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Last active December 16, 2015 01:29
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An abstract machine obtained by transforming the toy interpreter for call-by-value lambda calculus at See A Functional Correspondence between Evaluators and Abstract Machines, by O. Danvy
The abstract machine obtained by transforming
the original direct evaluator.
Previous codes:
data Value = Var String
| Lambda String Code
data Code = Push Value
| Call Code Code
data Term = Closure Env String Code
deriving Show
data Stack = Halt --id
| Arg Env Code Stack -- cpseval e1, free: env e2
| Jump Env String Code Stack -- cpseval e2, free: env' x' e'
deriving Show
type Env = [(String, Term)]
type Machine = (Maybe Term, Stack, Env, Code)
instance Show Value where
show (Var x) = x
show (Lambda x e) = "(\\" ++ x ++ "." ++ show e ++ ")"
instance Show Code where
show (Push v) = show v
show (Call e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ show e2 ++ ")"
varLookup :: Env -> String -> Term
varLookup env x = case lookup x env of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error ("Unbound variable: " ++ x)
-- Machine = (Maybe Value, Stack, Env, Code)
run :: Machine -> Term
run (Just t, Halt, _, _) = t
run (Just (Closure env' x' e'), Arg env e2 k, _, _) =
run (Nothing, Jump env' x' e' k, env, e2)
run (Just v, Jump env' x' e' k, _, _) =
run (Nothing, k, ((x',v):env'), e')
run (Nothing, k, env, Push value) =
case value of
Var x -> run (Just (varLookup env x), k, env, undefined)
Lambda x e -> run (Just (Closure env x e), k, env, undefined)
run (Nothing, k, env, Call e1 e2) =
run (Nothing, Arg env e2 k, env, e1)
-- well-typed program won't get stuck
--run _ = error "The machine has gotten stuck"
eval e = run (Nothing, Halt, [], e)
-- \x. x
pid = Push (Lambda "x" (Push (Var "x")))
-- \f s. s
pzero = Push (Lambda "f" (Push (Lambda "s" (Push (Var "s")))))
-- \n. \f s. f (n f s)
psuc = (Push (Lambda "n" (Push (Lambda "f" (Push (Lambda "s"
(Call (Push (Var "f"))
(Call (Call (Push (Var "n")) (Push (Var "f"))) (Push (Var "s"))))))))))
-- \m n. m pSuc n
padd = (Push (Lambda "m" (Push (Lambda "n"
(Call (Call (Push (Var "m")) psuc) (Push (Var "n")))))))
-- \p q. p
p1 = (Push (Lambda "p" (Push (Lambda "q" (Push (Var "p"))))))
-- \p q. q
p2 = (Push (Lambda "p" (Push (Lambda "q" (Push (Var "q"))))))
-- test
test = Call (Call padd (Call psuc (Call psuc pzero))) (Call psuc pzero)
test2 = Call (Call p1 pzero) pid
Rewrite value handling, making it more like an
abstract machine.
Just don't understand how the CEK machine works..
