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Created February 3, 2018 00:36
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Jitsi Web UI config
var config = {
hosts: {
domain: 'prosody',
muc: 'conference.prosody', // FIXME: use XEP-0030
focus: 'focus.prosody',
disableSimulcast: false,
resolution: 720,
externalConnectUrl: '//localhost/http-pre-bind',
// analyticsScriptUrl: "",
// analyticsScriptUrls: [
// "",
// "",
// ],
p2pStunServers: [
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" }
enableP2P: true, // flag to control P2P connections
// New P2P options
p2p: {
enabled: true,
preferH264: true,
disableH264: true,
useStunTurn: true, // use XEP-0215 to fetch STUN and TURN server for the P2P connection
stunServers: [
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" }
useStunTurn: false, // use XEP-0215 to fetch STUN and TURN server for the JVB connection
useIPv6: false, // ipv6 support. use at your own risk
useNicks: false,
bosh: '//localhost/http-bind', // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that
etherpad_base: '',
clientNode: '', // The name of client node advertised in XEP-0115 'c' stanza
//deprecated desktop sharing settings, included only because older version of jitsi-meet require them
desktopSharing: 'ext', // Desktop sharing method. Can be set to 'ext', 'webrtc' or false to disable.
chromeExtensionId: 'kglhbbefdnlheedjiejgomgmfplipfeb', // Id of desktop streamer Chrome extension
desktopSharingSources: ['screen', 'window'],
//new desktop sharing settings
desktopSharingChromeExtId: 'kglhbbefdnlheedjiejgomgmfplipfeb', // Id of desktop streamer Chrome extension
desktopSharingChromeDisabled: false,
desktopSharingChromeSources: ['screen', 'window', 'tab'],
desktopSharingChromeMinExtVersion: '', // Required version of Chrome extension
desktopSharingFirefoxExtId: "",
desktopSharingFirefoxDisabled: false,
desktopSharingFirefoxMaxVersionExtRequired: '0',
desktopSharingFirefoxExtensionURL: "",
useRoomAsSharedDocumentName: false,
disableRtx: false, // Enables RTX everywhere
enableRtpStats: false, // Enables RTP stats processing
enableStatsID: true,
openSctp: true, // Toggle to enable/disable SCTP channels
channelLastN: -1, // The default value of the channel attribute last-n.
minHDHeight: 540,
startBitrate: "800",
disableAudioLevels: false,
useRtcpMux: true,
useBundle: true,
disableSuspendVideo: true,
enableLipSync: false,
stereo: false,
forceJVB121Ratio: -1,
enableTalkWhileMuted: true,
// callStatsCustomScriptUrl: "",
// hiddenDomain: '',
// enableRecording: true,
// requireDisplayName: false,
// recordingType: 'jibri',
enableWelcomePage: true,
isBrand: false,
logStats: false,
// To enable sending statistics to you should provide Applicaiton ID and Secret.
callStatsID: "347489791",//Application ID for API
callStatsSecret: "169aw6v+hk9TbVuHN2SiDCgfkkU=",//Secret for API
dialInNumbersUrl: '',
dialInConfCodeUrl: '',
dialOutCodesUrl: '',
dialOutAuthUrl: '',
peopleSearchUrl: '',
inviteServiceUrl: '',
peopleSearchQueryTypes: ['user', 'conferenceRooms'],
startAudioMuted: 9,
startVideoMuted: 9,
enableUserRolesBasedOnToken: false,
// atlassianAnalyticsEventUrl: "",
// atlassianAnalyticsEvent: {
// product: "lib-jitsi-meet",
// subproduct: "hcv-meetjitsi",
// name: "",
// server: ""
// },
// deploymentInfo: {
// environment: 'hcv-meetjitsi',
// envType: 'prod',
// shard: 'hcv-meetjitsi-ap-se-1a-s4',
// region: 'ap-southeast-1',
// userRegion: 'ap-southeast-1',
// crossRegion: 'ap-southeast-1' === 'ap-southeast-1' ? 0 : 1
// },
abTesting: {
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