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Created November 30, 2014 14:05
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module DisAsm where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Hex
regs = [reg8, reg16]
ndisasm ip xs = (len, addr ++ " " ++ dump ++ " " ++ snd asm)
asm = disasm xs
len = fst asm
addr = upper $ hexn 8 ip
dump = upper $ listToHexStr list ++ spc
list = take len xs
spc = replicate (16 - len * 2) ' '
upper s = map toUpper s
-- upper s = [toUpper ch | ch <- s]
ndisasms _ [] = []
ndisasms ip xs = snd asm : ndisasms (ip + len) (drop len xs)
asm = ndisasm ip xs
len = fst asm
disasms [] = []
disasms xs = asm : disasms (drop len xs)
asm = disasm xs
len = fst asm
disasms' hex = [snd asm | asm <- disasms $ hexStrToList hex]
-- disasm' hex = disasm $ hexStrToList hex
disasm' hex
| length bin == len = snd asm
| otherwise = "length? " ++ show len
bin = hexStrToList hex
asm = disasm bin
len = fst asm
disasm (x:xs) = disasmB (getBits x) xs
-- mov
-- Immediate to Register/Memory [100010dw][modregr/m]
disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,0,d,w) xs
| d == 0 = (1 + len, "mov " ++ rm ++ "," ++ reg)
| otherwise = (1 + len, "mov " ++ reg ++ "," ++ rm)
(len, rm, r) = modrm False w xs
reg = regs !! w !! r
-- Immediate to Register [1011wreg][data][data if w=1]
disasmB (1,0,1,1,w,r,e,g) xs =
(2 + w, "mov " ++ reg ++ "," ++ imm)
reg = regs !! w !! getReg r e g
imm = "0x" ++ hex (fromLE (w + 1) xs)
-- Immediate to Register/Memory [1100011w][mod000r/m][data][data if w=1]
disasmB (1,1,0,0,0,1,1,w) xs =
(1 + len + w + 1, "mov " ++ rm ++ "," ++ imm)
(len, rm, r) = modrm True w xs
imm = "0x" ++ hex (fromLE (w + 1) (drop len xs))
-- Memory to Accumulator [1010000w][addr-low][addr-high]
disasmB (1,0,1,0,0,0,0,w) xs
| w == 0 = (3, "mov " ++ rm ++ ",[" ++ imm ++ "]")
| otherwise = (3, "mov " ++ rm ++ ",[" ++ imm ++ "]")
rm = regs !! w !! 0
imm = "0x" ++ hex (fromLE 2 xs)
-- Accumulator to Memory [1010001w][addr-low][addr-high]
disasmB (1,0,1,0,0,0,1,w) xs
| w == 0 = (3, "mov [" ++ imm ++ "]," ++ rm)
| otherwise = (3, "mov [" ++ imm ++ "]," ++ rm)
rm = regs !! w !! 0
imm = "0x" ++ hex (fromLE 2 xs)
-- Register/Memory to Segment Register [10001110][mod0reg r/m]
disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0) xs =
(1 + len, "mov " ++ rmseg ++ "," ++ rm)
(len, rm, r) = modrm False 1 xs
rmseg = sreg !! r
-- Segment Register to Register/Memory [10001100][mod0reg r/m]
disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0) xs =
(1 + len, "mov " ++ rm ++ "," ++ rmseg)
(len, rm, r) = modrm False 1 xs
rmseg = sreg !! r
-- push
-- Register/Memory
disasmB (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) xs =
(1 + len, "push " ++ rm)
(len, rm, r) = modrm True 1 xs
-- Register
disasmB (0,1,0,1,0,r,e,g) xs =
(1, "push " ++ reg)
reg = regs !! 1 !! getReg r e g
-- Segment Register
disasmB (0,0,0,s,r,1,1,0) xs =
(1, "push " ++ rmseg)
rmseg = sreg !! getReg 0 s r
regad = ["bx+si", "bx+di", "bp+si", "bp+di", "si", "di", "bp", "bx"]
modrm prefix w (x:xs) = (len, s, reg)
(len, s) = f mode rm
mode = x `shiftR` 6
reg = (x `shiftR` 3) .&. 7
rm = x .&. 7
pfx | prefix && w == 0 = "byte "
| prefix && w == 1 = "word "
