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Created May 10, 2018 20:51
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Enable wireless logging on sensor.
// Enable logging as:
// if (WirelessLogging.DEBUG_MODE){
// WirelessLogging.shared.initRemoteLogging()
// }
// Logging as:
// WirelessLogging.log(message: "Success", log: "sensor", type: .debug)
import Foundation
import os.log
class WirelessLogging {
private let REMOTE_DEBUG_PORT: Int32 = 4999
private let remoteHost = YOUR_HOST_IP_ADDRESS
static let DEBUG_MODE = true
// MARK: Shared Instance
static let shared: WirelessLogging = WirelessLogging()
// MARK: Shared Logger
static func log(message: String, log: String? = "root", type: OSLogType?) {
if (!self.DEBUG_MODE) {
NSLog("[\(log ?? "root")] \(message)")
func initRemoteLogging() {
// STWirelessLog is very helpful for debugging while your Structure Sensor is plugged in.
// See SDK documentation for how to start a listener on your computer.
var error: NSError? = nil
// IP address of your Mac
// Inspect with `nc -lk <port>`
STWirelessLog.broadcastLogsToWirelessConsole(atAddress: remoteHost, usingPort: REMOTE_DEBUG_PORT, error: &error)
NSLog("Wireless Logging started ...")
if error != nil {
let errmsg = error!.localizedDescription
NSLog("Oh no! Can't start wireless log: " + errmsg)
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