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Last active May 17, 2024 16:54
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My one-drag encode using CLI
@echo OFF
:: Copyright (C) 2017-2019 :::
:: :::
:: Author: Shinchiro :::
:: :::
:: Purpose: To re-encode anime to small size with little effort, without GUI. :::
:: The lock file is needed to force only one encoding at same time. Delete this file after you interrupt/abort encoding process. :::
:: You can create symlink (mklink) for eac3to since it contains a lot of dependencies. :::
:: This script is NOT suitable to be run on SSD since it has chance to wear out it faster. :::
:: Support encode queuing. :::
:: Put avs4x26x, x265, ffmpeg, opusenc, mkvmerge in tooldir. See the end of file to see how these files organized. :::
:: :::
:: Avisynth+ need to installed. Link -> :::
:: Since Avisynth+ support 64 bit, make sure ffmpeg and plugins has same bit. Example 64-bit of ffms.dll and ffmpeg :::
set tooldir=D:\EncoderToolsFolder
set avs4x26x="%tooldir%\avs4x26x.exe"
set x265="%tooldir%\x265.exe"
set x264="%tooldir%\x264.exe"
set ffmpeg="%tooldir%\ffmpeg.exe"
set opusenc="%tooldir%\opusenc.exe"
set mkvmerge="%tooldir%\mkvmerge.exe"
set lockfile="%tooldir%\lock"
set eac3to="%tooldir%\eac3to\eac3to.exe"
:: General encoding setting.
set x265_param= --crf 24 --preset medium
set x264_param= --crf 23 --preset slower --tune film
set opusenc_param= --vbr --bitrate 64
:: Main Call :::
for %%A in (%*) do (
title Encoding "%%~nxA"
call :Wait
call :SetTempEncodeDir %%A
::call :WriteAVS %%A
call :EncodeAudio_opus %%A
call :EncodeVideo_x265 %%A
::call :EncodeVideo_x264 %%A
::call :EncodeVideoHardsub %%A
::call :ExtractTimecode %%A
call :Mux %%A
::call :EncodeAllWithFFmpeg %%A
call :DoNothing
:: Uncomment line below to shutdown after finish encoding.
::call :Shutdown
goto :EOF
:SetTempEncodeDir :::
mkdir "%~dp0\__temp__"
set tempdir=%~dp0\__temp__
set encodedir=%~dp0
goto :EOF
:WriteAVS :::
:: Disabled/commented by default since we feed encoder with y4m via ffmpeg
:: echo LoadPlugin("%tooldir%\ffms2.dll") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
:: echo ffvideosource("%~f1", cachefile="%tempdir%\%~n1.ffindex", colorspace="YUV420P10") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
echo LoadPlugin("D:\Installer\Encoder\Avisynth\aWarpSharp.dll") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
echo LoadPlugin("D:\Installer\Encoder\Avisynth\ffms2.dll") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
echo LoadPlugin("D:\Installer\Encoder\Avisynth\debilinear.dll") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
echo ffvideosource("%~f1", cachefile="%tempdir%\%~n1.ffindex") >> "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
goto :EOF
:ExtractTimecode :::
:: Only useful if we dealing with vfr, so disable/comment this call
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:v:0 -f mkvtimestamp_v2 -c copy "%tempdir%\video_timecode.txt"
goto :EOF
:EncodeVideo_x265 :::
:: If the input is 10bit, create 10bit y4m pipe. Example: -pix_fmt yuv420p10
:: If the source is vfr, force with certain framerate before '-i': -r 23.976
:: For downscaling video with ffmpeg, put '-vf scale=-1:360:flags=spline' after "%~f1. To sharpen downscaled, add unsharp=2.5:2.5:1.5"
:: If we want to feed avs file directly to ffmpeg, replace input file with avs file ("%tempdir%\%~n1.avs")
:: Or feed avs with avs4x26x:
:: "%avs4x26x%" --x26x-binary %x265% %x265_param% --output "%tempdir%\%~n1.hevc" "%tempdir%\%~n1.avs"
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:v:0 -f yuv4mpegpipe -strict -1 -pix_fmt yuv420p - | %x265% --y4m %x265_param% --output "%tempdir%\%~n1.hevc" -
goto :EOF
:EncodeVideo_x264 :::
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:v:0 -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt yuv420p - | %x264% --demuxer y4m %x264_param% --output "%tempdir%\%~n1.h264" -
goto :EOF
:EncodeVideoHardsub :::
:: This call will demonstrate how to hardsub subtitle with ffmpeg. FFmpeg need to be compiled with '--enable-libass'.
