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Created March 5, 2015 21:20
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# Cookbook Name:: app
# Recipe:: mailcatcher
# Copyright 2014, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
# rubyとgem は既に入っている想定
# ruby -v => 2.0.0p598
# gem -v => 2.0.14
# 下記 /usr/local/bin/gem 及び、IPは適宜書き換える
# install
# version 0.6.1
execute "mailcatcher install" do
user "root"
command "/usr/local/bin/gem install mailcatcher"
not_if "/usr/local/bin/gem list | grep mailcatcher"
# version 1.0.5
execute "gem install eventmachine" do
user "root"
command "/usr/local/bin/gem install eventmachine"
not_if "/usr/local/bin/gem list | grep eventmachine"
# start
execute "mailcatcher --http-ip #{node[:http_ip]}" do
command "mailcatcher --http-ip #{node[:http_ip]}"
not_if "ps aux | grep [m]ailcatcher"
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