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Last active March 6, 2018 06:42
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Storybook Roadmap Meeting 5

Storybook Roadmap Meeting 5

attendees: @danielduan, @tmeasday, @shilman, @ndelangen

Release 3.4

  • feature freeze by @Hypnosphi
  • 3.4 alpha out today @shilman
  • 3.4 RC out this week @shilman
    • letter to our medium followers, tweet for testing
  • switch back to old branch structure in 3.5+ @shilman

Release 4.0

  • webpack 4 => 4.0 release
  • deprecate things and reduce technical debt
  • e.g. @danielduan podda stack = get rid of this?


  • @ndelangen: want larger sponsors that support feature development
  • @shilman: maybe we need a better roadmap?

Storybook Areas for Improvement

@danielduan reusable components team at Squarespace

Key challenges for them:

  • maintaining state (managed state components)
  • layout of addons into preview screen
  • info addon (proptypes, getting the props, AST etc)
  • deploying multiple storybooks from different codebases into one place
  • show the true source of stories
  • react native support => disconnect between this and react => make it run entirely on the phone
  • multiple step stories? (experimenting with cypress: show a story, click a button, etc)
  • confusion about which addon to use
  • performance = biggest storybook = 60s to compile, 5-10s to load the browser, changing stories takes .5s

@tmeasday: split storybook into two modes:

  • component dev mode on phone / documentation mode in browser
  • codemod to extract documentation => AST parser for proptypes etc

@tmeasday: let's make it easy to get access to the original story rather than the decorated story

  • inject state tracking

survey our users for features => twitter / medium

@tmeasday: use our stories in unit tests

  • pull out the definition of the set of props from the rest of the junk

@ndelangen fix what jamie kyle wanted = get all the stories out of files named a particular way

@tmeasday: example usages only (3.5 / 3.6?)

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