data Code = Var Value
| Lambda String Code
| Call Code Code
| Return Term
data Term = Closure Env String Code
deriving Show
data Stack = Halt --id
| Arg Env Code Stack -- cpseval e1, free: env e2
| Jump Env String Code Stack -- cpseval e2, free: env' x' e'
deriving Show
type Env = [(String, Term)]
type Machine = (Code, Env, Stack)
instance Show Code where
show (Var x) = x
show (Lambda x e) = "(\\" ++ x ++ "." ++ show e ++ ")"
show (Call e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (Return t)= "(Return " ++ show t ++ ")"
varLookup :: Env -> String -> Term
varLookup env x = case lookup x env of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error ("Unbound variable: " ++ x)
-- Machine = (Code, Env, Stack)
run :: Machine -> Term
run (Return t, _, Halt) = t
run (Return (Closure env' x' e'), _, Arg env e2 k) =
run (e2, env, Jump env' x' e' k)
run (Return v, _, Jump env' x' e' k) =
run (e', ((x',v):env'), k)
run (Var x, env, k) =
run (Return (varLookup env x), k, env)
run (Lambda x e, env, k) =
run (Return (Closure env x e), k, env)
run (Call e1 e2, env, k) =
run (e1, env, Arg env e2 k)
-- well-typed program won't get stuck
--run _ = error "The machine has gotten stuck"
eval e = run (Nothing, Halt, [], e)
-- \x. x
pid = Lambda "x" (Var "x")
-- \f s. s
pzero = Lambda "f" (Lambda "s" (Var "s"))
-- \n. \f s. f (n f s)
psuc = Lambda "n" (Lambda "f" (Lambda "s"
(Call (Var "f")
(Call (Call (Var "n") (Var "f")) (Var "s")))))
-- \m n. m pSuc n
padd = Lambda "m" (Lambda "n"
(Call (Call (Var "m") psuc) (Var "n")))
-- \p q. p
p1 = Lambda "p" (Lambda "q" (Var "p"))
-- \p q. q
p2 = Lambda "p" (Lambda "q" (Var "q"))
-- test
test = Call (Call padd (Call psuc (Call psuc pzero))) (Call psuc pzero)
test2 = Call (Call p1 pzero) pid
An abstract machine for call-by-value* lambda calculus.
The codes are 'flatten'. Environment/stack manipulations are changed.
So this looks more like a machine, and now implementing the machine
in C is quite straightforward.
The machine codes might lead to uncovered transition now.
*: arguments are evaluated precede function body
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO -- for writeAll
data Code = Access String Code
| Function String Code Code
| Save Code
| Restore Code
| Call Code
| Return
| Halt
deriving Show
data Value = Closure Env String Code
deriving Show
type Env = [(String, Value)]
type Values = [Value]
type Stack = [Either Code Env]
data Expr = Var String
| Lambda String Expr
| Ap Expr Expr
deriving Show
type Machine = (Code, Values, Stack, Env)
compile' :: Expr -> Code -> Code
compile' (Var x) c = Access x c
compile' (Lambda x e) c = Function x c (compile' e Return)
compile' (Ap e1 e2) c = Save $
compile' e2 $
Restore $
compile' e1 $
Call $
Save; e2; Restore; e1; Call; rest
Variant of the defunctionalized continuation:
| Arg0 Env Code Cont
| Jump Value Cont
where the save/restore of Env is writing out explicitly.
type EnvClean = Bool
remove redundant Save/Restore instruction of the form
Save; e1; Restore; rest
where e1 does not modify the environment
(that is, doesn't contain function calls)
removeEnv :: EnvClean -> Code -> ([EnvClean] -> Code -> Code) -> Code
removeEnv clean (Access x c) k =
removeEnv clean c $ \bs rest ->
k bs (Access x rest)
removeEnv clean (Function x c e) k =
removeEnv clean c $ \bs rest ->
k bs (Function x rest (removeEnv True e (const id)))
removeEnv _ (Save c) k =
removeEnv True c $ \bs rest ->
let c' = case bs of
True:_ -> rest
False:_ -> Save rest
_ -> error "Mismatched Save/Restore pair"
in k (tail bs) c'
removeEnv clean (Restore c) k =
removeEnv True c $ \bs rest ->
let c' = case clean of
True -> rest
False -> Restore rest
in k (clean:bs) c'
removeEnv _ (Call c) k =
removeEnv False c $ \bs rest ->
k bs (Call rest)
