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Created September 3, 2014 07:09
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Extend PDO to connect via an object, array, or ini file. Adds methods to backup/restore database
* Wrapper for standard PDO class.
* This class is meant only to be extended and
* not used directly. It offers only a protected
* __construct method and a public escape.
* @author Chris Zuber <>
* @copyright 2014, Chris Zuber
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
* @package core_shared
* @version 2014-08-27
class pdo_connect extends PDO {
private $connect;
private static $instances = [];
public $connected;
public function load($con = 'connect') {
* Static class load method
* Creates a new instance and returns it if one does not exist,
* otherwise returns the existing instance
* @param mixed $con
* @return pdo_connect
if(!array_key_exists($con, self::$instances)) {
self::$instances[$con] = new self($con);
return self::$instances[$con];
public function __construct($con = 'connect') {
* @method __construct
* @desc
* Gets database connection info from /connect.ini (using parse_ini_file)
* The default ini file to use is connect, but can be passed another
* in the $con argument.
* Uses that data to create a new PHP Data Object
* @param mixed $con (.ini file to use for database credentials)
* @return void
* @example parent::__construct($con)
$this->connected = false;
if(is_string($con)) {
$this->connect = (object)parse_ini_file("{$con}.ini");
elseif(is_object($con)) {
$this->connect = $con;
elseif(is_array($con)) {
$this->connect = (object)$con;
if(!(isset($this->connect->user) and isset($this->connect->password))) throw new Exception('Missing credentials to connect to database');
$connect_string = (isset($this->connect->type)) ? "{$this->connect->type}:" : 'mysql:';
$connect_string .= (isset($this->connect->database)) ? "dbname={$this->connect->database}" : "dbname={$this->connect->user}";
if(isset($this->connect->server)) $connect_string .= ";host={$this->connect->server}";
if(isset($this->connect->port) and $this->connect->server !== 'localhost') $connect_string .= ";port={$this->connect->port}";
parent::__construct($connect_string, $this->connect->user, $this->connect->password);
$this->connected = true;
catch(Exception $e) {
if(!isset($connect_string)) {
$connect_string = 'Connect String not set';
$this->log(__METHOD__, __LINE__, $connect_string . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage());
private function log($method = null, $line = null, $message = '') {
* Writes errors to a log file
* @param string $method
* @param int $line
* @param string $message
* @return void
file_put_contents(BASE . '/' . __CLASS__ . '.log', "Error in $method in line $line: $message" . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
public function restore($fname = null) {
* Restores a MySQL database from file $fname
* @param string $fname
* @return self
if(is_null($fname)) {
$fname = BASE . DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR . $this->connect->database;
$sql = file_get_contents("{$fname}.sql");
if(is_string($sql)) {
return $this->query($sql);
else {
return false;
public function dump($filename = null) {
* Does a mysqldump if permissions allow
* Return value is based on whether or not permissions
* allow file to be written, not whether or not it was.
* Default filename is the name of the database
* from connection
* @param string $filename
* @return boolean
if(is_null($filename)) {
$filename = BASE . '/' . $this->connect->database;
if((file_exists("{$filename}.sql") and is_writable("{$filename}.sql")) or (!file_exists("{$filename}.sql") and is_writable(BASE))) {
$command = "mysqldump -u {$this->connect->user} -p" . escapeshellcmd($this->connect->password);
if(isset($this->connect->server) and $this->connect->server !== 'localhost') {
$command .= " -h {$this->connect->server}";
$command .= " {$this->connect->database} > {$filename}.sql";
return true;
else {
return false;
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