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Created April 1, 2015 12:16
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data TrafficLight = Red | Yellow | Green
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
-- aはなんでもいいので、Treeでもリストでも本当になんでもいい。とにかく値が入っていればいい感じのJSっぽい感じをHaskellで表現したい
class YesNo a where
yesno :: a -> Bool
instance YesNo Int where
yesno 0 = False
yesno _ = True
instance YesNo [a] where
yesno [] = False
yesno _ = True
instance YesNo Bool where
yesno = id
instance YesNo (Maybe a) where
yesno (Just _) = True
yesno Nothing = False
instance YesNo (Tree a) where
yesno EmptyTree = False
yesno _ = True
instance YesNo TrafficLight where
yesno Red = False
yesno _ = True
yesnoIf :: (YesNo y) => y -> a -> a -> a
yesnoIf yesnoVal yesResult noResult =
if yesno yesnoVal
then yesResult
else noResult
main = do
print $ yesno $ length []
print $ yesno "haha"
print $ yesno ""
print $ yesno $ Just 0
print $ yesno True
print $ yesno EmptyTree
print $ yesno []
print $ yesno [0,0,0]
print $ yesnoIf [] "YEAH!" "NO!"
print $ yesnoIf [2,3,4] "YEAH!" "NO!"
print $ yesnoIf True "YEAH!" "NO!"
if(0) {
} else {
if("") {
} else {
if("hoge") {
} else {
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