removeEnv _ c k = k [] c
compile e = removeEnv undefined (compile' e Halt) (const id)
run :: Machine -> Value
run (Access x c, vs, stk, env) =
run (c, v:vs, stk, env)
where Just v = lookup x env
run (Function x c e, vs, stk, env) =
run (c, (Closure env x e):vs, stk, env)
run (Save c, vs, stk, env) =
run (c, vs, (Right env):stk, env)
run (Restore c, vs, (Right env):stk, _) =
run (c, vs, stk, env)
run (Call c, (Closure env' x' e'):v:vs, stk, _) =
run (e', vs, (Left c):stk, (x',v):env')
run (Return, vs, (Left c):stk, env') =
run (c, vs, stk, env')
run (Halt, v:_, _, _) = v
run _ = error "Undefined state transition"
go c = run (c, [], [], [])
-- \x. x
pid = Lambda "x" (Var "x")
-- \f s. s
pzero = Lambda "f" (Lambda "s" (Var "s"))
-- \n. \f s. f (n f s)
psuc = Lambda "n" (Lambda "f" (Lambda "s"
(Ap (Var "f")
(Ap (Ap (Var "n") (Var "f")) (Var "s")))))
-- \m n. m pSuc n
padd = Lambda "m" (Lambda "n"
(Ap (Ap (Var "m") psuc) (Var "n")))
-- \p q. p
p1 = Lambda "p" (Lambda "q" (Var "p"))
-- \p q. q
p2 = Lambda "p" (Lambda "q" (Var "q"))
-- \f x y. f y x
pflip = Lambda "f" (Lambda "x" (Lambda "y" (Ap (Ap (Var "f") (Var "y")) (Var "x"))))
-- test
ptest1 = Ap (Ap padd (Ap psuc (Ap psuc pzero))) (Ap psuc pzero)
ptest2 = Ap (Ap p1 pzero) pid
ptest3 = Ap (Ap p1 pid) p1
ptest4 = Ap (Ap (Ap pflip p1) pid) p1
newName :: State Int String
newName = do
n <- get
modify (+1)
return ('L' : show n)
data Code = Access String Code
| Function String Code Code
| Save Code
| Restore Code
| Call Code
| Return
| Halt
deriving Show
printCode' :: Code -> State Int (String -> String)
printCode' (Save c) = do
showRest <- printCode' c
return $ (" Save\n" ++) . showRest
printCode' (Restore c) = do
showRest <- printCode' c
return $ (" Restore\n" ++) . showRest
printCode' (Call c) = do
showRest <- printCode' c
return $ (" Call\n" ++) . showRest
printCode' Return = do
return (" Return\n" ++)
printCode' Halt =
return (" Halt\n" ++)
printCode' (Access x c) = do
showRest <- printCode' c
return $ ((" Access " ++ x ++ "\n") ++) . showRest
printCode' (Function x c e) = do
label <- newName
showRest <- printCode' c
showFunction <- printCode' e
return $ ((" Function \\" ++ x ++ " -> " ++ label ++ "\n") ++)
. showRest
. ((label ++ ":\n") ++)
. showFunction
printCode c = fst (runState (printCode' c) 0) ""
cid = compile pid
czero = compile pzero
csuc = compile psuc
cadd = compile padd
c1 = compile p1
c2 = compile p2
cflip = compile pflip
ctest1 = compile ptest1
ctest2 = compile ptest2
ctest3 = compile ptest3
ctest4 = compile ptest4
writeCode code handle = hPutStr handle (printCode code)
writeAll = do
withFile "ctest1-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode ctest1)
withFile "ctest2-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode ctest2)
withFile "ctest3-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode ctest3)
withFile "ctest4-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode ctest4)
withFile "cflip-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode cflip)
withFile "cid-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode cid)
withFile "czero-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode czero)
withFile "csuc-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode csuc)
withFile "cadd-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode cadd)
withFile "c1-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode c1)
withFile "c2-intr.s" WriteMode (writeCode c2)
eval' :: [(String, Term)] -> Expr -> (Expr -> Term) -> Term
eval' env (Var x) k = k (variableLookup env x)
eval' env (Lambda x e) k = k (Closure env x e)
eval' env (Ap e1 e2) k =
eval' env e2 $ \v ->
eval' env e1 $ \(Closure env' x' e') ->
eval' ((x',v):env') e' k
eval e = eval' [] e id
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