| otherwise = ""
f 0 6 = (3, pfx ++ "[0x" ++ hex (fromLE 2 xs) ++ "]")
f 0 rm = (1, pfx ++ "[" ++ regad !! rm ++ "]")
f 1 rm = (2, pfx ++ "[" ++ regad !! rm ++ disp ++ "]")
disp = disp8 (xs !! 0)
f 2 rm = (3, pfx ++ "[" ++ regad !! rm ++ disp ++ "]")
disp = disp16 (fromLE 2 xs)
f 3 rm = (1, regs !! w !! rm)
reg16 = ["ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di"]
reg8 = ["al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh"]
sreg = ["es", "cs", "ss", "ds"]
getBits :: Int -> (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
getBits x = (b 7, b 6, b 5, b 4, b 3, b 2, b 1, b 0)
b n = (x `shiftR` n) .&. 1
getReg :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
getReg r e g =
(r `shiftL` 2) .|. (e `shiftL` 1) .|. g
disp8 x
| x < 0x80 = "+0x" ++ hex x
| otherwise = "-0x" ++ hex (0x100 - x)
disp16 x
| x < 0x8000 = "+0x" ++ hex x
| otherwise = "-0x" ++ hex (0x10000 - x)
module Main where
import Test.HUnit
import System.IO
import Data.Char
import Data.Bits
import Hex
import DisAsm
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.ByteString
testHex = TestList
[ "reverse" ~: reverse "11001" ~?= "10011"
, "binStrToInt 5" ~: binStrToInt "101" ~?= 5
, "binStrToInt 25" ~: binStrToInt "11001" ~?= 25
, "binStrToInt 31" ~: binStrToInt "11111" ~?= 31
, "binStrToInt 350" ~: binStrToInt "110010" ~?= 50
, "div 1" ~: 1 `div` 2 ~?= 0
, "bin 0" ~: bin 0 ~?= "0"
, "bin 1" ~: bin 1 ~?= "1"
, "bin 5" ~: bin 5 ~?= "101"
, "bin 25" ~: bin 25 ~?= "11001"
, "bin 31" ~: bin 31 ~?= "11111"
, "bin 50" ~: bin 50 ~?= "110010"
, "digitToInt" ~: digitToInt 'a' ~?= 10
, "hexStrToInt 1" ~: hexStrToInt "100" ~?= 256
, "hexStrToInt 2" ~: hexStrToInt "ffff" ~?= 65535
, "replicate" ~: replicate 5 'a' ~?= "aaaaa"
, "intToDigit" ~: intToDigit 10 ~?= 'a'
, "hex 1" ~: hex 256 ~?= "100"
, "hex 2" ~: hex 65535 ~?= "ffff"
, "hexn 1" ~: hexn 2 1 ~?= "01"
, "hexn 2" ~: hexn 2 255 ~?= "ff"
, "hexn 3" ~: hexn 8 65535 ~?= "0000ffff"
, "hexn 4" ~: hexn 2 256 ~?= "00"
, "hexStrToList 1" ~: hexStrToList "123456" ~?= [0x12, 0x34, 0x56]
, "hexStrToList 2" ~: hexStrToList "010203" ~?= [1, 2, 3]
, "listToHexStr 1" ~: listToHexStr [0x12, 0x34, 0x56] ~?= "123456"
, "listToHexStr 2" ~: listToHexStr [1, 2, 3] ~?= "010203"
, "toLE 1" ~: toLE 2 1 ~?= [1, 0]
, "toLE 2" ~: toLE 2 0x10000 ~?= [0, 0]
, "toLE 3" ~: toLE 4 0x12345678 ~?= [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12]
, "fromLE 1" ~: fromLE 2 [0, 1] ~?= 0x100
, "fromLE 2" ~: fromLE 2 [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= 0x5678
, "fromLE 3" ~: fromLE 4 [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= 0x12345678
, "fromLE 4" ~: fromLE 2 [0x00, 0xFF] ~?= 0xFF00
, "toBE 1" ~: toBE 2 1 ~?= [0, 1]
, "toBE 2" ~: toBE 2 0x10000 ~?= [0, 0]
, "toBE 3" ~: toBE 4 0x12345678 ~?= [0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]
, "fromBE 1" ~: fromBE 2 [0, 1] ~?= 0x1
, "fromBE 2" ~: fromBE 2 [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= 0x7856
, "fromBE 3" ~: fromBE 4 [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= 0x78563412
testDisAsm = TestList
[ "b8 1" ~: disasm [0xb8, 0, 0] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x0")