:: If you used this call, the batch script need to be run as administrator since 'mklink' required administrator privilege.
mklink "%tempdir%\video.mkv" "%~f1"
cd %tempdir%
:: Hardsub rendered subtitle and downscaled it to 360p.
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:v:0 -f yuv4mpegpipe -vf subtitles=video.mkv,scale=-1:360:flags=spline -pix_fmt yuv420p - | %x265% --y4m %x265_param% --output "%tempdir%\%~n1.hevc" -
cd %~dp0
goto :EOF
:EncodeAudio_opus :::
time /T > "%tempdir%\start_time.txt"
set /p start_time=< "%tempdir%\start_time.txt"
:: -map 0:a:0 will select first audio stream in source file
:: Encoding audio into lossless flac even the audio's format is already flac. Since, lossless -> lossless = lossless
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:a:0 -f flac -compression_level 2 - | %opusenc% %opusenc_param% --ignorelength - "%tempdir%\encode.opus"
:: If the audio is multichannel & want to downmix to stereo, process it with eac3to
:: %ffmpeg% -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i "%~f1" -map 0:a:0 -c:a flac -compression_level 2 "%tempdir%\raw.flac"
:: %eac3to% "%tempdir%\raw.flac" stdout.wav -downStereo | %opusenc% %opusenc_param% --ignorelength - "%tempdir%\encode.opus"
:: del "%tempdir%\raw.flac"
goto :EOF
:Mux :::
time /T > "%tempdir%\end_time.txt"
set /p end_time=< "%tempdir%\end_time.txt"
:: When 'ExtractTimecode' is called/uncomment, add this before video stream: --timecodes 0:"%tempdir%\video_timecode.txt"
%mkvmerge% -o "%encodedir%\%~n1.mkv" ^
"%tempdir%\%~n1.hevc" ^
-T --no-chapters --no-global-tags "%tempdir%\encode.opus" ^
-D -A -T "%~f1"
echo Finished. Start from %start_time% - %end_time%
:: Cleanup. Delete temporary folder created when encoding
if exist "%encodedir%\%~n1.mkv" (
rmdir /S /Q "%tempdir%"
del %lockfile%
goto :EOF
:EncodeAllWithFFmpeg :::
:: Encode video and audio with ffmpeg. 'SetTempEncodeDir', 'EncodeAudio', 'EncodeVideo', 'Mux' calls must be disabled/comment.
:: This will tell ffmpeg to use & copy all streams from input file except for video and audio.
%ffmpeg% -hide_banner -i "%~f1" -map 0 -c copy ^
-c:v libx265 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset medium -x265-params crf=24:rc-lookahead=60:qcomp=0.70:aq-strength=1 ^
-c:a libopus -b:a 64k ^
del %lockfile%
goto :EOF
:Wait :::
if exist %lockfile% (
timeout /t 100 /nobreak
if not exist %lockfile% (
type NUL > %lockfile%
) else (
call :Wait
goto :EOF
:Shutdown :::
ping -n 5 > nul
if exist %lockfile% (
echo Another encoding process is running. Shutdown is not triggered.
goto :EOF
echo Shutdown in next 30 seconds. Press Ctrl+C or close to abort.
timeout /t 30
shutdown /t 0 /s
goto :EOF
:DoNothing :::
goto :EOF
:: Folder Structure :::
::├── eac3to -> /d/Encoder/eac3to (folder, symlink)
::├── avs4x26x.exe
::├── ffmpeg.exe
::├── lock (autogenerated)
::├── mkvmerge.exe
::├── opusenc.exe
::├── x264.exe
::└── x265.exe
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