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Last active March 1, 2024 04:32
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Code to verify the sequence => difference => factorial
def setdiff_fac_verify(start, stop, power):
lst = list(range(start, stop+1))
if len(lst) < power + 2:
raise ArithmeticError('list too small(' + (power+2) + ' terms required, got ' + len(lst) + ')')
nlst = []
for i in lst:
def get_diffs(seqlst, diffd):
print(diffd, seqlst)
if diffd == power:
return seqlst
dlst = []
for i in range(1, len(seqlst)):
diffd += 1
return get_diffs(dlst, diffd)
def fac(x):
if x == 0:
return 1
return x * fac(x-1)
endlst = get_diffs(nlst, 0)
return all(i == endlst[0] for i in endlst) and endlst[0] == fac(power)
st = input('start: ')
sto = input('stop: ')
p = input('power: ')
result = setdiff_fac_verify(int(st), int(sto), int(p))
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