, "b8 2" ~: disasm [0xb8, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x1234")
, "b8 3" ~: disasm [0xb8, 0x78, 0x56] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x5678")
, "b0 1" ~: disasm [0xb0, 0x00] ~?= (2, "mov al,0x0")
, "b8 3" ~: disasm' "b80000" ~?= "mov ax,0x0"
, "b8 4" ~: disasm' "b83412" ~?= "mov ax,0x1234"
, "b8-bf 0" ~: disasm' "b80100" ~?= "mov ax,0x1"
, "b8-bf 1" ~: disasm' "b90100" ~?= "mov cx,0x1"
, "b8-bf 2" ~: disasm' "ba1000" ~?= "mov dx,0x10"
, "b8-bf 3" ~: disasm' "bb0001" ~?= "mov bx,0x100"
, "b8-bf 4" ~: disasm' "bc0010" ~?= "mov sp,0x1000"
, "b8-bf 5" ~: disasm' "bdff00" ~?= "mov bp,0xff"
, "b8-bf 6" ~: disasm' "be00ff" ~?= "mov si,0xff00"
, "b8-bf 7" ~: disasm' "bffeca" ~?= "mov di,0xcafe"
, "b0-b7 1" ~: disasm' "b000" ~?= "mov al,0x0"
, "b0-b7 2" ~: disasm' "b101" ~?= "mov cl,0x1"
, "b0-b7 3" ~: disasm' "b210" ~?= "mov dl,0x10"
, "b0-b7 4" ~: disasm' "b311" ~?= "mov bl,0x11"
, "b0-b7 5" ~: disasm' "b412" ~?= "mov ah,0x12"
, "b0-b7 6" ~: disasm' "b5ff" ~?= "mov ch,0xff"
, "b0-b7 7" ~: disasm' "b6ee" ~?= "mov dh,0xee"
, "b0-b7 8" ~: disasm' "b7ca" ~?= "mov bh,0xca"
, "getBits 0" ~: getBits 0xbd ~?= (1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1)
, "getBits 1" ~: getBits 0xb8 ~?= (1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0)
, "getBits 2" ~: getBits 0xb9 ~?= (1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1)
, "getReg 0" ~: getReg 1 0 1 ~?= 5
, "getReg 1" ~: getReg 1 1 1 ~?= 7
, "getReg 2" ~: getReg 0 0 1 ~?= 1
, "disp8 1" ~: disp8 0 ~?= "+0x0"
, "disp8 2" ~: disp8 0x7f ~?= "+0x7f"
, "disp8 3" ~: disp8 0x80 ~?= "-0x80"
, "disp8 4" ~: disp8 0xff ~?= "-0x1"
, "disp16 1" ~: disp16 0 ~?= "+0x0"
, "disp16 2" ~: disp16 0x7fff ~?= "+0x7fff"
, "disp16 3" ~: disp16 0x8000 ~?= "-0x8000"
, "disp16 4" ~: disp16 0xffff ~?= "-0x1"
, "disAsmB 0" ~: disasmB (1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0) [0, 0] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x0")
, "disAsmB 1" ~: disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1) [0, 0] ~?= (2, "mov ax,[bx+si]")
, "disAsmB 2" ~: disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1) [0, 0] ~?= (2, "mov [bx+si],ax")
, "disAsmB 3" ~: disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) [0, 0] ~?= (2, "mov [bx+si],al")
, "disAsmB 4" ~: disasmB (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) [2, 0] ~?= (2, "mov [bp+si],al")
, "88-8b mod=00 1" ~: disasm' "8900" ~?= "mov [bx+si],ax"
, "88-8b mod=00 2" ~: disasm' "8909" ~?= "mov [bx+di],cx"
, "88-8b mod=00 3" ~: disasm' "8912" ~?= "mov [bp+si],dx"
, "88-8b mod=00 4" ~: disasm' "891b" ~?= "mov [bp+di],bx"
, "88-8b mod=00 5" ~: disasm' "8924" ~?= "mov [si],sp"
, "88-8b mod=00 6" ~: disasm' "892d" ~?= "mov [di],bp"
, "88-8b mod=00 7" ~: disasm' "893f" ~?= "mov [bx],di"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=000 1" ~: disasm' "8800" ~?= "mov [bx+si],al"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=000 2" ~: disasm' "8900" ~?= "mov [bx+si],ax"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=000 3" ~: disasm' "8A00" ~?= "mov al,[bx+si]"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=000 4" ~: disasm' "8B00" ~?= "mov ax,[bx+si]"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=110 1" ~: disasm' "88063412" ~?= "mov [0x1234],al"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=110 2" ~: disasm' "89063412" ~?= "mov [0x1234],ax"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=110 3" ~: disasm' "8A063412" ~?= "mov al,[0x1234]"
