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Created October 23, 2013 14:47
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■ プログラムの実行結果(参考 data0 + 解答 data1 data2)
data0.ans (priority queue):
35.179325 136.925993
34.681261 135.509801
34.538272 135.536512
34.695124 135.197852
data1.ans (priority queue):
35.640485 140.063040
35.443708 139.638026
34.741327 137.791773
35.599629 138.517272
34.778815 136.908237
35.179325 136.925993
36.146124 137.252173
34.681261 135.509801
33.893756 135.133101
34.695124 135.197852
34.538272 135.536512
36.679768 138.363255
41.083147 141.247793
data2.ans (evolutionary):
35.640485 140.063040
35.443708 139.638026
35.179325 136.925993
34.681261 135.509801
33.724202 135.992530
36.987514 138.577069
43.055460 141.340956
43.076125 141.363598
42.985630 141.563543
35.608932 140.124636
35.152283 140.320932
34.741327 137.791773
38.577071 140.955350
38.299248 140.145926
37.910854 139.121806
37.335416 139.610660
35.840784 140.243831
35.670650 139.771861
33.893756 135.133101
31.429200 131.005865
33.589216 130.392813
34.426380 132.743307
34.674558 132.538416
33.715295 130.446566
34.695124 135.197852
33.931408 134.511356
34.538272 135.536512
35.082676 136.902157
37.916367 139.036326
41.083147 141.247793
37.924871 139.092591
36.639753 139.065865
36.123550 137.866133
35.571384 139.373246
35.364394 139.554156
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, TupleSections #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Heap as H
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.DeepSeq
-- import Debug.Trace
type Point = (Double, Double)
type Name = String
type Oder = [Name]
type Input = ([(Name, Point)], Oder)
float :: Parser Double
float = fmap read $ many (digit <|> char '.')
point :: Parser (Name, Point)
point = do
name <- many letter
latitude <- float
longitude <- float
return (name, (latitude, longitude))
number :: Parser Int
number = do
ds <- many digit
return $ read ds
points :: Parser [(Name, Point)]
points = do
n <- number
count n point
name :: Parser Name
name = do
p <- many letter
return p
oder :: Parser Oder
oder = do
n <- number
l <- count n name
return l
input :: Parser Input
input = do
p <- points
o <- oder
return (p, o)
type City = Int
type Path = [City]
data Geometry = Geometry {
gCityToPoint :: I.IntMap Point,
gCityToName :: I.IntMap Name,
gNameToCities :: M.Map Name [City],
gcitiesToDistance :: I.IntMap (I.IntMap Double)
city :: [(Name, Point)] -> (I.IntMap Point, I.IntMap Name, M.Map Name [City])
city n2p = (c2p, c2n, n2cs)
cities = zipWith (\i (n,p)->(i,n,p)) [0..] n2p
c2p = I.fromList $ (\(i, _, p)->(i,p)) cities
c2n = I.fromList $ (\(i, n, _)->(i,n)) cities
n2cs = M.fromListWith (++) $ (\(i, n, _)->(n,[i])) cities
distance :: I.IntMap Point -> I.IntMap (I.IntMap Double)
distance c2p = I.mapWithKey dists c2f
radian x = x * pi / 180
factor (la,ln) = (sin $ radian la, cos $ radian la, ln)
c2f = factor c2p
dists k1 f1 =
let dists' k2 f2
| k1 < k2 = Just $ dist f1 f2
| otherwise = Nothing
in I.mapMaybeWithKey dists' c2f
dist (sla1, cla1, ln1) (sla2, cla2, ln2) =
acos $ sla1 * sla2 + cla1 * cla2 * cos (radian $ ln1-ln2)
geometry :: [(Name, Point)] -> Geometry
geometry n2p = Geometry c2p c2n n2c cs2d
(c2p, c2n, n2c) = city n2p
cs2d = distance c2p
cityToPoint :: Geometry -> City -> Point
cityToPoint (Geometry c2p _ _ _) c = c2p I.! c
cityToName :: Geometry -> City -> Name
cityToName (Geometry _ c2n _ _) c = c2n I.! c
nameToCities :: Geometry -> Name -> [City]
nameToCities (Geometry _ _ n2c _) n = fromJust $ M.lookup n n2c
citiesToDistance' :: I.IntMap (I.IntMap Double) -> City -> City -> Double
citiesToDistance' cs2d x y
| x == y = 0
| x < y = cs2d I.! x I.! y
| x > y = cs2d I.! y I.! x
citiesToDistance :: Geometry -> City -> City -> Double
citiesToDistance (Geometry _ _ _ cs2d) = citiesToDistance' cs2d
pathToLength :: Geometry -> Path -> Double
pathToLength (Geometry _ _ _ cs2d) path = p2l path
p2l (x:t@(y:_)) = citiesToDistance' cs2d x y + p2l t
p2l [_] = 0
p2l [] = 0
Priority Search
data Item = Item {
iLength :: Double,
iPath :: Path
} deriving Show
instance NFData Item where
rnf (Item l p) = rnf l `pseq` rnf p
data Policy
instance H.HeapItem Policy Item where
newtype Prio Policy Item = Pri Double deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Val Policy Item = Path
split item@(Item l p) = (Pri l, p)
merge (Pri l, p) = Item l p
type Queue = H.Heap Policy Item
priorityStep :: Geometry -> Oder -> Item -> [Item]
priorityStep geo oder (Item len path) = parMap rdeepseq step' nexts
next :: Name
next = head $ drop (length path) oder
nexts :: [City]
nexts = filter (`notElem` path) $ nameToCities geo next
step' :: City -> Item
step' p =
case path of
[] -> Item 0 [p]
(p':_) -> Item (citiesToDistance geo p p' + len) (p:path)
priorityLoop :: Geometry -> Oder -> Queue -> Item
priorityLoop geo oder queue = loop queue
loop queue | length path == length oder = top
