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Last active March 14, 2017 16:19
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On Release x64 on VC++ 2015 update 3 this doesn't work, on Debug x64/x86 this works just fine... >:|
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "emmintrin.h"
struct Color4
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
uint8_t alpha;
Color4(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha = 255)
: red(red), green(green), blue(blue), alpha(alpha) {}
explicit Color4(uint32_t rgba)
red = (uint8_t)(rgba & 0xFF);
green = (uint8_t)((rgba >> 8)&0xFF);
blue = (uint8_t)((rgba >> 16) & 0xFF);
alpha = (uint8_t)((rgba >> 24) & 0xFF);
Color4 PackUnpack(Color4 col)
uint32_t tmp;
memcpy(&tmp, &col, sizeof(tmp));
__m128 aFloat = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(
__m128i ret = _mm_packus_epi16(
return Color4((uint32_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(ret));
int main()
#ifdef _DEBUG
Color4 c = PackUnpack(Color4(32, 64, 128, 255));
// Debug x64 or Debug/Release x86: Prints "32 64 128 255"
// Release x64: Prints "255 0 0 0"
printf("%d %d %d %d\n",,,, c.alpha);
return 0;
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