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Last active July 19, 2024 21:53
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A simple up-to-date script (2024 July) to check stock for a product ID at all Micro Center locations in Bash and Python
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Prompt user for the product ID
product_id = input("Enter the product ID (default is 0): ") or "0"
# URL template of the Micro Center product page
url_template = f"{product_id}/v?storeid={{}}"
# List of store IDs
store_ids = {
"Tustin, CA": 101,
"Denver, CO": 181,
"Duluth, GA": 65,
"Marietta, GA": 41,
"Chicago, IL": 151,
"Westmont, IL": 25,
"Indianapolis, IN": 165,
"Overland Park, KS": 191,
"Cambridge, MA": 121,
"Rockville, MD": 85,
"Parkville, MD": 125,
"Madison Heights, MI": 55,
"St. Louis Park, MN": 45,
"Brentwood, MO": 95,
"Charlotte, NC": 175,
"North Jersey, NJ": 75,
"Westbury, NY": 171,
"Brooklyn, NY": 115,
"Flushing, NY": 145,
"Yonkers, NY": 105,
"Columbus, OH": 141,
"Mayfield Heights, OH": 51,
"Sharonville, OH": 71,
"St. Davids, PA": 61,
"Houston, TX": 155,
"Dallas, TX": 131,
"Fairfax, VA": 81,
"Shippable Items": 29 # This entry represents "Shippable Items" if needed
# Function to fetch and parse the product page for a given store ID
def fetch_product_page(store_id):
url = url_template.format(store_id)
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
return BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f"\033[91mError fetching the product page for store ID {store_id}: {e}\033[0m")
return None
# Function to extract availability information
def check_availability(soup):
availability_info = []
inventory_div = soup.find('div', id='pnlInventory')
if inventory_div:
# Check for the existence of store name element
store_name_element = inventory_div.find('span', class_='storeName')
store_name = store_name_element.text.strip() if store_name_element else 'Unknown Store'
# Check for the existence of inventory status element
inventory_status_element = inventory_div.find('span', class_='inventoryCnt')
status_text = inventory_status_element.text.strip() if inventory_status_element else 'SOLD OUT'
availability_info.append({"Store": store_name, "Availability": status_text})
print("\033[93mNo inventory information found on the page.\033[0m")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\033[91mError parsing the product page: {e}\033[0m")
return availability_info
# Function to print formatted availability information
def print_availability_info(availability_info):
in_stock = [info for info in availability_info if 'IN STOCK' in info['Availability']]
sold_out = [info for info in availability_info if 'SOLD OUT' in info['Availability']]
print("\n\033[94m==================== Availability Information ====================\033[0m\n")
print("\033[92mIn Stock:\033[0m\n")
for info in in_stock:
print(f"Store: {info['Store']}\nAvailability: \033[92m{info['Availability']}\033[0m\n")
print("\033[91mSold Out:\033[0m\n")
for info in sold_out:
print(f"Store: {info['Store']}\nAvailability: \033[91m{info['Availability']}\033[0m\n")
# Fetch the product page and availability information for each store
all_availability_info = []
for store_name, store_id in store_ids.items():
print(f"\033[96mChecking availability for {store_name} (Store ID: {store_id})...\033[0m")
soup = fetch_product_page(store_id)
if soup:
availability_info = check_availability(soup)
if availability_info:
print(f"\033[93mNo availability information found for {store_name}.\033[0m")
print(f"\033[91mFailed to fetch the product page for store ID {store_id}.\033[0m")
# Print all collected availability information
if all_availability_info:
print("\033[91mNo availability information found for any store.\033[0m")
# Prompt user for the product ID
read "product_id?Enter the product ID (default is 0): "
# URL template of the Micro Center product page
# List of store IDs and their names
store_ids=("101:Tustin, CA" "181:Denver, CO" "65:Duluth, GA" "41:Marietta, GA" "151:Chicago, IL"
"25:Westmont, IL" "165:Indianapolis, IN" "191:Overland Park, KS" "121:Cambridge, MA"
"85:Rockville, MD" "125:Parkville, MD" "55:Madison Heights, MI" "45:St. Louis Park, MN"
"95:Brentwood, MO" "175:Charlotte, NC" "75:North Jersey, NJ" "171:Westbury, NY"
"115:Brooklyn, NY" "145:Flushing, NY" "105:Yonkers, NY" "141:Columbus, OH"
"51:Mayfield Heights, OH" "71:Sharonville, OH" "61:St. Davids, PA" "155:Houston, TX"
"131:Dallas, TX" "81:Fairfax, VA" "29:Shippable Items")
# Function to fetch and parse the product page for a given store ID
fetch_product_page() {
local store_id=$1
local url="${url_template}${store_id}"
curl -s "$url"
# Function to extract availability information
check_availability() {
local response=$1
local store_name=$2
local availability_info=$(echo "$response" | grep -o 'class="inventoryCnt">[^<]*' | head -1 | sed 's/class="inventoryCnt">//')
local store_display=$(echo "$response" | grep -o 'class="storeName">[^<]*' | head -1 | sed 's/class="storeName">//')
if [[ -z "$availability_info" || "$availability_info" == *"SOLD OUT"* ]]; then
availability_info="SOLD OUT"
if [ -z "$store_display" ]; then
echo -e "${store_display}\t${availability_info}"
# Fetch the product page and availability information for each store
for store in "${store_ids[@]}"; do
echo -e "\033[96mChecking availability for ${store_name} (Store ID: ${store_id})...\033[0m"
response=$(fetch_product_page "$store_id")
availability_info=$(check_availability "$response" "$store_name")
# Print all collected availability information
echo -e "\n\033[94m==================== Availability Information ====================\033[0m\n"
echo -e "\033[92mIn Stock:\033[0m\n"
for info in "${all_availability_info[@]}"; do
if [[ "$info" != *"SOLD OUT"* ]]; then
echo -e "\033[92m$info\033[0m"
echo -e "\n\033[91mSold Out:\033[0m\n"
for info in "${all_availability_info[@]}"; do
if [[ "$info" == *"SOLD OUT"* ]]; then
echo -e "\033[91m$info\033[0m"
echo -e "\n\033[94m==================================================================\033[0m\n"
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