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Last active January 26, 2021 19:42
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Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types

Primitives Data types

  1. int
  2. boolean
  3. string
  4. Symbol
  5. undefined
  6. null

Non-primitive Data types

  1. Object {}
  2. Array []


Double equality(==)

  • compares value
  • if are of different types, the values get converted to a common type for conversion (Cohersion)

Triple equal (===)

  • compares value, but NO cohersion
  • compares memory location/origin
1 == 1;
1 === 1;

true === true;
null == null;
null === null;

undefined === undefined;

[] === []  // false
{} === {} // false
NaN === NaN // false


Something that repeats itself

  • iterator value(loop variable) is initialised
  • exit condition: If condition is true, then it goes to the next iteration. If false, exit the loop immediately
  • an updator: Before next iteration the iterator value is udpdated

Types of Loop

  1. for
  2. forEach
  3. for of
  4. for in
  5. while
  6. do while (NOT IMPORTANT)
function fn(){
  // do something


Instead of calling a function/piece of code like this we can use loops.

Loops are used to:

  • iterate over arrays and Objects
  • repeat the code based on an iterator condition

for loop

  • only for array like data
const name=['Shihab','Shifa','Althaf']

for(let i=0;i<names.length;i++){
  console.log(`name@${i} ${name[i]}`)
  console.log(`@${i} ${i}`)


  • used to iterate over arrays
  • no need of loop variable and exit condition
  • simplified version of for-loop
const name=['Shihab','Shifa','Althaf']

names.forEach(name=>console.log(`Name is ${name}`))

for of (give access to VALUE)

const name=['Shihab','Shifa','Althaf']

for(let value of names){

for in (give access to KEY/INDEX)

const name=['Shihab','Shifa','Althaf']

for(let key in names){
let person = {
  name: "Deepak",
  age: 25,
  country: "India",
  job: "engineer",
  state: "KL",

for (const key in person) {

While loop

let i=0


A collection of key value pair

Iterating over values

const person = {
  name: "Praveen",
  age: 25,
  country: "India",

for (const key in person) {

Accessing Object Values

DOT operator

_Syntax: *** objectName.key *** _

let deepak = {
  name: "Deepak",
  age: 25,
  country: "India",


Computed property

  • we can pass the key as a string variable inside a pair of square brackets after the object name

_Syntax: ** objectName['key']** _

let deepak = {
  name: "Deepak",
  age: 25,
  country: "India",


Example usage:


let keys = ["name", "age"];


let person = {
  name: "Deepak",
  age: 25,
  country: "India",
  job: "engineer",
  state: "KL",

access respons-2 values using keys from response-1

for (let key of keys) {
  console.log(key, "||", person[key]);


A piece of code that can be invoked n-number of times

  • Each function invocation creates a new Scope and Execution Context
  • a function w/o a name is called an anonymus function
  • a function we pass to another function as a callback(to be invoked later) is called a callback function
  • calling a function like functionName() is called function invocation
var name = "Praveen";
name = "Shihab";

If we take the above piece of code to convert a name to uppercase it is not reusable. Each time we need to uppercase a new name, we need to re-type the entire logic. In programming we always try to avoid repeation(DRY: Dont Repeat Yourself). If we find a piece of code reusable, then we wrap it inside a function.

function definition/declaration

function toUpper(str) {
  return str.toUpperCase();

const upperCasedName = toUpper("shihab");

function expression

const toUpper = function (str) {
  return str.toUpperCase();

const upperCasedName = toUpper("shihab");

arrow function

  • arrow function is the simplified form of normal function
const toUpper = (str) => {
  return str.toUpperCase();
  • compared to normal function, there are few advantages for arrow function, they are:
    • shorter syntax
    • default this binding
    • implicit return

implicit return

  • if we want to return a single line/expression we can do that by removing the {} and return keyword
const toUpper = (str) => str.toUpperCase();


  • we just name the variable, but we haven't assigned any value to it
  • all the declared variables are assigned a default value of undefined
var name;

console.log("name is", name);   // name is undefined



console.log('name is',name) // name is Kiya

We can combine both declaration and initialization into a single line as

var name='Kiya'

