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Storybook Docs Typescript Walkthrough

Storybook Docs w/ CRA & TypeScript

This is a quick-and-dirty walkthrough to set up a fresh project with Storybook Docs, Create React App, and TypeScript. If you're looking for a tutorial, please see Design Systems for Developers, which goes into much more depth but does not use Typescript.

The purpose of this walkthrough is a streamlined Typescript / Docs setup that works out of the box, since there are countless permutations and variables which can influence docs features, such as source code display, docgen, and props tables.

Step 1: Initialize CRA w/ TS

npx create-react-app cra-ts --template typescript

Step 2: Initialize Storybook w/ TS

cd cra-ts
npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --story-format=csf-ts

Step 3: Install & Configure Docs

yarn add @storybook/addon-docs --dev

Then edit ./.storybook/main.js:

module.exports = {
  stories: ["../src/stories/**/*.stories.(ts|tsx|js|jsx)"],
  addons: [
      name: "@storybook/addon-docs",
      options: {
        configureJSX: true,

NOTE: If you're using an older version of Storybook or otherwise prefer .storybook/presets.js, you can use export the value of presets from the above example instead:

module.exports = ["@storybook/preset-create-react-app", ...];

Step 4: Verify Installation

yarn storybook

Then edit the button label in ./src/stories/1-Button.stories.tsx and verify that the story updates in Storybook.

Also verify that there's a Docs tab, and that it shows something reasonable-ish. We'll make it better in the next step.

Step 5: Test Props

Storybook can't load docgen information from pre-built libraries, so to test that aspect out, create a file ./src/stories/Button.tsx:

import React, { FC, ReactNode } from "react";

type ButtonProps = {
  children: ReactNode;

   * Simple click handler
  onClick?: () => void;

 * The world's most _basic_ button
export const Button: FC<ButtonProps> = ({ children, onClick }: ButtonProps) => (
  <button onClick={onClick} type="button">

Then update ./src/stories/1-Button.stories.tsx to import this button instead of the @storybook/react demo button. You should see the props update and also the component documentation show up on the Docs tab.

Step 6: Test MDX

Finally, test that MDX is working.

You already installed docs in Step 3, but now you need to tell Storybook to load .stories.mdx files by editing .storybook/main.js:

module.exports = {
  stories: ["../src/stories/**/*.stories.(ts|tsx|js|jsx|mdx)"],
  // more settings ...

Then create ./src/stories/Test.stories.mdx:

import { Meta, Story, Preview, Props } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";
import { Button } from "./Button";

<Meta title="Test" />

Here's some _markdown_!

# Preview

  <Story name="button">

# Props

<Props of={Button} />

You should see a new entry in your Storybook's navigation, a story, and the documentation you wrote in the Docs tab.

NOTE: If you're using an older version of Storybook or otherwise prefer .storybook/config.[jt]s, you can add the stories to your configure statement:

import { configure } from "@storybook/react";

  require.context("../src/stories", true, /\.stories\.(mdx|[tj]sx?)$/),


The sourceLoaderOptions: null in Step 3 is covering up Storybook issue #7829: Addon-docs: Typescript source support. I'll fix that issue ASAP to complete the walkthrough and update this gist when it's ready.

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shilman commented Feb 23, 2020

@Losses Yeah, that sounds like an issue with VSCode 😉

I'm overhauling the props table code for 6.0. After a first version of that's ready, I'd accept a PR supporting the syntax you want.

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Losses commented Feb 23, 2020

@shilman Yeah, btw, both jsdocs/tsdocs and current format used in addon-docs are widely used among developers.

I'll submit a feature request in the future, thanks for your reply!

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sadi304 commented Feb 23, 2020

@sadi304, are your types in a different file than the components? Are you using the TS docgen loader?

yes. everything is included.

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shilman commented Mar 11, 2020

@egor-xyz please file an issue on the storybook repo! aha it's here: storybookjs/storybook#9896

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eliraz-refael commented Mar 18, 2020

I could not make this plugin work for me. The only thing I missed from the tutorial is this: npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --story-format=csf-ts

I already had a storybook project with typescript configuration (With react-scripts) I followed the docs over storybook's website.

No matter what I try I keep getting that my components has no props. is that --story-format=csf-ts critical? if so, how would I add it to an existing storybook project?

I just noticed that it works only if I actually using the props, all the props that are not being used are not showing in the table.

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fionues commented Apr 28, 2020

thank you very much for this walkthrough. It helped me a lot. I set up a project from scratch, just like described here.

But like this I don't get nice descriptions of the prop types in the prop table, but just the type (like 'union' or 'signature' instead of the values of the union and the actual signature). Am I missing something?

I get this:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-28 um 17 42 57
but expected this:

my dependencies:

    "@types/react": "^16.9.0",
    "@types/react-dom": "^16.9.0",
    "node-sass": "^4.14.0",
    "react": "^16.13.1",
    "react-dom": "^16.13.1",
    "react-scripts": "3.4.1",
    "typescript": "~3.7.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@storybook/addon-actions": "^5.3.18",
    "@storybook/addon-docs": "^5.3.18",
    "@storybook/addon-links": "^5.3.18",
    "@storybook/addons": "^5.3.18",
    "@storybook/preset-create-react-app": "^2.1.1",
    "@storybook/react": "^5.3.18"

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👋 thanks for this walkthrough! i've been getting this error (it's not a cra app—it's an existing react/typescript app). any idea what the issue might be?

 • Detecting project type. ✓
 • Adding storybook support to your "React" library
     Error: Unsupported story format: csf-ts
    at copyTemplate (/Users/jackieluo/.npm/_npx/23744/lib/node_modules/@storybook/cli/lib/helpers.js:319:11)
    at default (/Users/jackieluo/.npm/_npx/23744/lib/node_modules/@storybook/cli/generators/REACT/index.js:23:3)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)

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shilman commented May 2, 2020

@jackiehluo The storybook CLI has templates for different story formats, e.g. JS vs TypeScript. The typescript coverage is not complete--we have templates for CRA but not necessarily for all frameworks. @yannbf is working on it. Until that's ready, as a workaround you can just leave off that "--story-format csf-ts" and it will use the JS template and you can update your stories by hand.

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I'm having the same trouble as @fionanueesch. For some reason when I rename "Button.tsx" to "Button.stories.tsx" (moving it to another director) it works as expected.

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shilman commented Jun 11, 2020

Please upgrade to 6.0-beta. Lots of issues solved there!!! @fullsnackdeveloper @fionanueesch

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rxliuli commented Dec 1, 2020

Are there any plans to support Proxy?


Is there a way to include pages that require authentication?

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Hi, Thanks a lot for your work, with this gist I was able setup awesome docs pretty quickly! But Step 5. with Storybook can't load docgen information from pre-built libraries, really bugged me.

I have monorepo, with component and storybook

When I import in storybook component from package

import {Component} @my-repo/my-component the can't read props, and returns No props found for this component

But when I create dumb file Component.tsx in my storybook/src folder which just 'rexport' my component like

import { Component } from '@my-repop/my-component';
export default Component;

and then i use it in my storybook import Component from '../Component'

<Props /> component works like a charm.

Can someone explain me this behaviour? Thanks in advance.


Anyone is having a workaround for this issue???

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What if we want to set the main file in Typescript?

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yannbf commented Jan 16, 2023

Hey peeps, FYI this gist was created a long time ago and things have changed since. Please find the documentation in for reference instead!

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D1no commented Mar 4, 2023

@yannbf cool, maybe link to it. If people (like me) would find that information easily, they wouldn't end up doing google -> this page. Couldn't find anything similar to this information on " for reference" 😑

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