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Last active October 6, 2018 09:59
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Lambda function to toggle a TP-Link HS100 smart switch
import requests
import uuid
import json
import random
import os
PASSWORD = os.environ['PASSWORD'] # not ideal but there aren't many options
def SwitchOn():
# Get a token by authenticating with your Kasa username email and password. We'll generate a uuid4.
payload = {"method": "login","params":{"appType": "Kasa_Android","cloudUserName": USERNAME,"cloudPassword": PASSWORD,"terminalUUID": str(uuid.uuid4())}}
response ="", json=payload)
obj = json.loads(response.content)
token = obj["result"]["token"]
# Find the plug we want to turn ON or OFF
payload = {"method": "getDeviceList"}
response ="{0}".format(token), json=payload)
# The response contains a list of devices, we're just going to use the first as I have only one device. You can filter by name using some of the other values like "alias"
obj = json.loads(response.content)
plug = obj["result"]["deviceList"][0]
# The app_server_url contains a regional address like - we will use that
app_server_url = plug["appServerUrl"]
# Get the plug's deviceId
device_id = plug["deviceId"]
print (device_id)
# Create the payload for your POST request
"params": {
"deviceId": device_id,
"requestData": "{\"system\":{\"get_sysinfo\":null},\"emeter\":{\"get_realtime\":null}}" }}
#Post the request to the app_server_url along with the token and grab the response
response ="{0}?token={1}".format(app_server_url, token), json=payload)
jresponse = json.loads(response.text)
print (jresponse)
d= json.loads(jresponse['result']['responseData'])
#Figure out if the switch is ON or OFF by checking the relay_state key in the response, and set the desired_state to the opposite (to toggle the switch)
if d['system']['get_sysinfo']['relay_state']==0:
print("Switch is OFF")
print("Switch is ON")
# Send a command to the plug to toggle its status
plug_command = {
"system": {
"set_relay_state": {
"state": desired_state
# Create the payload with the plug_command so we can POST it
payload = {
"method": "passthrough",
"params": {
"deviceId": device_id,
"requestData": json.dumps(plug_command) # Request data needs to be escaped, it's a string!
# Print the JSON payload for debugging in CloudWatch
print (payload)
response ="{0}?token={1}".format(app_server_url, token), json=payload)
# Print the results in CloudWatch. error_code:0 means everything is OK.
print (response.content)
# TODO implement
def lambda_handler(event, context):
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