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# Some basic shell commands #
# NOTE: You could run this script file, but you probably don't want to. Copy
# and paste the commands if you want to follow along. Also, we won't cover it
# here, but if at any time you want to quit something in the terminal you can use
# ctrl + c. Now on to the tutorial!
# In a nutshell (see what I did there ;) the shell is a program that allows you to
# interact with the core of your operating system by executing commands. You may
# think that this is an antiquated way to work on a computer given that we have
# graphical interfaces that perform similar functions. There is a reason why
# we continue to use it though. If you have some working knowledge of how to use
# the shell you'll find that many tasks can be performed much more efficiently
# compared to navigating menus and clicking with the mouse.
# There are different shell programs, but the most commonly used and the one that
# you most likely have on your system is called "bash". Some parts of this tutorial
# only relate to bash, so let's check first that you're using bash. If you're on
# Cygwin this may return something else, but the tutorial should still apply.
echo $0
# If it says "bash" then you're good to go.
# First, say hello to yourself
echo 'Hello me!'
# echo is a more useful command than it might seem at first blush. We'll see
# it again later.
# Now that we've said hello, it might be a good idea to figure out where
# we are. When you're working in the shell you're always working in a
# directory on the filesystem. This directory is called your working
# directory, and by default the shell will start in what's called your
# "home" directory. We can tell the shell to print out our current
# working directory by using the pwd command for "print working directory":
# This should output something like /Users/ryan for example, if you happen
# to be on an OSX machine and your username is "ryan". Let's take a look
# around and see what what's in this directory.
# ls displays a list of files and directories in the current working
# directory. Like many commands it has additional options that determine
# how it behaves. Many commands come with built in manuals, which we can
# access using the man command, followed by the command we want info on.
man ls
# If you see a command somewhere and want more info, check and see if it
# has a man page. Many commands have help that's accessible by passing an
# argument to the command, usually -h or --help. Let's try man --help.
man --help
# Even if a command doesn't have a man page, it may have a help argument
# to display basic usage information. Let's try passing one of the most
# used options for ls, -l for "long form".
ls -l
# the "l" flag tells ls that we want to display the list of files and
# directories in the long form, which shows additional information.
# Let's try another.
ls -a
# This time it probably displayed some additional files and directories
# starting with a ".". These are called dotfiles, and they usually perform
# system functions. They are hidden from ls output normally for that reason.
# We can also combine them together by using both "l" and "a":
ls -la
# Now we can see the dotfiles in the long form. Many commands allow you to
# combine options like this to configure how you want commands to behave.
# So we're in your home directory, and it's traditionally the place on the
# system where you have free reign to put stuff. Since that's the case,
# let's create a new directory to put stuff in. (if you see a stuff directory
# in the ls output above pick a different name).
mkdir stuff
# What just happened? With the shell no output is often good ouput, as some
# commands will only tell you something if there was an error. We did make
# a directory though, so let's check and see.
ls -l
# You should see a stuff directory listed along with your other directories.
# Very cool. So now we have a directory, let's do stuff in it. While we could
# do things to the directory from up here in our home directory, it would be
# easier to do if we changed our working directory to the new one that we
# created. So let's do that.
cd stuff
# Where are we now?
# Ah, where in the stuff directory. cd changes your working directory, and you
# give it a path relative to where you are currently. Let's try going back and
# forth a few different ways.
cd ../
# Where are we now?
# We're back in our home directory. Let's go back to stuff, but this time we'll
# specify a path using a dot. This is another way to specify a relative path other
# than just typing in the name of the directory.
cd ./stuff
# Where are we now?
# We're back in stuff. Let's go back to home one more time, only this time we'll use
# a tilda, which is an alias that the system has for the current user's home directory.
cd ~
# Where are we now?
# We're back in the home directory. Let's use the tilda again, only this time we'll use
# it to get back to stuff.
cd ~/stuff
# Where are we now?
# We're back in stuff. Let's stay here for a while and do some stuff. We made a directory,
# but it's lonely in here.
ls -la
# Let's make a file. We make a file by touching it.
touch foo.txt
# And we'll check to see if it's there
ls -l
# Sweet, we made a file. I wonder what's in the file. We can find out by printing it
# using cat, which concatenates the contents of the file to the terminal.
cat foo.txt
# Commands that take a path, like cd, cat, or any of the commands that we'll
# soon cover; can take any valid path on the file system, so we could also
# write the previous command like this since it points to the same file:
cat ../stuff/foo.txt
# So touch made an empty file. How boring. We can fix that though. Remember echo? By
# default echo outputs text to the terminal, but we can tell it to go somewhere else
# by redirecting it using right angle brackets (>). One bracket will overwrite the file,
# while two will append to the file. Let's try it out:
echo "Hello me!" >> foo.txt
# and let's see what's in the file
cat foo.txt
# and let's try it again.
echo "Hello back at ya!" >> foo.txt
# And check the results
cat foo.txt
# This works for any command that has output, not just echo. Let's try it
# with the help output for less, a command we'll use in a second:
less --help > foo.txt
# Notice this time I used one angle bracket, Which will overwrite the file.
cat foo.txt
