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Last active May 1, 2020 07:52
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Handling ProxySQL (>= 1.4.8) with Ansible will result in an error

(2019/11/22) Another Error on ProxySQL 2.0.8 and Ansible 2.9.1

in check_user_privs\r\nTypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str\r\n",

See here:

Note: NOT Resolved

This problrem is resolved at Ansible 2.7.0. But recurrenced at Ansible 2.7.2 in another reason. ansible/ansible#47809

This will resolve at Ansible 2.8


Use proxysql_mysql_users module in ansible-playbook as such;

- name: create ProxySQL user
    login_user: "admin"
    login_password: "adminpassword"
    username: "usernamestring"
    password: "passwordstring"
    state: present
    load_to_runtime: true
    save_to_disk: true

Causes error below.

unable to modify user.. (1045, 'unrecognized token: "\'\n                 AND backend = 1\n                 AND frontend = 1"')

Detail Conditions

  • Ansible 2.6.0
  • ProxySQL >= 1.4.8
    • no problem on 1.4.7
  • Python 3 on target server


In MySQLdb module, query parameters has broken.
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MySQLdb/ Line: 178 or so,
in definition of def execute(self, query, args=None):

        if args is not None:
            if isinstance(args, dict):
                args = dict((key, db.literal(item)) for key, item in args.items())
                args = tuple(map(db.literal, args))   <-------------- BROKEN at HERE
            if not PY2 and isinstance(query, bytes):
                query = query.decode(db.unicode_literal.charset)
            query = query % args

args are

 ['usernamestring', True, True, 'passwordstring']


 ("'", '1', '1', "'")

Further chasing

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MySQLdb/ Line: 300 or so,
In definition of def literal(self, o):

    def literal(self, o):
        s = self.escape(o, self.encoders)   <-------------- BROKEN at HERE
        if not PY2 and isinstance(s, bytes):
            return s.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')
        return s


        s = self.escape(o)

Ansible Playbook

- name: change MySQLdb/ (1)
    dest: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MySQLdb/
    regexp: '^(\s*s = self.escape)\(o, self.encoders\)$'
    replace:  '\1(o)'

- name: create ProxySQL user
    login_user: "admin"
    login_password: "adminpassword"
    username: "usernamestring"
    password: "passwordstring"
    state: present
    load_to_runtime: true
    save_to_disk: true

- name: change MySQLdb/ (2)
    dest: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MySQLdb/
    regexp: '^(\s*s = self.escape)\(o\)$'
    replace:  '\1(o, self.encoders)'
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I have no problem on Ansible 2.9.6 (homebrew 2.9.6_3) with ProxySQL 2.0.10.
As well on Ansible 2.9.7 with ProxySQL 2.0.10.

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