, "88-8b mod=00,r/m=110 4" ~: disasm' "8B063412" ~?= "mov ax,[0x1234]"
, "88-8b mod=01 1" ~: disasm' "894001" ~?= "mov [bx+si+0x1],ax"
, "88-8b mod=01 2" ~: disasm' "8949FF" ~?= "mov [bx+di-0x1],cx"
, "88-8b mod=01 3" ~: disasm' "895202" ~?= "mov [bp+si+0x2],dx"
, "88-8b mod=01 4" ~: disasm' "895BFE" ~?= "mov [bp+di-0x2],bx"
, "88-8b mod=01 5" ~: disasm' "896464" ~?= "mov [si+0x64],sp"
, "88-8b mod=01 6" ~: disasm' "896D9C" ~?= "mov [di-0x64],bp"
, "88-8b mod=01 7" ~: disasm' "897600" ~?= "mov [bp+0x0],si"
, "88-8b mod=01 8" ~: disasm' "897601" ~?= "mov [bp+0x1],si"
, "88-8b mod=01 9" ~: disasm' "897F01" ~?= "mov [bx+0x1],di"
, "88-8b mod=01 10" ~: disasm' "897FFF" ~?= "mov [bx-0x1],di"
, "88-8b mod=01 11" ~: disasm' "897F81" ~?= "mov [bx-0x7f],di"
, "88-8b mod=10 1" ~: disasm' "89800001" ~?= "mov [bx+si+0x100],ax"
, "88-8b mod=10 2" ~: disasm' "898900FF" ~?= "mov [bx+di-0x100],cx"
, "88-8b mod=10 3" ~: disasm' "89920002" ~?= "mov [bp+si+0x200],dx"
, "88-8b mod=10 4" ~: disasm' "899B00FE" ~?= "mov [bp+di-0x200],bx"
, "88-8b mod=10 5" ~: disasm' "89A40064" ~?= "mov [si+0x6400],sp"
, "88-8b mod=10 6" ~: disasm' "89AD009C" ~?= "mov [di-0x6400],bp"
, "88-8b mod=10 7" ~: disasm' "89B60000" ~?= "mov [bp+0x0],si"
, "88-8b mod=10 8" ~: disasm' "89B60001" ~?= "mov [bp+0x100],si"
, "88-8b mod=10 9" ~: disasm' "89BF0001" ~?= "mov [bx+0x100],di"
, "88-8b mod=10 10" ~: disasm' "89BF1234" ~?= "mov [bx+0x3412],di"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 1" ~: disasm' "89C0" ~?= "mov ax,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 2" ~: disasm' "89C1" ~?= "mov cx,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 3" ~: disasm' "89C2" ~?= "mov dx,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 4" ~: disasm' "89C3" ~?= "mov bx,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 5" ~: disasm' "89C4" ~?= "mov sp,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 6" ~: disasm' "89C5" ~?= "mov bp,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 7" ~: disasm' "89C6" ~?= "mov si,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=1 8" ~: disasm' "89C7" ~?= "mov di,ax"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 1" ~: disasm' "88C0" ~?= "mov al,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 2" ~: disasm' "88C1" ~?= "mov cl,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 3" ~: disasm' "88C2" ~?= "mov dl,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 4" ~: disasm' "88C3" ~?= "mov bl,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 5" ~: disasm' "88C4" ~?= "mov ah,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 6" ~: disasm' "88C5" ~?= "mov ch,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 7" ~: disasm' "88C6" ~?= "mov dh,al"
, "88-8b mod=11,w=0 8" ~: disasm' "88C7" ~?= "mov bh,al"
, "c6-c7 mod=00,w=0 1" ~: disasm' "C60012" ~?= "mov byte [bx+si],0x12"
, "c6-c7 mod=00,w=0 2" ~: disasm' "C60112" ~?= "mov byte [bx+di],0x12"
