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【Slack FAQ 翻訳】 2014/6/23 支払いFAQ - Billing FAQ - Slack Help Center

【Slack FAQ 翻訳】 2014/6/23 支払いFAQ - Billing FAQ - Slack Help Center

2014/6/23 元記事:

原題: Can I use Slack for free?

Yes, you can use Slack for free. Your search archive will be limited to your team's 10,000 most recent messages, and you'll be limited to 5GB of storage and 5 integrations.


原題: We need to add someone to our team. How will that be billed?

We'll make a one-time, prorated charge to your credit card to cover your new team member's account for the remainder of the current billing period.


As an example, suppose your team is on the "Standard Plan," which costs $8 per user per month when billed monthly. You add a new team member 10 days into your billing period and there are 20 remaining days in the month. The per-day cost for each user is $8 / 30, so we will make a one-time charge of $5.33 ($8 / 30 days * 20 days) to your team's credit card on file.

支払い期間中にメンバーが増えた場合、その都度、その分の費用を日割り計算でクレジットカードから引き落とします。 スタンダードプランの場合、$8/人/月 の料金がかかります。新しいメンバーを支払期間の10日目に追加した場合 、 支払期間の残りは20日です。1日毎のユーザーあたりのコストは $8/30です。なので、 $5.33 (= $8/30日 * 20日)をその期間の金額とします。

原題: We disabled the account of one of our team members. How does that affect our subscription?

Each day we'll check for account deactivations on your team. When we find one (or more) we'll automatically post a pro-rated credit to your account (just like we do for people you add, as described above). Credits on your account will be used before we charge you again. And, of course, you won't be charged for any deactivated accounts during the next billing cycle.


原題: Our team has several accounts which are not being actively used, but which we don't want to disable. Do we still have to pay for them?

No! We understand that there might be parts of your organization which are slower in converting to Slack and we don't want to force you to micromanage account status. If someone on your team is not using Slack you won't be charged for them. And, if someone you're already paying for stops using it, we'll even detect that, stop charging for them, and add a pro-rated credit to your account for time you've prepaid. If they begin using it, we'll automatically detect that too and begin billing on a pro-rated basis.


Here's how it works: Slack does a daily check for activity on every one of your team's enabled users who have had their accounts for at least three weeks. If we find a user who hasn't used Slack at all in 10 days, we will consider their account to be inactive. Likewise, we'll do a check on inactive accounts to see if they've become active again and, if so, mark them as active.


When you upgrade to a paid tier, you’ll only be charged for accounts that are currently active. Any changes to the number of active users during your billing cycle will be result in a pro-rated credit or charge, just as if the accounts were manually added or disabled by an administrator (described in the previous two questions). The only difference is: you don’t have to lift a finger.


原題: My team has credits: how do we use them?

Once your team signs up for a subscription plan, we'll draw against your credit balance until it runs out. Only then will we start charging your subscription to your credit card.


原題: My team's credits are going to expire before we can use all of them. That sucks!

As long as you sign up for a subscription plan before the expiration date, those credits are yours to use until they're all gone.


原題: Our credit card expired or was canceled. What do I do?

Anyone on your team who is an Owner can add a new credit card.


原題: My team wants to cancel its subscription. How do we do that? Can we get a refund?

Team Owners can change the team's subscription level. There are two options when downgrading from a paid tier to the Lite tier:


You can downgrade to the Lite tier immediately. If there is more than one day until your renewal date, we will pro-rate the remaining balance on your account and hold it for your team as a credit. You can use that credit towards a reactivation of your paid subscription in the future.


We can automatically downgrade you to the Lite tier at your next renewal date. Your subscription will remain active at its current level through the end of the billing period that you've already paid for.


We do not offer refunds.


原題: What happens to our team's data when we downgrade from a paid plan to the Lite version?

We will not delete any of your data. You will only be able to access your 10,000 most recent messages. If you have more than five active integrations, you can choose which to disable, and if your team is over the 5GB file storage limit, you can choose which files to delete.


原題: We can't pay by credit card. Can you invoice my company?

We can invoice large teams who subscribe to a yearly plan. Contact us at to arrange this. All monthly plans must be paid by credit card.

年間契約するチームには請求書の発行ができます。 まで連絡して下さい。月単位の契約の場合、クレジットカードでの支払いが必須です。

原題: I referred a new team. When do I get my $100 credit?

You'll get your credit as soon as the team you referred signs up for any of the paid subscription tiers. Credits will appear on your billing details page.


原題: If I refer multiple teams, do I get $100 for each team?

Yes, we'll add a $100 credit to your account for each new paid team you refer.


原題: I referred a team before the referral program was available. Can I still get my credit?

Of course! Our referral program was launched on February 13th. If you referred a team before then, let us know who you referred and we'll add the credit to your account.


原題: Can I get more credits somehow?

Indeed you can. Check out our Give $100, Get $100 program. There is no limit to the amount of credit you can earn.

もちろんできますよ。 紹介プログラム Give $100, Get $100 をチェックして下さい。クレジットの取得上限はありません。

原題: Can we keep our Restricted Accounts if we stop paying for Slack?

If you decide to switch to the Lite plan, all of your Restricted Accounts must either be disabled or converted to regular accounts with full visibility.


原題: Can I get a refund if I switch one or more regular accounts to Single-channel Guests?

We don't offer refunds, but we will credit your team the difference and use those credits the next time your team's payment is due.


2014/7/3 にSlack開発元から翻訳の公開許可をもらいました。

Ben J. (Slack) Jul 03 11:02

Thanks for translating our FAQ! I'll let the team know about it, please feel free to translate additional documents, you do not need a license or anything along those lines.

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