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Last active June 13, 2019 10:10
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XeLaTeX template for the Journal of the Science of Design
%! TEX root = ../jsd.tex
Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussions, and then Conclusion), Acknowledgment, Appendix, References.
Apart from the above example, a different structure of manuscript may be accepted if it is the most suitable and effective style for the contents of the manuscript~\footcite{hillier2006}.
\subsection{Page margins and font}
The margins of the top, bottom, left and right are 20, 25, 17 and 15mm, respectively, and the column interval will be to be 8mm. All letters should be written with Times Roman or Times New Roman font.
\subsection{First page}
\subsubsection{Title, subtitle, and name(s) of author(s)}
Title should be written with capital letter, 18 point size, in single column and aligned in center. The first line of the title should be placed below the 35 mm top margin of the first page. Subtitle, if necessary, should be written with normal letters, 12 point size, and should be centered in the single column. Name(s) of author(s) should be written in the same way as the subtitle~\footcite{ambroseharris2010}.
\subsubsection{Affiliation(s), abstract, and keywords}
Affiliation(s) and mailing address(es) should be written with italic letters which are 9 point size, and should be centered in the single column. Abstract should be written with normal letters which are 10 point size, and should be aligned with both left and right margins. The margins of the top, bottom, left and right are 100, 150, 30 and 30 mm, respectively. Key words should be written with italic letters which are 10 point size and are aligned with the left margin. The number of key words are limited from 3 to 5 words~\footnote{Use footcite to cite}.
\subsection{Body text}
All letters in the body text, except section and subsection titles, should be written with normal letters, 10 point size, in double column. Authors should make generous use of section and subsection titles, numbered consecutively (1., 1.1., 1.2., 2., etc.), to enable the reader to readily identify portions of interest. The section and subsection titles should be written with bold letters which are 10 point size and should be aligned with the left side of each column. The titles and paragraphs in the body text should be single-spaced. In the first page, the margins of the top, bottom, left and right are 167, 25, 17, and 15 mm, respectively. In the following pages, the margins of the top, bottom, left and right are 20, 25, 17, and 15 mm, respectively.
x = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{\frac{1}{n}}
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\lhead{\small \textit{Original paper}}
\rfoot{\vspace{-0.8ex} \color[gray]{0}{\textsf{{\footnotesize Journal of the Science of Design \,\, Vol.xx \,\, No.x \,\, 20xx} {\normalsize \quad \thepage}}}}
\fontsize{18pt}{17pt}\selectfont \textbf{INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO\\JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF DESIGN} \vspace{1ex} \\%
\fontsize{12pt}{11pt}\selectfont The Camera Ready Format in White Paper of JSSD \vspace{1.8ex}}
\author[$\ast$]{\textbf{Hanako RONBUN}}
\author[$\ast\ast$]{\textbf{Taro RONSETSU}}
\affil[$\ast$]{Ronbun University \quad Address, City, State/Province Zip Code, Country}
\affil[$\ast\ast$]{Ronbun University \quad Address, City, State/Province Zip Code, Country}
\textbf{Abstract:} %
The length of the abstract should be about 150 words understandable without reference to the body article. A self-contained abstract should be a concise summary of the whole paper. Do not write just the conclusion as the abstract. Further, please include from 3 to 5 keywords that describe your paper for indexing purposes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\item[\textit{Keywords:}] \textit{Design Theory, Graphics, Social Design, Service Design, Fashion Design}
This research was supported by XXXXXXXX.
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