| otherwise = loop $ queue' `H.union` steps
Just (top@(Item _ path), queue') = H.view queue
steps = H.fromList $ priorityStep geo oder top
prioritySearch :: Geometry -> Oder -> Item
prioritySearch geo oder =
let ini = H.singleton $ Item 0 []
in priorityLoop geo oder ini
evolution Search
data Machine = Machine {
thread :: Int,
capacityPerThread :: Int
type Window = Int
getRandomCity :: (Functor m, Monad m, RandomGen g) =>
[City] -> RandT g m City
getRandomCity l = fmap (l L.!!) $ getRandomR (0, length l - 1)
mutation :: (Functor m, Monad m, RandomGen g) =>
Geometry -> Path -> RandT g m Path
mutation geo path = do
x <- getRandomCity path
let others = filter (/=x) $ nameToCities geo $ cityToName geo x
y <- getRandomCity others
let swap c | x == c = y
| y == c = x
| otherwise = c
return $ map swap path
getRandomItem :: (PrimMonad m, RandomGen g) =>
MV.MVector (PrimState m) Item
-> RandT g m Item
getRandomItem mv = do
i <- getRandomR (0, MV.length mv - 1)
lift $ mv i
evolution :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m, RandomGen g) =>
Window -> Geometry
-> MV.MVector (PrimState m) Item
-> RandT g m Item
evolution win geo is = do
is' <- choose win
let Item _ path = L.minimumBy (compare `on` iLength) is'
path' <- mutation geo path
return $ Item (pathToLength geo path') path'
choose 0 = return []
choose n = do
h <- getRandomItem is
t <- choose (n-1)
return $ (h:t)
minBy :: (t -> t -> Ordering) -> t -> t -> t
minBy f x y = case f x y of
GT -> y
_ -> x
minByLength :: Item -> Item -> Item
minByLength = minBy (compare `on` iLength)
randomStep :: RandomGen g =>
-> MV.MVector RealWorld Item
-> RandT g IO Item
-> g -> IO Item
randomStep (Machine thr cap) result rand gen = step gen 0 thr
step g i 1 = evalRandT (step' i cap) g
step gen i thr = do
let (g, g') = split gen
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do
item <- evalRandT (step' i cap) g
let item' = rnf item `pseq` item
putMVar mvar item'
item <- step g' (i+cap) (thr-1)
item' <- readMVar mvar
return $ minByLength item item'
step' i 1 = step'' i
step' i cap = do
item <- step'' i
item' <- step' (i+1) (cap-1)
return $ minByLength item item'
step'' i = do
item <- rand
lift $ MV.write result i item
return item
progenitor :: RandomGen g =>
Machine -> Geometry -> Oder
-> MV.MVector RealWorld Item
-> g -> IO Item
progenitor machine geo oder result gen =
randomStep machine result (prog oder []) gen
prog :: (Functor m, PrimMonad m, RandomGen g) =>
Oder -> Path -> RandT g m Item
prog [] path = return $ Item (pathToLength geo path) path
prog (h:t) path = do
let next = L.filter (`notElem` path) $ nameToCities geo h
city <- getRandomCity next
prog t (city:path)
evolutionLoop :: RandomGen g =>
Machine -> Window -> Geometry
-> MV.MVector RealWorld Item
-> MV.MVector RealWorld Item
-> g -> Item -> Int -> IO Item
evolutionLoop machine win geo from to gen best i =
loop from to gen best i
loop _ _ _ best 0 = return best
loop from to gen best i = do
let (g, g') = split gen
item <- randomStep machine to (evolution win geo from) g
let best' = minByLength best item
-- trace i best'
loop to from g' best' (i-1)
-- trace i (Item len path)
-- | i `mod` 10 /= 0 = return ()
-- | otherwise = putStrLn $
-- printf "%06u" i ++ " " ++
-- (printf "%015.6f" $ 6378.137 * len) ++ " " ++
-- show path
evolutionSearch :: Machine -> Window -> Geometry -> Oder -> Int -> IO Item
evolutionSearch machine@(Machine thr cap) win geo oder loop = do
let gen = mkStdGen $ 10^10
(g, g') = split gen
from <- $ thr * cap
to <- $ thr * cap
best <- progenitor machine geo oder from g
evolutionLoop machine win geo from to g' best loop
readInput :: String -> IO Input
readInput file = do
i <- parseFromFile input file
case i of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right i' -> return i'
readData :: String -> IO (String, Geometry, Oder)
readData title = do
(table, oder) <- readInput $ title ++ ".in"
return (title, geometry table, oder)
pretty :: Geometry -> City -> String
pretty geo city = pr $ cityToPoint geo city
pr (la, ln) = printf "%0.6f %0.6f" la ln
search :: String -> String -> Geometry -> IO Item -> IO ()
search title method geo searcher = do
putStrLn $ title ++ ".ans (" ++ method ++ "):"
Item len path <- searcher
putStrLn $ printf "%0.6f" $ 6378.137 * len
mapM_ (putStrLn.pretty geo) $ reverse $ path
putStrLn ""
searchPriority (title, geo, oder) = do
search title "priority queue" geo searcher
searcher = return $ prioritySearch geo oder
searchEvolution (title, geo, oder) thr cap win loop = do
search title "evolutionary" geo searcher
searcher = evolutionSearch (Machine thr cap) win geo oder loop
main = do
data0 <- readData "data0"
data1 <- readData "data1"
data2 <- readData "data2"
searchPriority data0
searchPriority data1
-- searchPriority data2
-- searchEvolution data0 26 100 5 5
-- searchEvolution data1 26 100 5 20
searchEvolution data2 26 200 10 30
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