, "c6-c7 mod=00,w=0 3" ~: disasm' "C60212" ~?= "mov byte [bp+si],0x12"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=0 1" ~: disasm' "C6401234" ~?= "mov byte [bx+si+0x12],0x34"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=0 2" ~: disasm' "C6411234" ~?= "mov byte [bx+di+0x12],0x34"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=0 3" ~: disasm' "C6421234" ~?= "mov byte [bp+si+0x12],0x34"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=0 1" ~: disasm' "C680123456" ~?= "mov byte [bx+si+0x3412],0x56"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=0 2" ~: disasm' "C681123456" ~?= "mov byte [bx+di+0x3412],0x56"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=0 3" ~: disasm' "C682123456" ~?= "mov byte [bp+si+0x3412],0x56"
, "c6-c7 mod=00,w=1 1" ~: disasm' "C7001234" ~?= "mov word [bx+si],0x3412"
, "c6-c7 mod=00,w=1 2" ~: disasm' "C700FF34" ~?= "mov word [bx+si],0x34ff"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=1 1" ~: disasm' "C740123456" ~?= "mov word [bx+si+0x12],0x5634"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=1 2" ~: disasm' "C740FF1234" ~?= "mov word [bx+si-0x1],0x3412"
, "c6-c7 mod=01,w=1 3" ~: disasm' "C740FF3456" ~?= "mov word [bx+si-0x1],0x5634"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=1 1" ~: disasm' "C78012345678" ~?= "mov word [bx+si+0x3412],0x7856"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=1 2" ~: disasm' "C780FFFFFFFF" ~?= "mov word [bx+si-0x1],0xffff"
, "c6-c7 mod=10,w=1 2" ~: disasm' "C781FFFFFFFF" ~?= "mov word [bx+di-0x1],0xffff"
, "c6-c7 mod=11,w=0 1" ~: disasm' "C6C012" ~?= "mov al,0x12"
, "c6-c7 mod=11,w=1 1" ~: disasm' "C7C01234" ~?= "mov ax,0x3412"
, "a0-a1 w=0" ~: disasm' "A01234" ~?= "mov al,[0x3412]"
, "a0-a1 w=1" ~: disasm' "A11234" ~?= "mov ax,[0x3412]"
, "a2-a3 w=0" ~: disasm' "A21234" ~?= "mov [0x3412],al"
, "a2-a3 w=1" ~: disasm' "A31234" ~?= "mov [0x3412],ax"
, "8e mod=00 1" ~: disasm' "8E00" ~?= "mov es,[bx+si]"
, "8e mod=00 2" ~: disasm' "8E08" ~?= "mov cs,[bx+si]"
, "8e mod=00 3" ~: disasm' "8E10" ~?= "mov ss,[bx+si]"
, "8e mod=00 4" ~: disasm' "8E18" ~?= "mov ds,[bx+si]"
, "8e mod=01 1" ~: disasm' "8E4012" ~?= "mov es,[bx+si+0x12]"
, "8e mod=01 2" ~: disasm' "8E47FF" ~?= "mov es,[bx-0x1]"
, "8e mod=10 1" ~: disasm' "8E801234" ~?= "mov es,[bx+si+0x3412]"
, "8e mod=10 2" ~: disasm' "8E891234" ~?= "mov cs,[bx+di+0x3412]"
, "8e mod=11 1" ~: disasm' "8EC0" ~?= "mov es,ax"
, "8e mod=11 2" ~: disasm' "8EC1" ~?= "mov es,cx"
, "8e mod=11 3" ~: disasm' "8ED0" ~?= "mov ss,ax"
, "8e mod=11 4" ~: disasm' "8ED8" ~?= "mov ds,ax"
, "8c mod=00 1" ~: disasm' "8C00" ~?= "mov [bx+si],es"
, "8c mod=00 2" ~: disasm' "8C08" ~?= "mov [bx+si],cs"
, "8c mod=00 3" ~: disasm' "8C10" ~?= "mov [bx+si],ss"
, "8c mod=00 4" ~: disasm' "8C18" ~?= "mov [bx+si],ds"
, "8c mod=01 1" ~: disasm' "8C4012" ~?= "mov [bx+si+0x12],es"
, "8c mod=01 2" ~: disasm' "8C47FF" ~?= "mov [bx-0x1],es"
, "8c mod=10 1" ~: disasm' "8C801234" ~?= "mov [bx+si+0x3412],es"
, "8c mod=10 2" ~: disasm' "8C891234" ~?= "mov [bx+di+0x3412],cs"
, "8c mod=11 1" ~: disasm' "8CC0" ~?= "mov ax,es"
, "8c mod=11 2" ~: disasm' "8CC1" ~?= "mov cx,es"
