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Last active November 14, 2019 01:10
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GAE_APPLICATION The ID of your App Engine application. This ID is prefixed with 'region code~' such as 'e~' for applications deployed in Europe.
GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID The ID of the current deployment.
GAE_ENV The App Engine environment. Set to standard.
GAE_INSTANCE The ID of the instance on which your service is currently running.
GAE_MEMORY_MB The amount of memory available to the application process, in MB.
GAE_RUNTIME The runtime specified in your app.yaml file.
GAE_SERVICE The service name specified in your app.yaml file. If no service name is specified, it is set to default.
GAE_VERSION The current version label of your service.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT The GCP project ID associated with your application.
NODE_ENV Set to production when your service is deployed.
PORT The port that receives HTTP requests.


ENTRY_POINT Reserved: The function to be executed.
GCP_PROJECT Reserved: The current GCP project ID.
GCLOUD_PROJECT Reserved: The current GCP project ID (deprecated).
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT Reserved: Not set but reserved for internal use.
FUNCTION_TRIGGER_TYPE Reserved: The trigger type of the function.
FUNCTION_NAME Reserved: The name of the function resource.
FUNCTION_MEMORY_MB Reserved: The maximum memory of the function.
FUNCTION_TIMEOUT_SEC Reserved: The execution timeout in seconds.
FUNCTION_IDENTITY Reserved: The current identity (service account) of the function.
FUNCTION_REGION Reserved: The function region (example: us-central1).

Cloud Run

PORT The port your HTTP server should listen on. 8080
K_SERVICE The name of the Cloud Run service being run. hello-world
K_REVISION The name of the Cloud Run revision being run. hello-world.1
K_CONFIGURATION The name of the Cloud Run configuration that created the revision. hello-world

AWS Lambda

_HANDLER The handler location configured on the function.
AWS_REGION The AWS region where the Lambda function is executed.
AWS_EXECUTION_ENV The runtime identifier, prefixed by AWS_Lambda_. For example, AWS_Lambda_java8.
AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME The name of the function.
AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE The amount of memory available to the function in MB.
AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION The version of the function being executed.
AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_NAME, AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_STREAM_NAME The name of the Amazon CloudWatch Logs group and stream for the function.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN Access keys obtained from the function's execution role.
TZ The environment's timezone (UTC). The execution environment uses NTP to synchronize the system clock.
LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT The path to your Lambda function code.
LAMBDA_RUNTIME_DIR The path to runtime libraries.
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