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Last active January 31, 2022 19:01
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  • Save shicks/7a97ec6b3f10212e60a89a7f6d2d097d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Universal polyfill for Math.fround, does not depend on Float32Array.
// NOTE: This implementation is incorrect (it doesn't break ties to even). See comments below for discussion.
Math.fround = Math.fround || function(arg) {
arg = Number(arg);
// Return early for ±0 and NaN.
if (!arg) return arg;
var sign = arg < 0 ? -1 : 1;
if (sign < 0) arg = -arg;
// Compute the exponent (8 bits, signed).
var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(arg) / Math.LN2);
var powexp = Math.pow(2, Math.max(-126, Math.min(exp, 127)));
// Handle subnormals: leading digit is zero if exponent bits are all zero.
var leading = exp < -127 ? 0 : 1;
// Compute 23 bits of mantissa, inverted to round toward zero.
var mantissa = Math.round((leading - arg / powexp) * 0x800000);
if (exp > 0 && mantissa <= -0x800000) return sign * Infinity;
return sign * powexp * (leading - mantissa / 0x800000);
it('should handle terminating numbers', function() { [5/32762]
// These cases all have terminating binary representations (i.e. integers
// or rationals with powers of two in the denominator).
assertEquals(1, Math.fround(1));
assertEquals(-1, Math.fround(-1));
assertEquals(0.5, Math.fround(0.5));
assertEquals(0.25, Math.fround(0.25));
assertEquals(-0.75, Math.fround(-0.75));
assertEquals(3, Math.fround(3));
assertEquals(-20.375, Math.fround(-20.375));
assertEquals(101.3125, Math.fround(101.3125));
assertEquals(1 << 22, Math.fround(1 << 22));
it('should handle large numbers', function() {
assertEquals(1 << 30, Math.fround(1 << 30));
assertEquals(2 ** 127, Math.fround(2 ** 127));
assertEquals(-(2 ** 127), Math.fround(-(2 ** 127)));
assertEquals(1.875 * (2 ** 127), Math.fround(1.875 * (2 ** 127)));
assertEquals(-1.9375 * (2 ** 127), Math.fround(-1.9375 * (2 ** 127)));
assertEquals('a', Infinity, Math.fround(2 ** 128));
assertEquals(-Infinity, Math.fround(-(2 ** 128)));
const maxFloat = 3.4028234663852886e38;
assertEquals(maxFloat, Math.fround(3.4028235e38));
assertEquals(Infinity, Math.fround(3.4028236e38));
assertEquals('b', Infinity, Math.fround(Infinity));
assertEquals(-maxFloat, Math.fround(-3.4028235e38));
assertEquals(-Infinity, Math.fround(-3.4028236e38));
assertEquals(-Infinity, Math.fround(-Infinity));
it('should handle small numbers', function() {
// Smallest normal float32
assertEquals(1.015625 * 2 ** -126, Math.fround(1.015625 * 2 ** -126));
assertEquals(-1.015625 * 2 ** -126, Math.fround(-1.015625 * 2 ** -126));
// Subnormal numbers
assertEquals(1.015625 * 2 ** -127, Math.fround(1.015625 * 2 ** -127));
assertEquals(1.875 * 2 ** -128, Math.fround(1.875 * 2 ** -128));
// Numbers exactly between two floats round toward zero
const minFloat = 2 ** -149;
assertEquals(12 * minFloat, Math.fround(12.5 * minFloat));
assertEquals(13 * minFloat, Math.fround(12.5 * (1 + EPSILON) * minFloat));
assertEquals(-12 * minFloat, Math.fround(-12.5 * minFloat));
assertEquals(-13 * minFloat, Math.fround(-12.5 * (1 + EPSILON) * minFloat));
// Smallest non-zero float32
assertEquals(minFloat, Math.fround(minFloat));
assertEquals(-minFloat, Math.fround(-minFloat));
assertEquals(minFloat, Math.fround((1 + EPSILON) / 2 * minFloat));
assertEquals(-minFloat, Math.fround(-(1 + EPSILON) / 2 * minFloat));
assertPositiveZero(Math.fround(minFloat / 2));
assertNegativeZero(Math.fround(-minFloat / 2));
// Edge cases around mantissa === -0x800000
assertEquals(2 ** -125, Math.fround(2 ** -125));
assertEquals(2 ** -124, Math.fround(2 ** -124));
it('should handle non-numbers', function() {
assertEquals(1, Math.fround(noCheck('1')));
assertExactlyNaN(Math.fround(noCheck([1, 2])));
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shicks commented Jan 31, 2022

Thanks for finding that - I added a comment to the top of the gist to hopefully direct anyone to your comment.

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