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Created January 6, 2021 12:47
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-- Stuff that's not there yet
class One (α : Type u) where
one : α
instance [One α] : OfNat α (natLit! 1) where
ofNat :=
class Inv (α : Type u) where
inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv.inv
-- where is `u` coming from?
def Function.injective {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀ a₁ a₂ : α, f a₁ = f a₂ → a₁ = a₂
theorem Function.injective.eqIff {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {f : α → β} (I : Function.injective f) {a b : α} :
f a = f b ↔ a = b :=
⟨I a b, λ h => congrArg _ h⟩
-- Actual File from mathlib
universe u
section Mul
variables {G : Type u} [Mul G]
def leftMul : G → G → G := λ g : G => λ x : G => g * x
def rightMul : G → G → G := λ g : G => λ x : G => x * g
end Mul
class Semigroup (G : Type u) extends Mul G where
mulAssoc : ∀ a b c : G, (a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
section Semigroup
variables {G : Type u} [Semigroup G]
theorem mulAssoc : ∀ a b c : G, (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) := Semigroup.mulAssoc
end Semigroup
class CommSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mulComm : ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a
section CommSemigroup
variables {G : Type u} [CommSemigroup G]
theorem mulComm : ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a := CommSemigroup.mulComm
end CommSemigroup
class LeftCancelSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mulLeftCancel : ∀ a b c : G, a * b = a * c → b = c
section LeftCancelSemigroup
variables {G : Type u} [LeftCancelSemigroup G] {a b c : G}
theorem mulLeftCancel : a * b = a * c → b = c := LeftCancelSemigroup.mulLeftCancel a b c
theorem mulLeftCancelIff : a * b = a * c ↔ b = c :=
⟨mulLeftCancel, congrArg _⟩
-- It's \centerdot
theorem mulRightInjective (a : G) : Function.injective ((a * ·)) :=
λ b c => mulLeftCancel
theorem mulRightInj (a : G) {b c : G} : a * b = a * c ↔ b = c :=
(mulRightInjective a).eqIff
end LeftCancelSemigroup
class RightCancelSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mulRightCancel : ∀ a b c : G, a * b = c * b → a = c
section RightCancelSemigroup
variables {G : Type u} [RightCancelSemigroup G] {a b c : G}
theorem mulRightCancel : a * b = c * b → a = c := RightCancelSemigroup.mulRightCancel a b c
theorem mulRightCancelIff : a * b = c * b ↔ a = c :=
⟨mulRightCancel, congrArg (· * b)⟩ -- mathlib Lean 3 proof is ⟨mul_right_cancel, congr_arg _⟩
theorem mulLeftInjective (a : G) : Function.injective (· * a) :=
λ b c => mulRightCancel
theorem mulLeftInj (a : G) {b c : G} : b * a = c * a ↔ b = c :=
(mulLeftInjective a).eqIff
end RightCancelSemigroup
class Monoid (M : Type u) extends Semigroup M, One M where
oneMul : ∀ a : M, 1 * a = a
mulOne : ∀ a : M, a * 1 = a
section Monoid
variables {M : Type u} [Monoid M]
theorem oneMul : ∀ a : M, 1 * a = a := Monoid.oneMul
theorem mulOne : ∀ a : M, a * 1 = a := Monoid.mulOne
theorem leftInvEqRightInv {a b c : M} (hba : b * a = 1) (hac : a * c = 1) : b = c := by
rw [←oneMul c, ←hba, mulAssoc, hac, mulOne]
end Monoid
-- This no longer `extends` `CommSemigroup`
class CommMonoid (M : Type u) extends Monoid M where
mulComm : ∀ a b : M, a * b = b * a
-- Instead, we have an instance going from `CommMonoid` to `CommSemigroup`
instance {M : Type u} [CommMonoid M] : CommSemigroup M where
mulComm := CommMonoid.mulComm
section LeftCancelMonoid
