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Last active December 6, 2022 16:48
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makes a sphere of Silver and irradiates it with a 14MeV neutron source. The activated material emits gammas and these are transported and tallied on a mesh tally. The resulting decay gamma flux is plotted as a series of images so that the variation over time can be observed. Note that silver activation results in Ag110 which has a half life of …
# makes a sphere of Silver and irradiates it with a 14MeV neutron source.
# The activated material emits gammas and these are transported and tallied
# on a mesh tally. The resulting decay gamma flux is plotted as a series of
# images so that the variation over time can be observed. Note that silver
# activation results in Ag110 which has a half life of 24 seconds. The
# irradiation and decay timescales are set so that the buildup and decay can be
# observed
# Makes use of eepeterson branch of OpenMC
import openmc
sphere_surf_1 = openmc.Sphere(r=20, boundary_type="vacuum")
sphere_surf_2 = openmc.Sphere(r=5, x0=10)
sphere_region_1 = -sphere_surf_1 & +sphere_surf_2 # void space
sphere_region_2 = -sphere_surf_2
sphere_cell_1 = openmc.Cell(region=sphere_region_1)
sphere_cell_2 = openmc.Cell(region=sphere_region_2)
mat_silver = openmc.Material()
mat_silver.add_element("Ag", 1.0)
mat_silver.set_density("g/cm3", 10.49)
mat_silver.depletable = True
mat_silver.volume = 523.6
sphere_cell_2.fill = mat_silver
universe = openmc.Universe(cells=[sphere_cell_1, sphere_cell_2])
my_geometry = openmc.Geometry(universe)
my_materials = openmc.Materials([mat_silver])
my_neutron_settings = openmc.Settings()
my_neutron_settings.batches = 10
my_neutron_settings.particles = 500000
my_neutron_settings.run_mode = "fixed source"
source = openmc.Source() = openmc.stats.Point((0, 0, 0))
source.angle = openmc.stats.Isotropic() = openmc.stats.Discrete([14e6], [1])
my_neutron_settings.source = source
my_photon_settings = openmc.Settings()
my_photon_settings.batches = 10
my_photon_settings.particles = 50000
my_photon_settings.run_mode = "fixed source"
# Create mesh which will be used for tally
mesh = openmc.RegularMesh().from_domain(
my_geometry, # the corners of the mesh are being set automatically to surround the geometry
dimension=[100, 100, 1],
mesh_filter = openmc.MeshFilter(mesh)
my_photon_tallies = openmc.Tallies()
# Create mesh filter for tally
# Create flux mesh tally to score flux
mesh_tally_1 = openmc.Tally(name="photon_flux_on_mesh")
particle_filter = openmc.ParticleFilter(['photon'])
mesh_tally_1.filters = [mesh_filter, particle_filter]
mesh_tally_1.scores = ["flux"]
r2s_model = openmc.R2SModel(
r2s_model.timesteps = [24] * 100 # neutron irradiation timesteps
r2s_model.source_rates = [1e18] * 20 + [0] * 80 # 6 full power and 6 zero power neutron irradiation source rates
r2s_model.photon_settings = my_photon_settings
r2s_model.photon_tallies = my_photon_tallies
# runs photon transport on every timestep but could change to after [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] which would be ever step after the neutron source goes to 0
r2s_model.photon_timesteps = list(range(100))
statepoints = r2s_model.execute_run()
print([str(s) for s in statepoints])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import numpy as np
for i, statepoint_file in enumerate(statepoints):
with openmc.StatePoint(statepoint_file) as statepoint:
my_tally = statepoint.get_tally(name="photon_flux_on_mesh")
plotted_part_of_tally = my_tally.mean.flatten()
reshaped_tally = plotted_part_of_tally.reshape(mesh.dimension, order="F")
tally_aligned = reshaped_tally.transpose(2, 0, 1) # specific transpose for slicing z axis
image_slice = tally_aligned[int(mesh.dimension[2] / 2)] # mid mesh slice
left = mesh.lower_left[2] # 2 as z axis slice
right = mesh.upper_right[2]
bottom = mesh.lower_left[2]
top = mesh.upper_right[2]
norm = LogNorm()
mpl_image_slice = np.rot90(image_slice)
plt.axes(title=f"Photon Flux from Activated Ag, timestep {sum(r2s_model.timesteps[:i])}s", xlabel='X [cm]', ylabel='y [cm]')
plt.imshow(X=mpl_image_slice, extent=(left, right, bottom, top), norm=norm)
import os
os.system('convert -delay 20 -loop 0 photon_*.png r2s.gif')
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shimwell commented Dec 6, 2022

Resulting photon flux map r2s

Many thanks to @eepeterson

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