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Created December 29, 2014 07:39
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Web::Query;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Perl6::Say;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime);
use JSON::XS;
my $base_url = "";
my $result = {};
my $b_counts = {};
my $bookmark_api_url = URI->new("");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
sub fetch {
my ($url) = @_;
->each(sub {
my $href = $_->attr("href");
my ($year) = $href =~ m{/entry/(\d{4})};
return unless $year == 2014;
my $categories = [];
$_->parent->parent->find(".categories a")->each(sub {
push @$categories, $_->text;
$result->{$href} = {
title => $_->text,
categories => $categories,
fetch($base_url . "/archive");
fetch($base_url . "/archive?page=2");
fetch($base_url . "/archive?page=3");
fetch($base_url . "/archive?page=4");
my $url_list = [ keys %$result ];
my $it = natatime 30, @$url_list;
while (my @urls = $it->()) {
my $api_url = URI->new("");
$api_url->query_param(url => [ @urls ]);
my $res = $ua->get($api_url);
my $data = decode_json($res->content);
$result->{$_}->{bcount} = $data->{$_} for keys %$data;
use DDP colored => 0;
# ブクマランキング
my $index = 1;
for my $href (sort { $result->{$b}->{bcount} <=> $result->{$a}->{bcount}} keys %$result) {
say sprintf(
"|*$index 位|[%s:title=%s:bookmark]|",
# 記事数総ブクマ数
my $entry_count = 0;
my $total_bcount = 0;
for (keys %$result) {
$total_bcount += $result->{$_}->{bcount};
warn $entry_count;
warn $total_bcount;
# カテゴリ別
my $category_result = {};
for (keys %$result) {
my $categories = $result->{$_}->{categories};
$category_result->{$_}++ for @$categories;
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