, "8c mod=11 3" ~: disasm' "8CD0" ~?= "mov ax,ss"
, "8c mod=11 4" ~: disasm' "8CD8" ~?= "mov ax,ds"
, "b8 1" ~: disasm [0xb8, 0, 0] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x0")
, "b8 2" ~: disasm [0xb8, 0x34, 0x12] ~?= (3, "mov ax,0x1234")
, "disasms" ~: disasms [0xc6, 0x47, 1, 1, 0xb0, 1]
~?= [(4, "mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1"), (2, "mov al,0x1")]
, "disasms' 0" ~: disasms' "C6470101B001"
~?= ["mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1", "mov al,0x1"]
, "disasms' 1" ~: disasms' "C6470101B001" ~?= ["mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1", "mov al,0x1"]
, "disasms' 2" ~: disasms' "B001" ~?= ["mov al,0x1"]
, "disasms' 3" ~: disasms' "C6470101B0018CD8" ~?= ["mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1", "mov al,0x1", "mov ax,ds"]
, "wrong disasm' 1" ~: disasm' "C6470101B001" ~?= "length? 4"
, "wrong disasm' 2" ~: disasm' "8CD88C801234C6470101B001" ~?= "length? 2"
, "ndisasm 1" ~: ndisasm 0 [0xc6, 0x47, 1, 1]
~?= (4, "00000000 C6470101 mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1")
, "ndisasm 2" ~: ndisasm 0 [0xb8, 0x34, 0x12]
~?= (3, "00000000 B83412 mov ax,0x1234")
, "ndisasms 1" ~: ndisasms 0 [0xc6, 0x47, 1, 1, 0xb0, 1]
~?= [ "00000000 C6470101 mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1"
, "00000004 B001 mov al,0x1"
, "ndisasms 2" ~: ndisasms 0 [0xc6, 0x47, 1, 1, 0xb0, 1, 0xc6, 0x47, 1, 1]
~?= [ "00000000 C6470101 mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1"
, "00000004 B001 mov al,0x1"
, "00000006 C6470101 mov byte [bx+0x1],0x1"
-- push Register/Memory
, "ff mod=00 1" ~: disasm' "ff30" ~?= "push word [bx+si]"
, "ff mod=00 2" ~: disasm' "ff31" ~?= "push word [bx+di]"
, "ff mod=00 3" ~: disasm' "ff32" ~?= "push word [bp+si]"
, "ff mod=00 4" ~: disasm' "ff33" ~?= "push word [bp+di]"
, "ff mod=01 1" ~: disasm' "ff7000" ~?= "push word [bx+si+0x0]"
, "ff mod=01 2" ~: disasm' "ff70ff" ~?= "push word [bx+si-0x1]"
, "ff mod=01 3" ~: disasm' "ff7700" ~?= "push word [bx+0x0]"
, "ff mod=01 4" ~: disasm' "ff77ff" ~?= "push word [bx-0x1]"
, "ff mod=10 1" ~: disasm' "ffb00000" ~?= "push word [bx+si+0x0]"
, "ff mod=10 2" ~: disasm' "ffb0ffff" ~?= "push word [bx+si-0x1]"
, "ff mod=10 3" ~: disasm' "ffb70000" ~?= "push word [bx+0x0]"
, "ff mod=10 4" ~: disasm' "ffb7ffff" ~?= "push word [bx-0x1]"
, "ff mod=11 1" ~: disasm' "fff0" ~?= "push ax"
, "ff mod=11 2" ~: disasm' "fff1" ~?= "push cx"
, "ff mod=11 3" ~: disasm' "fff2" ~?= "push dx"
, "ff mod=11 4" ~: disasm' "fff3" ~?= "push bx"
-- push Register
, "5 1" ~: disasm' "50" ~?= "push ax"
, "5 2" ~: disasm' "51" ~?= "push cx"
, "5 3" ~: disasm' "52" ~?= "push dx"
, "5 4" ~: disasm' "53" ~?= "push bx"
-- push Segment Register
, "06-1e 1" ~: disasm' "06" ~?= "push es"
, "06-1e 2" ~: disasm' "0e" ~?= "push cs"
, "06-1e 3" ~: disasm' "16" ~?= "push ss"
, "06-1e 4" ~: disasm' "1e" ~?= "push ds"
main = do
args <- getArgs
if args == []
then do
runTestText (putTextToHandle stderr False)
(TestList [testHex, testDisAsm])
return ()
else do
bytes <- Data.ByteString.readFile $ args !! 0
putStr $ unlines $ ndisasms 0
[fromIntegral b | b <- Data.ByteString.unpack bytes]
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