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Last active February 25, 2016 06:26
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Personal Hotspot Backup Plan (OS X)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# After disconnecting from the iPhone Hotspot, run this command
# Turn off WiFi
networksetup -setairportpower en0 off
# Flush all routes
sudo route flush
# Add the new default route
sudo route -n add default "$OLD_DEFAULT_ROUTE"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# After connecting to the iPhone Hotspot, run this command
echo "Please turn on the iPhone Hotspot $HOTSPOT_SSID."
sleep 5
# Turn on WiFi and connect to Hotspot
networksetup -setairportpower en0 on
networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 "$HOTSPOT_SSID" 'wifipassword'
sleep 5
# Flush all routes
sudo route flush
# Add the new default route
sudo route -n add default "$NEW_DEFAULT_ROUTE"
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