytes) -> bytes.splice 0, 8
varint = (bytes) ->
switch n = u8 bytes
when 0xfd then u16 bytes
when 0xfe then u32 bytes
when 0xff then u64 bytes
else n
varchar = (bytes) -> bytes.splice 0, varint bytes
(bytes) ->
bytes = bytes.slice() # clone
ver = u32 bytes
throw new Error 'Unsupported version' unless ver is 0x01
tx = new Transaction
# Parse inputs
in_count = varint bytes
for [0...in_count]
tx.addInput new TransactionIn
hash: bytesToBase64 bytes.splice 0, 32
index: u32 bytes
script: varchar bytes
seq: u32 bytes
# Parse outputs
out_count = varint bytes
for [0...out_count]
tx.addOutput new TransactionOut
value: u64 bytes
script: varchar bytes
tx.lock_time = u32 bytes
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cimm commented Apr 3, 2014

@kyledrake Did you find a way to sign raw transactions on the client without using bitcoind? Need to do the same if possible. Thanks!

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