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Last active October 4, 2018 09:40
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
using SheetType = System.Collections.Generic.List<
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary< string, object > >;
using RecordType = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary< string, object >;
namespace PythonEmbedTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// スクリプトエンジンを作成
ScriptEngine engine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
// スクリプトをファイルから読み込む
const string filepath = @"c:\home\PythonEmbedTest\PythonEmbedTest\";
ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(filepath);
// コンパイルする
CompiledCode compiled = source.Compile();
// 実行(関数定義)
// 関数を取り出す
var main = engine.Operations.GetMember< Func<SheetType,bool> >(scope, "main");
// 関数実行
var hoge = new SheetType();
hoge.Add( new RecordType(){ {"abc",100}, {"def", 3.14}, {"xyz", "piyo"} } );
hoge.Add( new RecordType(){ {"abc",200}, {"def", 2.45}, {"xyz", "abc" } } );
bool result = main(hoge);
// 結果を表示
// キー入力待ち
# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
def main(sheet):
print sheet.Count
for record in sheet:
return True
def checkRecord(record):
print record["abc"], record["def"], record["xyz"]
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