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Last active December 4, 2019 22:29
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Logic for a snake game built with React Hooks 🐍
import { useReducer, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'
const offsets = {
n: [0, 1],
s: [0, -1],
e: [1, 0],
w: [-1, 0],
const equals = (a, b) =>
a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]
const randomIndex = (length) =>
Math.trunc(Math.random() * length)
const addToSnakeMap = (map, [x, y]) => {
map[x] = map[x] || {}
map[x][y] = true
const removeFromSnakeMap = (map, [x, y]) => {
const row = map[x]
delete row[y]
export function useSnake(boardSize, speed) {
const start = Math.trunc(boardSize / 2)
const [game, moveSnake] = useReducer(
{ snake, snakeMap, alive, food, score },
) => {
const [[x, y]] = snake
const [dX, dY] = offsets[direction]
const head = [x + dX, y + dY]
if (
head.find(coord => coord < 0 || coord >= boardSize) ||
snake.find(part => equals(part, head))
) {
alive = false
} else {
snake = [head, ...snake]
addToSnakeMap(snakeMap, head)
if (food && equals(food, head)) {
food = null
} else {
removeFromSnakeMap(snakeMap, snake.pop())
if (food === null && Math.random() > 1 / 3) {
const openCoords = []
for (let i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) {
if (!snakeMap[i] || !snakeMap[i][j]) {
openCoords.push([i, j])
food = openCoords[randomIndex(openCoords.length)]
return {
snake: [[start, start]],
snakeMap: {
[start]: {
[start]: true,
alive: true,
food: null,
score: 0,
const directionRef = useRef('s')
const updateDirection = useCallback(
(dir) => (directionRef.current = dir),
const { alive } = game
useEffect(() => {
if (alive) {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, speed)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [speed, alive])
return {
direction: directionRef.current,,
import { useReducer, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'
type Coordinate = [number, number]
type Snake = Coordinate[]
type SnakeMap = {
[key: number]: {
[key: number]: true
type Game = {
alive: boolean
snake: Snake
snakeMap: SnakeMap
food: Coordinate | null
score: number
type Direction = 'n' | 's' | 'e' | 'w'
const offsets: Record<Direction, Coordinate> = {
n: [0, 1],
s: [0, -1],
e: [1, 0],
w: [-1, 0],
const equals = (a: Coordinate, b: Coordinate) =>
a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]
const randomIndex = (length: number) =>
Math.trunc(Math.random() * length)
const addToSnakeMap = (map: SnakeMap, [x, y]: Coordinate) => {
map[x] = map[x] || {}
map[x][y] = true
const removeFromSnakeMap = (map: SnakeMap, [x, y]: Coordinate) => {
const row = map[x]
delete row[y]
export function useSnake(boardSize: number, speed: number) {
const start = Math.trunc(boardSize / 2)
const [game, moveSnake] = useReducer(
{ snake, snakeMap, alive, food, score }: Game,
direction: Direction,
) => {
const [[x, y]] = snake
const [dX, dY] = offsets[direction]
const head: Coordinate = [x + dX, y + dY]
if (
head.find(coord => coord < 0 || coord >= boardSize) ||
snake.find(part => equals(part, head))
) {
alive = false
} else {
snake = [head, ...snake]
addToSnakeMap(snakeMap, head)
if (food && equals(food, head)) {
food = null
} else {
removeFromSnakeMap(snakeMap, snake.pop())
if (food === null && Math.random() > 1 / 3) {
const openCoords: Coordinate[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) {
if (!snakeMap[i] || !snakeMap[i][j]) {
openCoords.push([i, j])
food = openCoords[randomIndex(openCoords.length)]
return {
snake: [[start, start]],
snakeMap: {
[start]: {
[start]: true,
alive: true,
food: null,
score: 0,
const directionRef = useRef<Direction>('s')
const updateDirection = useCallback(
(dir: Direction) => (directionRef.current = dir),
const { alive } = game
useEffect(() => {
if (alive) {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, speed)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [speed, alive])
return {
direction: directionRef.current,,
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