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Created October 24, 2013 22:37
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.List as L
import Data.Heap as H
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.DeepSeq
type Moneys = [Int]
type Units = Moneys
type Amount = Int
units :: Units
units = [1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1]
items :: [Amount]
items = [56,46,71,93,84,76,98,58,129,80]
-- items = [98,87,76,65,54]
initial :: Moneys
initial = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
total :: Moneys -> Amount
total = sum . zipWith (*) units
change :: Amount -> Moneys
change back = change' back units
change' :: Amount -> Units -> Moneys
change' back [1] = [back]
change' back (u:us) =
let (d, m) = back `divMod` u
in d : change' m us
pay :: Amount -> Moneys -> Moneys
pay cost wallet= moneys
Left moneys = pay' cost units wallet
pay' :: Amount -> Units -> Moneys -> Either Moneys Moneys
pay' cost [1] [i] | cost <= i = Left [i]
| otherwise = Right [0]
pay' cost (u:us) (w:ws) =
let (d, m) = cost `divMod` u
(d', p) = case pay' m us ws of
Left p -> (d, p)
Right p -> (d + 1, p)
in if d' <= w then Left (d':p)
else Right (0:p)
buy :: Moneys -> Int -> (Moneys, Moneys)
buy wallet cost = (pay', change')
pay' = pay cost wallet
change' = change $ total pay' - cost
data Path = Path {
time :: Int,
path :: [(Int, Moneys)],
wallet :: Moneys
} deriving Show
instance NFData Path where
rnf (Path time path wallet) = time `pseq` rnf path `pseq` rnf wallet
step :: Path -> Int -> Path
step (Path t path w) item = Path (t+sum c) ((item, p):path) wallet
(p, c) = buy w (items !! item)
wallet = zipWith3 (\a b c -> a - b + c) w p c
data Policy
instance HeapItem Policy Path where
newtype Prio Policy Path = Pri Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Val Policy Path = ([(Int, Moneys)], Moneys)
split (Path t p w) = (Pri t, (p, w))
merge (Pri t, (p, w)) = Path t p w
loop :: Heap Policy Path -> Path
loop heap | length rest == 0 = top
| otherwise = loop $ L.foldr H.insert heap' next
Just (top@(Path _ p _), heap') = view heap
list = [0..length items - 1]
need = (`notElem` (map fst p))
rest = L.filter need list
next = top `pseq` parMap rdeepseq (step top) rest
result = loop $ singleton $ Path 0 [] initial
pretty (item, monneys) =
show item ++ " " ++
intercalate " " (map show monneys)
main = do
let answer = reverse $ path result
t = time result
mapM_ (putStrLn.pretty) answer
putStrLn $ "-- " ++ show t ++ "min."
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