Rest and Spread Operator

  • rest operator is used to capture the arguments that we pass to a function. It accept them as an Array
  • spread operator is used to spread/merge objects and arrays
// rest operator
function print(arg1, arg2, ...args) {
  const friends = ["Praveen", "Deepak"];
  const friends1 = ["Azad", "Rameez"];

  // SPREAD Operator
  const newArr = [...args, ...friends, ...friends1];
  console.log("arg1", arg1);
  console.log("arg2", arg2);
  console.log("arguments", args);

print("Shihab", "Shifa", "Althaf");
short hand object notation
const praveen = { personalInfo, empInfo };

SPREAD Operator in Object

const personalInfo = {
  name: "Praveen",
  country: "India",

const empInfo = {
  companyName: "Manappuram",
  yoe: 2,

const praveen = { ...personalInfo, ...empInfo };

console.log("Praveen", praveen);

default parameter

function add(x, y = 0) {
  const sum = x + y;
  console.log("Sum is ", sum);

add(1);  // 1

ARRAY Methods

  • return new array
  1. map // no.of entries same as input array length
  2. filter // no.of entries is less than or equal to the input array length
  • return boolean
  1. every
  2. some
  • return a single element/undefined
  1. find
  • return what ever type we want (IMPORTANT)
  1. reduce

without reduce

let sum = 0;
const input = [1, 2, 3, 4];

for (let value of input) {
  // sum = sum + value;
  sum += value;

console.log("sum", sum);

with reduce

const sum = [1, 2, 3, 4].reduce(function (acc, value) {
  //   acc=acc+value
  return (acc += value);
}, 0);

console.log("Sum", sum);

Advanced | Asynchronous JavaScript

return keyword

  • used to return from a function
  • we can return with or w/o a value
function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

const sum = add(1, 2);


function returning a function

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

function add10(a) {
  return add(10, a);
  • when a function returns another function, the inner function can still refer the scope of parent. This is called closure
function outter(x) {
  // closure over variable x
  return function inner(y) {
    return x + y;

const sum = outter(10)(3);

console.log("SUM IS", sum);

Timing function

  1. setTimeout(callback,time to wait in ms)
  2. setInterval(callback, repeat interval in ms)

Order of execution

  1. synchronous code
  2. asynchronous async code

setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);



// First
// Third
// Second


  • Promise is an Object
  • it has three states
    • pending: being executed
    • resolved: execution was success
    • rejected: execution failed
  • promise help us to perform some action depending on the success and failure of a time taking or asynchronous operator
  • if promise is resolved it will invoke the callback passed to .then()
  • on failure it invokes .catch() callback
const samplePromise = new Promise(function callback(resolve, reject) {
  // success
  if (true) {
  // failure
  else {

samplePromise.then(function onSuccess(successMsg) {
  console.log("on success:", successMsg);
}).catch(function onError(errorMsg) {
  console.log("on reject: ", errorMsg);

API call using axios

const axios = require("axios");

  .then(function onSuccess(json) {
  .catch(function onFailure(error) {
    console.log("error", error.response.status);

async await

  • modern way of handling promises
  • async keyword should be added infront of the function to mark it async
  • await keyword is used to handle the resolved value of promise
  • wrap the entire operator in a try-catch block for better error handling
async function callAPI() {
  try {
    const resp = await axios.get(
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("error", error.response.status);



  • where I can access a variable
const var let
scope block scope function-scope block scope
const name = "Shihab";
console.log("name", name);

name = "Shihab";
console.log("name", name);

function printName2() {
  // var name = "Shihab";
  // ReferenceError
  console.log("name is ", name);


// function scope
function printName() {

  // block scope
  if (true) {
    let name = "Shihab";

  console.log("name is", name);


let index = 10;

for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
  console.log("INSIDE | index", index);

console.log("OUTSIDE | index", index);
function outter() {
  // ✅ scope
  // ✅ execution context
  let index = 10;

  if (true) {
    // ✅ scope
    // ⛔ execution context
    console.log("Hello world");

  function inner() {
    // ✅ scope
    // ✅ execution context
    let index = 1;
    console.log("index", index);

  console.log("index", index);

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