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Created June 25, 2019 16:29
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An RScript for webscraping the names and associated programming language of each Python, R, and SQL course available on DataCamp.
# An RScript for webscraping the names and #
# associated programming language of each #
# Python, R, and SQL course #
# available on DataCamp. #
# Last updated: March 21, 2019 #
## Load packages -----
## Functions -----
scrape_datacamp_courses <- function(my_url) {
my_con <- file(my_url, "r")
my_html <- readLines(my_con, -1)
h4_loc <- grep("[<]h4 class[=]\"course[-]block[_][_]title\"[>]", my_html)
courses <- unlist(lapply(as.list(my_html[h4_loc]), function(x) {trimws(gsub("<.*?>", "", gsub("&nbsp;", "", x)), which = "both")}))
descr <- unlist(lapply(as.list(my_html[h4_loc+2]), function(x) {trimws(x, which = "both")}))
df <- data.frame(Course = courses, Description = descr)
## Call the functions -----
py <- scrape_datacamp_courses(my_url = "")
py$Type <- "Python"
r <- scrape_datacamp_courses(my_url = "")
r$Type <- "R"
sql <- scrape_datacamp_courses(my_url = "")
sql$Type <- "SQL"
## Join data -----
df <- union(py, r) %>%
## Export data -----
write.csv(df, paste0("data_camp_courses_",Sys.Date(),".csv"))
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