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Forked from danielsz/pushState.cljs
Last active March 6, 2017 19:23
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Example using pushState with ClojureScript + Secretary
; require [ :as events]
; import [goog.history Html5History]
; [goog Uri]
; [goog.history EventType]
(defn listen [el type]
(let [out (chan)]
(events/listen el type
(fn [e] (put! out e)))
(def history (Html5History.))
(.setUseFragment history false)
(.setPathPrefix history "")
(.setEnabled history true)
(let [navigation (listen history EventType/NAVIGATE)]
(while true
(let [token (.-token (<! navigation))]
(secretary/dispatch! token)))))
(events/listen js/document "click" (fn [e]
(let [path (.getPath (.parse Uri (.-href (.-target e))))
title (.-title (.-target e))
matches-path? (secretary/locate-route path)]
(when matches-path?
(. history (setToken path title))
(.preventDefault e)))))
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shiftb commented Jul 10, 2014

secretary's API changed and now we use secretary/locate-route instead of secretary/any-matches?

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