# And we should see the help for less. This has all sorts of uses, from
# creating files that log the output of long running commands to quickly
# appending a line of text to a configuration file. The one instance where
# I use it all the time is to add directories and files to .gitignore files.
# Sometimes files are too big to view using cat, but there are other commands
# We can use to view files.
# less allows you to scroll and navigate large files. You can scroll through
# files using the up and down arrows, and quit by typing "q". You can also search
# for something in the file by typing "/" followed by your search. You can
# type "n" and "N" to move to the next and previous search results respectively.
# Try searching for "search" in the file.
less foo.txt
# We can also print out only the beginning or end of the files using head
# (for the beginning) or tail (for the end). You can specify how many lines
# you'd like to print using the -n flag. These are used most often to look
# at log files. For example, if your program crashed and you want to check
# the end of the log, you would use tail. Log files can be very large, so
# often this is the best way to get information from them. Tail can also
# be used with the -f flag for "follow" in the case where a file is actively
# being written to.
head -n 35 foo.txt
tail -n 20 foo.txt
# Let's say you were interested in lines that contain a particular word, like
# an error in your log files. To find it we can use a utility called grep
# (don't ask why it's called grep, I don't personally know). Let's use it to
# search the directory for "search". We'll use the "r" flag for recursive even
# though we don't have any subdirectories to search, just so you know how to
# use it if that's the case. Let's search for "search" in the directory.
grep -r "search" ./
# Notice the arguments. First there are the flags, then the string we want to
# search for, then the directory we want to search.
# Just like we can use the right angle brackets to redirect to files, we can use
# left angle bracket (<) to send files into some commands. Let's do this with grep
# to search just the file we're interested in.
grep "search" < foo.txt
# You can also tell grep to print out lines after or before the match using
# the A and B options respectively.
grep -A 1 "search" < foo.txt
# Foo is kind of a silly name for the file. Now that it contains help,
# let's rename the file by moving it. Moving with mv is how you
# rename files or move them from one directory to another.
mv foo.txt help.txt
# And let's check the results
ls -l
# Perfect. mv works on directories as well. What if we wanted
# to make a copy of the file, like a backup while we make changes
# to the original file. Let's use cp to do that.
cp help.txt help.txt.bak
# And check the results
ls -l
# cp works on directories when used with the -r flag, which stands
# for "recursive". We're done with our changes, and we've decided
# that we no longer need the backup file, so let's remove it with rm.
rm help.txt.bak
# And check the results
ls -l
# rm also works on directories when used with the r flag (rm -r) "recursive".
# You may have noticed that commands in the shell are similar to functions
# in other languages; like JavaScript. They take arguments and return
# output. The shell also has variables as well, just like other programming
# langauges. You can access variables by putting a "$" before their name,
# and set them using the export command. There's a built in variable called
# "HOME" that contains the path to your home directory. Let's echo that and
# check the value.
echo $HOME
# There is another built in variable called "PS1" that can be used to configure
# your command prompt, which is the text that appears to the left of your cursor
# in the shell. By default on most systems it doesn't display any useful information.
# On OSX it starts out displaying the bash version along with a "$" to tell you
# where the prompt ends. You customize your prompt by using various escape characters
# ( a "\" followed by a letter is an escape character) to specify what data you'd like
# to appear in the prmpt. You can see what escape characters you can use here:
# Let's set up our command prompt to show our current directory and some other useful
# info, although feel free to configure it any way you like. Notice that when I set
# a variable I don't use the "$" before it.
export PS1="\T \u@\h:\w ❯ "
# Exporting the variable will only set it in the current session though. If we want
# it to be this way every time we open up the terminal, we'll need to add it to a
# script that runs each time you do so. It's a dotfile in your home directory called
# ".bashrc". We can quickly add this line to our bashrc using our old friend echo.
# Notice how I use single quotes instead of double quotes for the string. This is so
# we don't have double quotes inside double quotes.
echo 'export PS1="\T \u@\h:\w ❯ "' >> ~/.bashrc
# And let's take a look at our bashrc
cat ~/.bashrc
# Your hostname might be something like "Ryans-Macbook-Pro", which is fine, but if
# you'd like to give your computer another name you can use the 'hostname' command.
# In order to change the hostname we need to run the command as the root user, which
# has the power to do anything on the system. Be very careful running commands as
# root for that reason. We run the command as root using "sudo" before the command.
# It will ask for your user password. It won't show the password as you type.
# I'm going to set my hostname to "lechuck"...a character from my favorite old
# computer game "The Secret of Monkey Island." Don't judge. ;)
sudo hostname lechuck
# You'll need to start a new session if you want to see your new hostname in your
# prompt.
# Now that we're done with doing stuff in ~/stuff, let's remove the directory. To
# do that we'll need to cd back to home, and then rm the directory. You can do both
# in a single command by putting them on the same line with "&&" between them. You
# can think of "&&" like a boolean AND in other languages like JavaScript. It will
# only run the second command if the first command returns succssfully. You can also
# use "&" if you want both commands to run regardless.
cd ../ && rm -r stuff
# We've learned some basic terminal commands that are useful in many situations
# and will make you more productive as you start to remember them and use them
# frequently. So in closing:
echo "You've taken your first step on the path of shell foo. Congrats!"
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