-- Again, we only extend one `class` and we provide an instance to the other
class LeftCancelMonoid (M : Type u) extends Monoid M where
mulLeftCancel : ∀ a b c : M, a * b = a * c → b = c
instance {M : Type u} [LeftCancelMonoid M] : LeftCancelSemigroup M where
mulLeftCancel := LeftCancelMonoid.mulLeftCancel
class LeftCancelCommMonoid (M : Type u) extends LeftCancelMonoid M where
mulComm : ∀ a b : M, a * b = b * a
instance {M : Type u} [LeftCancelCommMonoid M] : CommMonoid M where
mulComm := LeftCancelCommMonoid.mulComm
end LeftCancelMonoid
section RightCancelMonoid
class RightCancelMonoid (M : Type u) extends Monoid M where
mulRightCancel : ∀ a b c : M, a * b = c * b → a = c
instance {M : Type u} [RightCancelMonoid M] : RightCancelSemigroup M where
mulRightCancel := RightCancelMonoid.mulRightCancel
class RightCancelCommMonoid (M : Type u) extends RightCancelMonoid M where
mulComm : ∀ a b : M, a * b = b * a
instance {M : Type u} [RightCancelCommMonoid M] : CommMonoid M where
mulComm := RightCancelCommMonoid.mulComm
end RightCancelMonoid
section CancelMonoid
class CancelMonoid (M : Type u) extends LeftCancelMonoid M where
mulRightCancel : ∀ a b c : M, a * b = c * b → a = c
instance {M : Type u} [CancelMonoid M] : RightCancelMonoid M where
mulRightCancel := CancelMonoid.mulRightCancel
class CancelCommMonoid (M : Type u) extends LeftCancelCommMonoid M where
mulRightCancel : ∀ a b c : M, a * b = c * b → a = c
instance {M : Type u} [CancelCommMonoid M] : RightCancelCommMonoid M where
mulRightCancel := CancelCommMonoid.mulRightCancel
mulComm := λ a b => mulComm a b -- why is the λ necessary?
end CancelMonoid
class DivInvMonoid (G : Type u) extends Monoid G, Inv G, Div G where
div := λ a b => a * b⁻¹
divEqMulInv : ∀ a b : G, a / b = a * b⁻¹
theorem divEqMulInv {G : Type u} [DivInvMonoid G] :
∀ a b : G, a / b = a * b⁻¹ :=
class Group (G : Type u) extends DivInvMonoid G where
mulLeftInv : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1
def Group.toMonoid (G : Type u) [Group G] : Monoid G :=
(Group.toDivInvMonoid (G := G)).toMonoid -- no more underscores!
section Group
variables {G : Type u} [Group G] {a b c : G}
theorem mulLeftInv : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1 := Group.mulLeftInv
theorem invMulCancelLeft (a b : G) : a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b := by
rw [←mulAssoc, mulLeftInv, oneMul]
theorem invEqOfMulEqOne (h : a * b = 1) : a⁻¹ = b :=
leftInvEqRightInv (mulLeftInv _) h
theorem invInv (a : G) : a⁻¹⁻¹ = a :=
invEqOfMulEqOne (mulLeftInv _)
theorem mulRightInv (a : G) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 :=
have a⁻¹⁻¹ * a⁻¹ = 1 := mulLeftInv a⁻¹
by rw invInv at this
theorem mulInvSelf (a : G) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := mulRightInv a
theorem mulInvCancelRight (a b : G) : a * b * b⁻¹ = a := by
rw [mulAssoc, mulRightInv, mulOne]
instance : CancelMonoid G where
mulLeftCancel := λ a b c h => by rw [←invMulCancelLeft a b, h, invMulCancelLeft]
mulRightCancel := λ a b c h => by rw [←mulInvCancelRight a b, h, mulInvCancelRight]
end Group
class CommGroup (G : Type u) extends Group G where
mulComm : ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a
instance (G : Type u) [CommGroup G] : CommMonoid G where
mulComm := CommGroup.mulComm
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Re the comment on line 15:

Thanks! I knew it could generate variables and types, but I didn't know it could synthesize universes as well.

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