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Created November 26, 2022 16:49
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import moviepy.editor as mpy
from vectortween.Mapping import Mapping
basename = 'video.mp4'
inputfile = basename + ".mp4"
outputfile = basename + ".new.mp4"
video_file = mpy.VideoFileClip(inputfile)
duration = video_file.duration # duration
video_width, video_height = video_file.size
textclip = mpy.TextClip("",fontsize=30,color="red")
textclip_width, textclip_height = textclip.size
extra_margin = 10
desired_final_x = video_width - textclip_width - extra_margin
desired_final_y = 0
def position(t):
return Mapping.linlin(t, 0, duration, 0, desired_final_x), desired_final_y
add_text = textclip.set_position(position).set_duration(video_file.duration)
final = mpy.CompositeVideoClip([video_file,add_text])
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ujjally commented Jan 11, 2023

Hello, Where to set the moving position? I tried vectortween.Mapping a lot of ways but i'm not getting my desired position.

Top section: move text/watermark - Left to Right (you provided)
Top section: move text/watermark - Right to Left
Middle section: move text/watermark - Right to Left
Bottom section: move text/watermark - Right to Left
Bottom section: move text/watermark - Left to Right
And also i want to learn more about the Verticale scroll or move. Can you guide me please or give me a resource like before about vectortween mapping.

Thanks in advance ❤️❤️❤️

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shimpe commented Jan 11, 2023

Everything happens in the function position(t). The position function must return two numbers: an x value and a y value corresponding to a position on the screen. In the gist shown above, the x value is given by Mapping.linlin(t, 0, duration, 0, desired_final_x) and the y value is given by desired_final_y.

As you can see, the x-value is animated, since it depends on the time t. The arguments to Mapping are:

  1. t = the time
  2. 0 = the minimal value time can have (which is always 0)
  3. duration = the maximum value time can have (which is duration)
  4. the number you want to start from at time 0 (in the gist it's set to 0, meaning the x-position will be 0, meaning the left side)
  5. the number you want to reach at time "duration" (in the gist it's set to desired_final_x, i.e. the right side of the screen).

If you want to move from right to left, just swap arguments 4 and 5.
If you want to move top down or bottom up, you have to animate the y value in the same way as the x value is animated now.

So to write the code a bit more general:

import moviepy.editor as mpy
from vectortween.Mapping import Mapping

basename = 'video.mp4'
inputfile = basename + ".mp4"
outputfile = basename + ".new.mp4"
video_file = mpy.VideoFileClip(inputfile)
duration = video_file.duration # duration
video_width, video_height = video_file.size
textclip = mpy.TextClip("",fontsize=30,color="red")
textclip_width, textclip_height = textclip.size
extra_margin = 10
desired_start_x = 0
desired_final_x = video_width - textclip_width - extra_margin
desired_start_y = 0
desired_final_x = video_height - textclip_height - extra_margin

def position(t):
    return Mapping.linlin(t, 0, duration, desired_start_x, desired_final_x), Mapping.linlin(t, 0, duration, desired_start_y, desired_final_y)

add_text = textclip.set_position(position).set_duration(video_file.duration)

final = mpy.CompositeVideoClip([video_file,add_text])


in this code (untested, sorry) you need to edit only the values of desired_start_x, desired_final_x, desired_start_y and desired_final_y to make your text clip move from position (desired_start_x, desired_start_y) to position (desired_final_x, desired_final_y) with a constant speed.

For left to right: desired_start_x = 0, desired_final_x = video_width - textclip_width - extra_margin
For right to left: desired_start_x = video_width - textclip_width - extra_margin, desired_final_x = 0
For top to bottom: desired_start_y = 0, desired_final_y = video_height - textclip_height - extra_margin
For bottom to top: desired_start_y = video_height - textclip_height - extra_margin, desired_final_y = 0

(maybe I switched top to bottom and bottom to top - I didn't test it out)

To remain at a fixed x position, make desired_start_x = desired_final_x = the fixed x position
To remain at a fixed y position, make desired_start_y = desired_final_y = the fixed y position

Is this clear enough or am I speaking in riddles? :)

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ujjally commented Jan 12, 2023

WOW. It's Cool :)
I created a lot of presets by the instruction. And i have learned many new things.
By the way, you are a great teacher, God bless You.
Thank you so much🙏

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shimpe commented Jan 12, 2023

I'm glad I could be of help. If you ever want to try making a more fancy text animation, you may want to take a look at my recently started hobby project:

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ujjally commented Jan 12, 2023

It's amazing, text animations are very attractive. I going to try it :)

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ujjally commented Jan 12, 2023

camala or pyvectortween, In which module can be set the random position (every custom second) of overlay text on video?

I tried FFmpeg by this instruction:

  • Show the text at a random position, switching to a new position every 30 seconds:
    drawtext="fontsize=30:fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf:text='hello world':x=if(eq(mod(t\,30)\,0)\,rand(0\,(w-text_w))\,x):y=if(eq(mod(t\,30)\,0)\,rand(0\,(h-text_h))\,y)"

My custom input, every 10 seconds: Working
ffmpeg -i video_input.mp4 -vf drawtext="fontfile='C\:/Users/BRIGHT/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WINDOWS/fonts/RacingSansOne-Regular.ttf':text='':fontsize=h/15:fontcolor=white:alpha=0.2:bordercolor=black:borderw=1:x=if(eq(mod(t\,10)\,0)\,rand(0\,(w-text_w))\,x):y=if(eq(mod(t\,10)\,0)\,rand(0\,(h-text_h))\,y)" -codec:a copy video_output.mp4

FFmpeg is too much complicated. Does have any option to create the same task by moviepy

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