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Created July 31, 2022 04:39
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An implementation of head-finalization [Isozaki et al. WMT2010; Isozaki et al. TALLIP2012]: very old script used in our replication study
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A Head-Finalization implementation by Sho Hoshino (
# Hideki Isozaki, Katsuhito Sudoh, Hajime Tsukada, and Kevin Duh
# Head Finalization: a simple reordering rule for SOV languages, WMT 2010
# 2013/11/18 Added citation
# 2012/08/29 Fixed some base forms (NUMBER, PREIOD, etc.) are not recognized properly
# 2012/04/13 Fixed a bug which caused the differences in a sentence:
# John hit the bal but Sam threw the ball .
# 2011? Initial Release
import sys
import os
from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 1:
print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "<input >output"
data = sys.stdin.readlines()
for line in data:
root = fromstring(line)
if len(list(root)) < 1:
print root.text
global va0, va1, va2
va0 = []
va1 = []
va2 = []
head = shead(root, None)
root, passive = pseudo(root, head)
gonext(root, passive)
item = list(root)[0].tail
if item:
print item,
print "\n",
def shead(root, head):
if head is None:
head = root.get("head")
flag = False
tmp = None
for child in root:
if child.get("id") == head:
head = child.get("head")
flag = True
tmp = shead(child, head)
if tmp:
return tmp
if flag:
return head
def pseudo(root, shead):
global va0, va2
passive = 0
if root.get("cat") == "V":
arg1 = root.get("arg1")
arg2 = root.get("arg2")
if root.get("voice") == "passive":
passive = 1
(arg1, arg2) = (arg2, arg1)
if root.get("id") == shead:
if arg1 not in va0:
if arg1 not in va1:
if arg2 not in va2:
for child in root:
pseudo(child, shead)
return root, passive
def gonext(parent, passive):
escape = False
global va1, va2
cat = parent.get("cat")
if cat == "N":
base = parent.get("base")
if base and base.count("-") < 2:
print base,
escape = True
if not escape and parent.tag == "tok":
if parent.text not in ("a", "an", "the"):
print parent.text,
escape = True,
if not escape:
data = list(parent)
if len(data) >= 2:
if data[-1].get("id") != parent.get("head") and "PN" != cat and parent.get("schema") != "coord_left" and parent.get("schema") != "coord_right":
data = data[::-1]
for child in data:
gonext(child, passive)
global va0
if parent.get("id") in va0:
print "_va0",
if parent.get("id") in va1:
print "_va1",
if parent.get("id") in va2:
print "_va2",
if __name__ == "__main__":
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